
  • 网络Clinical method;the clinic method;clinical interview
  1. 运用了个案研究法和临床法,对13名高功能自闭症儿童进行了以心理分析为取向的整合治疗,并取得了较好的疗效。

    By the case studying and clinical method , researcher do integrated psychotherapeutic on 13 high-functional autistic children .

  2. CT及临床分级法对急性胰腺炎预后的再评估

    Prognostic Reevaluation of CT and Clinical Criteria for Acute Pancreatitis

  3. 适于临床PCR法基因检测的血样处理

    Treatment of human blood suitable for clinical PCR in gene studies

  4. 目的:介绍糖尿病视网膜病变(Diabeticretinopathy,DRP)和黄斑水肿(diabeticmacularedema,DME)的国际临床分类法以及有关的问题。

    AIM : To introduce the international clinical classification of diabetic retinopathy ( DRP ) and diabetic macular edema ( DME ) and related topics .

  5. 根据国际临床分类法,眼底荧光造影,24h尿白蛋白情况,诊断糖尿病视网膜病变、糖尿病肾脏病变。

    Diabetic retinopathy ( DR ), and diabetic nephropathy ( DN ) were diagnosed according to international clinical classification fluorescence fundus angiography , and 24-hour urinary albumin .

  6. [方法]模拟汤剂临床煎法将石菖蒲置陶器中煎煮2次并浓缩,采用气相色谱-质谱联用(GC-MS)技术直接进样对6批次水煎液及浓缩液进行分析比较。

    [ Methods ] RAT was decocted and concentrated in the pottery for two times and then 6 batches of the decoction and its concentrated decoction were analyzed by GC-MS .

  7. 五勤临床教学法在提高护生业务能力方面的应用

    Enhancing professional skills of nursing students by applying Five Diligent teaching

  8. 一种简单的晶体混浊临床分级法

    A simple system for the clinical grading of lens opacities

  9. 方法文献法与临床经验法相结合。

    Methods Close integration of review and clinical experience .

  10. 糖尿病视网膜病变和黄斑水肿的国际临床分类法

    Introduction to the international clinical classification of diabetic retinopathy and diabetic macular edema

  11. 方法采用三因素混合实验设计,以临床访谈法对96个4~6岁儿童进行测试。

    Methods 96 children aged 4 - to 6-year-old were surveyed by clinical interview .

  12. 第五章,临床研究法。

    Chapter five is about clinical research method .

  13. 方法:自身对照的临床试验法。

    Methods : Placebo self controlled trial .

  14. 全视野视网膜电图的临床检测法及其评价

    Clinical Testing and Evaluation of Full-Field Electroretinography

  15. 高位髌骨临床分级法的探讨

    The Clinical Grade of Patella Alta

  16. 临床评分法:一种判断阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停低通气综合征病情的简易方法

    Clinical score : a simple method for evaluating the severity of obstructive sleep apnea hypopnea syndrome

  17. 点晶体格振动的对称性分类.一种简单的晶体混浊临床分级法

    The vibrations of species are given . A SIMPLE SYSTEM FOR THE CLINICAL GRADING OF LENS OPACITIES

  18. 到目前为止,从以上的图表你可以看到电解是唯一临床证实法。

    So far , from the above charts you can see that electrolysis is the only clinically-proven method .

  19. 结论:高位髌骨临床分级法对疾病的预后估计和治疗方式选择具有一定的指导意义。

    Conclusions : The clinical grade of patella alta was effective in estimating the prognosis and guiding the therapy .

  20. 在总结参考相关文献结论的基础上,从经典的并购研究方法长期绩效研究法、事件研究法和临床诊断法入手展开讨论,对国内外关于并购价值的实证研究结果进行了列示。

    We discussed classical research methods of M & A , such as , long-term performance method , event method and clinic diagnosis .

  21. 采用定量的统计方法和定性分析方法对电话资料进行综合分析:采用临床诊断法对电话的初始内容进行定性评估;

    Comprehensive analysis on telephone data by quantitative and qualitative method : The initial content of hotline were evaluated by the clinical diagnosis method .

  22. 本文运用临床访谈法研究了小学儿童在亲社会情境中道德情绪判断及归因状况。

    Using the approach of clinical conversation as to the story 's context , this paper analyses the primary school children 's judgement and attribution of moral emotion in prosocial context .

  23. 本文用放射免疫分析法及临床检查法调查研究了沈阳某灯泡厂长期接触汞作业工人57名,接汞平均工龄8.5年。

    The thyroid function of 57 workers exposed to mercury in Shengyang Lamp Plant was studied by the method of radioimmunoassay ( RIA ) and routine clinical examination . The average working year was 8.5 years .

  24. 方法:采用随机临床观察法,用中西医结合的方法治疗小儿急性菌痢86例,与52例对照组疗效进行比较。

    Methods : A randomized , controlled clinical trial was conducted involving 86 cases of acute children bacterial dysentery in the integrated treatment as compared with the control group which involved 52 cases and alone used western medicine .

  25. 对30例接受激素冲击治疗的MG患者,根据临床相对记分法评价GC治疗1月及6月的反应。

    In 30 MG patients with GC pulse treatment , the efficacy of GC after one-month and 6 month treatment was assessed according to relative clinical score .

  26. 重症肌无力病人的临床绝对评分法和相对评分法

    A clinical absolute and relative score system for myasthenia gravis

  27. 临床病例导入法在围手术期护理教学中的应用及效果

    The application of clinical case-oriented method in the teaching of perioperative nursing

  28. 走罐法为主治疗肩周炎临床观察静压法罐区遥测系统

    Clinical Observations on the Treatment of Shoulder Periarthritis by Movable Cupping as Main Therapy Long-distance Measuring and Control System Oil Tank by HTG

  29. 第二部分:运用临床个案研究法对沙盘游戏疗法的基本内容和假设进行了验证性研究。

    Part 2 : conduct researches to validate the basic contents and hypothesis of sandplay therapy through the method of clinical individual case study .

  30. 目的:为了解血液稀释自体献血时红细胞、血红蛋白及红细胞比容等各参数的变化情况,为临床血液稀释法自体献血提供必要的参考依据。

    Objective : Our aim was to observe the dynamic change of the RBC , Hb , and Hct in the process of hemodilution autologous donation .