
  1. 然而,如果你给出否定回答,你可能会惊讶地发现,只有在过去四周积极找工作的情况下,你才是失业者;否则,你就是"未就业人员",实际上并不是失业者。

    If you say no , however , it may surprise you to learn that you are only unemployed if you 've been actively looking for work in the past four weeks ; otherwise , you are " marginally attached to the labor force " and not actually unemployed .

  2. 职业伤害保障试点我国将以出行、外卖、即时配送等行业的平台企业为重点,组织开展平台灵活就业人员职业伤害保障试点。

    The country will carry out pilots to offer occupational injury insurance for the flexibly employed in ride-hailing , food delivery , and instant delivery platform enterprises .

  3. N群体主要包括进城务工的农民、城镇下岗再就业人员及小部分城市新增的人力资本含量较少的劳动者。

    N group mainly includes fanners who migrant in the city as workers , urban re-employment of laid-off staff and a small number of new urban labours in lower human capital content .

  4. 第三产业占GDP产值比重和就业人员比重在不断上升,第三产业的发展程度成为衡量一个国家或地区经济发展的重要标志。

    As the rising of the proportion of Gross Domestic Product and employment , the tertiary industry is becoming a essential sign of the development of the regional economy .

  5. 据NPR新闻的伊娜·贾菲报道,失业人员或未充分就业人员为了生活不得不动用他们的退休储蓄。

    NPR 's Ina Jaffe reports that unemployed or underemployed workers had to dip into their retirement savings just to get by .

  6. 同时项目可新增就业人员30人,具有较好的社会效益。

    While new employment projects May30 , has good social benefits .

  7. 完善灵活就业人员社会保险制度研究

    Improve the Flexibility in Employment Study of the Social Insurance System

  8. 北京市下岗再就业人员创业心理训练之研究

    Study on Entrepreneurial Psychological Training of Beijing Re-employment of Laid-off Stuff

  9. 灵活就业人员医疗保险典型问题剖析

    Analysis of Typical Issues about Medical Insurance for Free Employees

  10. 当前我国各省区就业人员的聚类分析

    Clustering Analysis of Present Employees of Provinces and Regions in Our Country

  11. 灵活就业人员的社会保障问题分析

    An Analysis on Issue of Social Security for Flexible Employment

  12. 灵活就业人员医疗保险现状调查分析

    Investigation and analysis of health insurance of flexible employee

  13. 灵活就业人员及其社会保障对策研究

    A Study on the Question of the Social Security for the Flexible Employees

  14. 我国城市就业人员性别工资歧视的估计

    Appraisal of the Sexual Discrimination in Wage Earnings of Urban Workers in China

  15. 灵活就业人员医疗保障政策难点分析

    Challenges of health insurance policy for flexible employees

  16. 我国非正规就业人员社会保险问题研究

    Studies on the Question of the Social Insurance for the Informal Employees in China

  17. 对太原市灵活就业人员的主要形式和特点两个方面展开分析。

    Taiyuan flexible employment officers of the main forms and features two area analysis .

  18. 非正规就业人员的社会保障制度设计

    The Design of Informal Employment Social Security System

  19. 中国各部门就业人员劳动收入分配及其影响因素分析

    Analysis on China 's Sectoral Employed Persons ' Labor Income Distribution and Its Influential Factors

  20. 这意味着,中国每18个就业人员中,就有一个正在从事电子商务或相关行业。

    That means one in 18 Chinese workers is employed in e-commerce or related industries .

  21. 最后,提出如何完善我国灵活就业人员社会保障制度的建议。

    Lastly , it proposes on how to complete the social security system of flexible employees .

  22. 针对这种情况,灵活就业人员的社会保障问题被提到议事日程上来。

    In response , flexible employees ' social security problems has been putting on the agenda .

  23. 家庭无其他就业人员,有需要扶养的老人或者未成年人的。

    Those whose family has no other workers and have old men or minors to support .

  24. 一直以来年轻的就业人员对国家养老金的贡献都要多于现在的退休人员。

    Younger workers have been expected to contribute more than today 's retirees to the state pension .

  25. 安置残疾人员及国家鼓励安置的其他就业人员所支付的工资。

    The wages paid to the disabled employees or other employees encouraged to hire by the State .

  26. 下岗再就业人员中存在隐性就业&关于上海市3000名下岗人员的调查与分析

    Recessive Employment among the Laid off Workers Survey and Analysis on 3000 Laid off Individuals in Shanghai

  27. 目的:探讨灵活就业人员参加社会基本医疗保险的可及性。

    Purpose The paper has discussed the accessibility of participating in social basic health insurance of flexible employees .

  28. 本文主要研究的是中低收入的灵活就业人员的养老保险问题。

    This research is mainly targeted at the issue of endowment insurance of flexible employees with mid-or-low income .

  29. 低物价意味着就业人员购买力的增加;而高政府支出则意味着就业率的上升。

    Lower prices mean more buying power for employed workers and higher government spending means more workers employed .

  30. 不论是发达国家、经济转型国家还是发展中国家,非正规就业人员在整个就业人口中的比重呈上升趋势。

    Whether developed countries or developing countries , the percent of informal employment is rising among the whole employment .