
  • 网络Auto Aim;Auto;auto aiming;auto-aim
  1. CCD细分技术用于刻线的自动瞄准

    Application of CCD Subdivision Technique to Automatic Pointing of Reticule

  2. PSD光电自动瞄准系统

    PSD photo electric automatic sighting system

  3. 红外自动瞄准控制器的设计与实现

    Design and Realization of Automatic Collimating System Based on Infrared Beam

  4. 基于数字图像处理的全自动瞄准硬件设计

    The Hardware Design of Automatic Collimation System Based on Image Processing

  5. 军舰目标要害部位的自动瞄准和定位

    Automatic aiming and location of critical parts of warship targets

  6. 光纤传感器自动瞄准试件边缘测量系统

    A Measurement System of Automatic Aiming Specimen Edges Utilizing Optical Fibre Sensors

  7. 基于图像处理的自动瞄准系统精度研究

    The Improvement Of Precision Of automatic Collimation System By Using Image Proceeding

  8. 视频分划的自动瞄准技术与应用研究

    Automatic aiming technology and its applications based on video graduation

  9. 用于自动瞄准的火炮射角快速算法

    Speedy Algorithm for Firing Angle of Automatic Collimation Gun

  10. 数控机床误差的激光干涉仪自动瞄准测量及补偿技术研究

    Measurement compensation of volumetric errors of CNC machining centers using an auto-alignment laser interferometer

  11. 10.6μm激光大气通信的自动瞄准与跟踪

    Active Pointing and Tracking for 10 . 6 μ m Laser Communication in Atmosphere

  12. 自行火炮自动瞄准精度数据分析

    Data Analysis for Aiming Accuracy of Self-propelled Gun

  13. 图象式自动瞄准系统的研究

    A Study on Image Type Automatic Aiming System

  14. 结果,自动瞄准的地对空导弹误中了我们。

    As a result , a friendly surface-to-air missile was mistakenly fired at us .

  15. 动态瞄准包括位置识别、动态扫描和自动瞄准三方面内容。

    Dynamic collimation includes three parts : position identification , dynamic scanning and automatic collimation .

  16. 开发了用于数控机床空间误差测量的激光干涉仪自动瞄准系统。

    An auto-alignment laser interferometer system is developed for volumetric error measurement of CNC machining centers .

  17. 本文提出一种图象式自动瞄准系统,它采用电子准星技术、亚像束细分技术,实现了被测零件轮廓的自动瞄准和自动测量。

    A new image automatic aiming system by means of the electronic posts and subdivision technology is presented .

  18. 系统不仅消除了增量码标尺的累积误差的影响,而且还实现了刻线的自动瞄准定位和读取。

    The reading system not only eliminates cumulative error of incremental ruler , but also realizes auto-aiming and auto-reading .

  19. 这个飞行武器能自动瞄准、自动跟踪目标,直至及时将其摧毁。

    The moving weapon takes aim by itself and locks onto its target until the right time for destroying it .

  20. 激光大气通信双端的自动瞄准与跟踪,是开发激光大气传输信道、赖以传送大容量信息的一个关键问题。

    It is a key Problem that the two terminals must actively point and track one another for developing links of laser communication in atmosphere .

  21. 这项最新发明包括一个移动武器,它能自动瞄准、发现并跟踪目标直到适时摧毁目标。

    This newest invention consists of a moving weapon which takes aim by itself and locks onto its target until the right time for destroying it .

  22. 在图像采集中进行预处理,提高图像质量,减小自动瞄准中图像处理的负担。

    To improve the quality of image and minish the burden of image processing software of automatic collimation system , image pretreatment is carried through image collection .

  23. 分析了激光点、特征点的提取精度等因素对测量精度的影响。并对自动瞄准方法的不确定度进行分析。建立了跟踪系统模型,评价了云台性能等因素对系统跟踪性能的影响。

    Analyzed extract accuracy of laser points and diagnostic points and the effect for measurement accuracy with camera distortions ; Analyzed uncertainty for automatic collimation method ; built model for tracking system ; made comments on the effect of factors for tracking system properties . 5 .

  24. 对原图像灰度化,在标杆区域内利用像素细分法最终精确平分标杆,实现标杆的自动精确瞄准。

    Automatic collimation of norm pole was realized by precisely halving norm pole on the method of subpixel on former gray image .

  25. 本文主要是针对某车载光电自动跟踪瞄准系统中结构与控制算法的研究。

    The purpose of this thesis is to study the structure design and the control algorithm of an automatic tracking and aiming device on mobile .

  26. 该瞄准方法采用计算机控制,实时采集经被测样品出射的单色光信号,根据该信号的幅值和相位自动确定瞄准点。

    This collimating method was realized through acquiring really time signal of monochromatic light from sample measured and judging automatically collimating point on the basis of amplitude and phase of this signal by computer .

  27. 图像式显微自动调焦、瞄准系统的研究

    Study on image autofocusing and aiming of microscopic system

  28. 舰炮炮位半自动开环稳定瞄准系统

    Semiautomatic Open-loop Stabilizing Sighting System for Firing Position of the Naval Gun

  29. 高精度光电自动折射仪的瞄准方法及其实现

    Collimating Method and Its Realization for the Photoelectric Automatic Refractometer with high Precision

  30. 自动射击在释放瞄准射击时将被重置。

    Ready , present , fire ! Auto shot is now reset when casting Aimed Shot .