
jiù zhí diǎn lǐ
  • inauguration;inaugural ceremony
  1. 美国总统的就职典礼于一月二十日举行。

    The inauguration of a President of the United States takes place on January 20 .

  2. 周二奥巴马的就职典礼之后,Asahi出版社计划出版这本教材的续集,续集将收录奥巴马的就职演讲,以及约翰肯尼迪在一九六一年的就职演讲。

    Following Obama 's inauguration on Tuesday , Asahi Press plans to issue a sequel that includes his inaugural address , as well as President John F.Kennedy's1961 inaugural speech .

  3. 新总统将于1月20号举行就职典礼。

    The new President will be inaugurated on January 20 .

  4. 我们出席了总统的就职典礼。

    We were at the president 's installation .

  5. 在封面照上,米歇尔身穿一袭由设计师吴季刚为其设计的绛红色紧身丝质裙装。她在奥巴马就职典礼上所穿的礼服就出自吴季刚之手。

    She appears wearing a magenta silk sheath dress by Jason wu , who also designed her inaugural gown .

  6. 2001年的今天,乔治·W·布什举行就任美国第43任总统的就职典礼。

    2001-George W.Bush is inaugurated as the43rd President of the United States .

  7. 新成立的这家诊所隶属Insparya集团,C罗拥有一半的股份,当天这位葡萄牙人参加了公司的就职典礼。

    The Portuguese attended the inauguration of the company , which belongs to the Insparya group , but is 50 percent owned by himself .

  8. 问:你要怎么去打扮第一夫人,比如MichelleObama要以什么形象去参加她丈夫的就职典礼?

    Q : How would you dress First Lady & elect Michelle Obama for the Inauguration Day ceremony ?

  9. 10.n.就职典礼,开幕式美国总统的就职典礼于一月二十日举行。

    The inauguration of a president of the United State takes place on January 20 .

  10. 去年11月,在线拍卖网站eBay宣布禁止在该网出售就职典礼门票。

    In November , online auction site eBay announced it would not allow the sale of ceremony tickets .

  11. 就职典礼前几天,巴拉克奥巴马(barackobama)制定了他对公共服务新纪元的远景规划,希望以此能勾勒出政府的形象,并实现国家的团结。

    Barack Obama spent the days leading up to the inauguration setting out his vision for a new era of public service he hopes will define the administration and unify the nation .

  12. 首先登场的是吴季刚(JasonWu),他在2006年开创了自己的同名时装品牌,因两次为米歇尔·奥巴马(MichelleObama)设计就职典礼礼服而声名鹊起。

    First up : Jason Wu , who opened his namesake label in 2006 and shot to fame as the designer of Michelle Obama 's inaugural gowns , in his New York office .

  13. 尽管萨克奇上任妻子赛西莉亚(cecilia)在萨克奇的就职典礼上引人注目的穿着prada,但未来的法国第一夫人应明白,她是在对国家进行宣传。

    Despite former wife Cecilia sporting Prada on Inauguration Day , the future first lady of France should understand that she is a bit of a national marketing opportunity .

  14. 她没有请专门的设计师帮助她处理服装事务,哪怕是为她提供就职典礼服装,以及她离开华盛顿时所穿皮裙的埃尔维·皮埃尔(HervéPierre)。

    She didn 't ask one designer , like Herv é Pierre , who created her inauguration dress as well as the leather skirt she wore to depart Washington , to help her assemble her wardrobe .

  15. 就职典礼进行顺利;你的接见进行得怎么样?

    The inauguration went well ; how did your interview go ?

  16. 该市举行了一次自行车队游行以示净化空气运动的开始。市长为一座新桥举行落成典礼。普林斯顿公开课-国际座谈会课程节选当时就职典礼正在举行。adj.开始的;开幕的;

    The city inaugurated the clean-air campaign with a bicycle parade .

  17. 总统的就职典礼已定于星期五举行。

    The inauguration of the President is announced for Friday .

  18. 新总统的就职典礼是个辉煌的庆典。

    The inauguration ceremony of the new President was a splendid pageant .

  19. 她是个采访了六次总统就职典礼的有经验的记者。

    She is an experienced journalist who has covered six presidential inaugurations .

  20. 因为天气不好,总统的就职典礼在室内举行。

    The president 's inaugural was held inside due to inclement weather .

  21. 大家为就职典礼都忙翻了

    everybody 's been working double time for the inauguration ,

  22. 量;长(度)大批民众参加总统就职典礼。

    magnitude A crowd of great magnitude attended the President 's inauguration .

  23. 令人惊异的碧昂斯在国家真正的就职典礼中演唱。

    Amazing Beyonce singing in the National authentic inauguration ceremony .

  24. 1923年的今天,卡文·柯立芝举行就职典礼成为美国第三十任总统。

    1923-Calvin Coolidge is inaugurated as the30th President of the United States .

  25. 但是,我们确实可以这样描述他的就职典礼,而无需担心自相矛盾。

    But without fear of contradiction it can be said of his inauguration .

  26. 总统在就职典礼举行后,就开始了他的任职期。

    Once a president is inaugurated , he begins his term of office .

  27. 但我得集中精力报道就职典礼

    But I need to focus on the inauguration .

  28. 每个人都观看了新总统的就职典礼。

    Everyone watched the inauguration of the new president .

  29. 就职典礼得到了新闻界广泛的报道。

    The inauguration received wide publicity in the press .

  30. 普林斯顿公开课-人性课程节选一位犹太牧师在乔治·华盛顿,1789年的就职典礼上出席。

    George Washington had a Jewish clergy person at his inauguration in 1789 .