
  • 网络Linjiang;linjiang city
  1. 临江市将以良好的投资环境和投资条件热诚欢迎各地有识之士来此观光旅游,投资兴业。

    Linjiang City sincerely welcomes all the businessmen from all over the world to invest and visit Linjiang with the best investment environment and the most preferential investment conditions .

  2. 哈尔滨市临江广场是哈尔滨市政府1999年度城市建设的重点项目,该广场的设计在全国范围内进行设计招标,面向全市市民进行公开展出和市民投票,再经专家论证和评选。

    Harbin Riverside Plaza was the important project organized by Harbin city government in 1999 . The scheme of the plaza was designed for bid within the nation wide and selected by Harbin citizen through public participation .