
  1. 长期中则应建立健全劳动力市场,着力发展以劳动密集型为主的服务业,并促进国有单位职工向非国有单位流动。

    In the long term , a sanity labor market is required , labor-concentrated service professions should be developed and state-owned enterprises are to be transformed into non-state owned ones .

  2. 同时,非国有经济单位职工人数几乎翻了45倍,也充分说明了非国有企业为浙江省社会就业做出的贡献相当之大。

    Simultaneously , employee number of non-state-owned economy units increases nearly 45 times , which speaks volumes for non-state-owned economy greatly contribution of Zhejiang province social employment .

  3. 国有企事业单位职工体育组织结构的分化与整合研究

    A Study on the Organizational Division and Conformity of Worker 's Physical Cultures in State-Owned Businesses

  4. 国有企事业单位非正式职工工会组建和权益保障的现状与思考

    Consideration and Status Quo of Establishment of Trade Union and Safeguarding Rights and Interests of Temporary Workers in State-owned Enterprises and Institutions

  5. 随着企业竞争的加剧,大量非正式职工被充实到国有企事业单位的职工队伍里,他们对国企的改革和发展发挥着积极作用。

    With the keen competition among the enterprises , temporary workers have become the important component part of the contingent of staff members in state-owned enterprises and institutions , who can promote the reform and development of the state-owned enterprises .