
  • 网络views of natural science
  1. 近代自然科学观习惯于将自然看做是一个既定的、静态的、具有客观属性的整体,而实际上任何科学研究都离不开以人为研究主体这样的事实。

    Modern natural scientific outlook takes nature as a set and static whole , while in fact ; the study of natural science should not be separated from the main body of human beings .

  2. 量子理论哲学思想研究&玻尔、海森堡自然科学哲学观评述

    The research on philosophy thought of quantum theory & The discussion about Bohr 's and Heisenberg 's natural science philosophy outlook

  3. 康有为进化思想的渊源主要包括近代西方自然科学进化观、中国古代变易思想和今文经学的朴素进化观以及柏格森的创造进化论;

    The origins of Kang Youwei 's thought of evolution include the evolution of natural science in the west , the change thought of ancient China , the naive evolutionism of Confucian classics and Bergson ? creative evolution .

  4. 人与自然和谐的科学观

    Scientific View of the Harmonious Relationship Between Human and Nature

  5. 坂田昌一的科学哲学内容主要包括自然观和科学观两个方面。

    Philosophy of science content SAKATA , including his view of nature and scientific outlook .

  6. 建筑设计的自然观与科学观&建筑的整体化设计策略

    Outlook on Nature & View of Science on Architecture Design : Strategy of Integrated Architecture Design

  7. 本文对非线性科学的形成及其三大理论前沿进行了简要的概述,并浅述了非线性科学对自然科学和自然观的影响。

    The achievements in the non-linear science study have proved that in the boundless universe that evolves ceaselessly there exist not only linear reciprocity but non-linear reciprocity .

  8. 本研究的研究结果包括:确定出划分小学自然教师科学素养观的四个维度,即科学知识维度、科学态度维度、科学过程维度、创造性维度;

    The research results included the following : firstly , four dimensions of identifying teachers ' conception were suggested : science knowledge , science attitude , science process and creativity .

  9. 分析了科学家在物理学危机中的沉浮,反思自然观、科学观方面的研究和修养对于科学家的重要意义。

    By analyzing the ups and downs of scientists in the physics crisis , we conclude that it is of significance for scientists to cultivate reasonable notions on nature and science .

  10. 印象派开始关注时间的表达,但是停留在时间的瞬间观念上,依然没有跳出自然科学的时间观。

    Although Impressionism started to pay attention to the expression of the time , they remained in the instantaneous concept of the time , being still restrained in the concept of time of science .

  11. 本文首先对时间与时间性在概念上做出了区分,把自然科学的时间观与意识活动的内在时间性做出了对比。

    This dissertation , at the beginning , differentiates time from temporality in the term of their concepts , making a comparison of the concept of time of science with the intrinsic temporality of the activities of consciousness .

  12. 实践的自然观是科学发展观可持续发展的哲学基础。

    Practice concept of the nature development is the philosophy basis of the sustainable development concept .