
cǐ zhì
  • Sincerely;I hereby communicate [at the close of an official report or a business letter]
此致 [cǐ zhì]
  • [with greetings]--用于书信、报告等末尾,表示亲切祝愿或友好地致意

  1. 希望你上学愉快。此致,林跃。

    Hope you are having a good school year . Yours , Lin Yue

  2. 如果您还有任何问题,请打电话给我们。此致,维克多·史密斯。

    Please call us if you have any more questions . Yours truly Victor Smith

  3. 英国通货膨胀率上升的幅度如此显著,导致英国央行(bankofEngland)被迫为此致函财政部作出解释。这是英国央行获得货币政策独立性近10年以来,首次就通胀问题向财政部致函解释。

    The rise in UK inflation was so marked that it forced the Bank of England to write a letter of explanation to the Treasury for the first time in almost 10 years of monetary policy independence .

  4. 此致来自瑞士,发送Zato!

    Zato sends the best greetings from Switzerland !

  5. 这些还是那此致?请来这些红的。

    These or those ? The red ones , please .

  6. 令郎喜结良缘谨此致以诚挚的祝贺并请转达最美好的祝愿。

    Sincere congratulations on your son wedding please convey our best wish .

  7. 此致希望您可以提供我们有机会为您服务。

    Sincerely hope you might offer us the chance to serve for you .

  8. 巨大成功,当之无愧,谨此致以诚挚的祝贺。

    You deserve this splendid success sincerest congratulations .

  9. 屯门和葵青区议会领导两区实行安全社区计划,功不可没,我谨在此致贺。

    Congratulations to their respective District Councils for taking the lead in implementing the Safe Community Programme .

  10. 不管怎么说,还是谢谢你的评论,我们很高兴回应读者的意见,此致。

    Anyway , thanks for the comment and we 're always happy to respond to what our readers say .

  11. 结束邮件时要采用诸如最诚挚的、此致敬礼之类的结语,然后加上你的名字。

    Finish the email with an ending , such as Sincerely or Respectfully . Under that , add your name .

  12. 此致瘤调节环境支持中异常蛋白的嵌入可能很大程度上体现了在肿瘤细胞中异质群体内靶目标干预的最佳化。

    Anomalous proteins engaged in support of this tumorigenic regulatory environment most probably represent optimal intervention targets in a heterogeneous population of cancer cells .