
zì háo ɡǎn
  • sense of pride
  1. 我认为之前的工作给我一种自豪感。

    I think the job gave me a sense of pride .

  2. 不过这也反映了根植于学校传统中的自豪感

    But I think it also reflects the sense of pride

  3. 我心中涌起强烈的自豪感。

    Strong feelings of pride welled up in me

  4. 其目的是要重拾过去的自豪感,建立一个有礼节的社会。

    Its intention is to restore pride in the past and create a more mannered society

  5. 我怀着自豪感,把最后一个钉子钉了进去。

    With a sense of great pride I knocked the last nail in .

  6. 充当老师的学生们会在自己所教的机器人失败的时候感到沮丧,但是他们在这些虚拟学生成功的时候会感到高兴,因为他们从别人的成就中获得了自豪感和满足感。

    Student tutors feel upset when their teachable agents fail , but happy when these virtual pupils succeed as they derive pride and satisfaction from someone else 's accomplishment .

  7. 中国认为这是一种民族自豪感。

    China considers it as a national pride .

  8. 这位政治家富有深厚的民族自豪感。

    The politician is imbued with a deep sense of national pride

  9. 中国人民有自己的民族自尊心和自豪感。

    We , the Chinese people , have our national self-respect and pride .

  10. 他们有一种自豪感,这种自豪感趋势他们决定不要那些只能够租过来几个月之后就会抛弃CBA的篮球运动员。

    Theres a matter of pride over not wanting to rent players for a few months only to have the lockout end and them abandon the CBA .

  11. 许多人表示他们心中充满自豪感,包括墨西哥出生的SalvadorAlcala。

    Many say they are filled with pride , including Mexico-born Salvador Alcala .

  12. 海地的新总统MichelMartelly曾在竞选期间,呼吁大家重拾已经受伤的民族自豪感,并且承诺削减和平部队军事力量,甚至用重新成立的海地军队替代他们。

    Haiti 's new president , Michel Martelly , appealed to wounded national pride during his campaign , promising a cut in peacekeeping troops and their replacement by a newly reconstituted Haitian army .

  13. 在金融城行医的thepriory精神病学顾问尼尔布雷纳(neilbrener)医生表示,工作时间长、目标苛刻、依赖工作获取自豪感,这些因素都会产生压力,导致酗酒。

    Dr Neil Brener , a consultant psychiatrist for the Priory who practises in the city , said long hours , demanding targets and a reliance on work for feelings of self-esteem created stress that led to alcohol abuse .

  14. 美国人的长寿有虚荣的自豪感。

    Americans take a vain pride in their long life expectancy .

  15. 去年刚经历过申奥成功兴奋的我,那一刻又有一种自豪感油然而生&因为我是一个上海人。

    I was overtaken by special pride because I am Shanghainese .

  16. 国人为之欢呼雀跃,民族自豪感油然而生。

    People cheered them , the sense of national pride felt .

  17. 不要弄糟我仅有的那点自豪感。

    Do not mess with the little pride I have left .

  18. 我们确实以无比的信心与自豪感,向前迈进。

    Indeed , we are moving forward with pride and confidence .

  19. 但还有一些媒体则无法掩饰一种接近傲慢自大的自豪感。

    But others could not conceal a pride verging on arrogance .

  20. 他们需要在工作中寻找自豪感。

    It 's essential that they take pride in their job .

  21. 手机用户数量的快速增长增强了印度的民族自豪感。

    The boom has become the source of much national pride .

  22. 母亲谈到她的孩子时,也许有自豪感,这是可以理解的。

    The mother might have spoken with understandable pride of her child .

  23. 但心中却有一种自豪感。

    But we had a noble feeling in our hearts .

  24. 有点民族自豪感并没有什么错误。

    There 's nothing wrong with having a bit of nationai pride .

  25. 2015年,军绿色也激起某种国家自豪感吗?

    Does army green inspire any sense of national pride in 2015 ?

  26. 他看着自己的孩子一种强烈的自豪感涌上心头。

    He felt a flush of pride as he watched his children .

  27. 自大自豪感存在显著的年级性别交互作用。

    Hubristic pride existed significant interaction of grade and gender .

  28. 这个国家洋溢着获得独立的自豪感。

    A glorious feeling of independence prevailed in the country .

  29. 他心中觉得有一份自豪感。

    He felt a surge of pride in his breast .

  30. 不过,一种自豪感会油然而生。

    However , a sense of pride will be felt .