
  • 网络Linhai;linhai city
  1. 临海市21家企业职业病危害因素控制效果评价

    Effect evaluation on the control measurements at 21 enterprises in Linhai City

  2. 临海市建立职业健康监护档案工作初探

    Preliminary study on the foundation of occupational health monitoring files in Linhai city

  3. 临海市阔叶树采种基地营建与管理技术探析

    Establishment and Management of Broadleaf Tree Seed Base in Linhai

  4. 临海市流行性出血热疫苗接种经验和体会

    Experience of immunization of population with epidemic hemorrhagic fever vaccine in Linhai city

  5. 临海市各企业有毒有害状况调查

    Investigation on hazardous factors in enterprises in Linhai city

  6. 区域旅游形象建立的景观途径&以浙江省临海市为例

    The landscape approach of building a regional tour image the case of Linhai City

  7. 这儿是台州的临海市。

    Here is Taizhou 's Linhai City .

  8. 临海市创建灭蝇先进城区综合防治技术报告

    A Synthetical Prevention Report about Establishing an Advanced City of killing Flies in Lin Hai

  9. 临海市江南外商投资区

    Jiangnan Foreign Investment Zone of Linhai City

  10. 城市休闲适宜性评价研究&以浙江省临海市为例

    On the Evaluation of City Leisure Life Suitability & A Case Study of Linhai in Zhejiang province

  11. 台州人民富有创新精神,早在1980年3月就成立了浙江省内第一家新型的农民专业合作组织&临海市茶叶协会。

    Early in March of 1980 year , the people of Taizhou having innovation spirit has come into existence the frist new farmer specialty cooperate organization of zhejiang province-Tea ISOC of Linhai city .

  12. 调查结果显示临海市社区居民的健康意识还存在一些误区,体育锻炼意识还不够强,全民健身运动的开展还有待深入。

    The result indicates that residents in Linhai City still have some misunderstandings about health consciousness , the consciousness of physical exercise of residents is still not strong , and the campaign of body building for all has not carried out deeply .

  13. 本文最后鉴于临海市的具体实践与不足,归纳总结了四条有关推动城乡一体化发展的经验,具体如下:一、市场导入&城乡一体化的有效载体。

    Based on the concrete practice of Linhai city , this paper summarizes four pieces of points about how to promote the development of urban-rural integration . They are specialized as follows : first , the effective carrier of Market introduction urban-rural integration .

  14. 临海市一张图建设完成阶段性成果表明基于复杂系统理论视角下的国土资源一张图的建设对于国土资源管理的科学化,信息化和系统化具有很好的促进作用。

    Some achievements of construction of one map in Linhai City show that the construction of one map for land resources based on Complex System Theory can make management of land resource more scientific , information and systematic . The dissertation is organized as below .

  15. 论文首先论述了水资源优化配置的基础,包括临海市水资源的特点、水资源开发利用的现状、需水预测、水资源供需平衡计算;

    Firstly , in the paper , the basic knowledges of optimal allocation of water resources were discussed , including the characteristics of water resources , the current status of water resources exploitation and utilization , water demand forecasting , the balance computation of water demand and supply in Linhai .