
rén shì dài lǐ
  • Personnel Agency;human agency
  1. 人事代理制度下的高校人事档案信息化

    Personnel Files'Informationization in the Colleges and Universities under the Personnel Agency System

  2. 高校实施人事代理制度的研究与反思

    Institutions of Higher Learning Personnel Research and Reflective Agent System

  3. 高校人事代理政策的体系构建与实践分析

    The Systematic Construction and Practical Analysis of Personal Agent Policy in University

  4. 军队医院推行人事代理制度的做法与思考

    Practice and Thought of Personnel Agency System in Military Hospital

  5. 人事代理制度是高校人事管理制度改革的重要尝试。

    The problems and solutions of college personnel agency system ;

  6. 开展网上的职称申报、猎头服务、人事代理。

    Online declaration of professional title , headhunting , personnel service . 6 .

  7. 高校人事代理的制度与理念&一种新的法律现象的思考

    On the System and Principle of the Personnel Agency of Universities and Colleges

  8. 我国高校人事代理制度的反思与建议

    Reflection and advice on personnel agent system of colleges or universities in our country

  9. 高校人事代理制的理论与实践

    Theory and Practice of Personnel Affairs Agency System

  10. 人事代理制的特征与趋势分析

    Characteristics and Trend Analysis of Personnel Agency System

  11. 最后是高校人事代理制度改革对策研究。

    The last part is studying the countermeasures of the university personnel system reform .

  12. 我院实施人事代理制度的实践与思考

    The Practice and Experience of Implementing Personnel Agency System in Nanjing Children 's Hospital

  13. 人事代理制度的创新策略

    On the Creative Strategies of Personnel Deputy System

  14. 人事代理与雇员制:高校人事管理制度改革的新探索

    Agent of Personnel Business and Employee System : New Progress in Personnel Management in Universities

  15. 构建科学规范的人事代理制度

    Building up a Scientific Personnel Trusteeship System

  16. 浅谈高校人事代理制度

    On Personnel Acting System in Colleges

  17. 人事代理型大学教师再发展研究&基于风险管理的视角

    Research on Re-development of Faculty of Human Resource Vicar-system & From the Perspective of Risk Management

  18. 人事代理业务的发展带来了人才租赁业务的发展。

    The thriving of the management service of personnel under authority promotes the renting business of personnel .

  19. 人才租赁服务与人事代理服务在今后的几年里,将会在国内的人才上平分秋色。

    In the next few years , staff leasing and personnel administration will share the domestic talent market .

  20. 高校打破长期的永久雇员的管理方式,引入了人事代理的模式。

    Universities broke the long-term " lifetime employees " management mode , and personnel agency model is introduced .

  21. 人事代理制度是在社会主义市场经济发展过程中产生的新的人事管理制度。

    The personnel agent system is an important attempt to the reform of personnel management system of college and university .

  22. 高校人事代理制度的实践与思考

    The practice and the contemplation on the proxy system of personnel matters of the colleges and universities in JiLin province

  23. 人事代理制度作为一种社会化、市场化、法制化的人事管理制度在我国有着广阔发展前景。

    Personnel agent system , as a personal administration system of socialization , market , and law has broad prospects in our country .

  24. 文章以经济学理论和管理学角度分析高校人事代理制度的必要性和可行性并对高校人事代理制度改革现状进行分析。

    It analyses the necessity and feasibility of executing college personnel agent system from point of view of economic theory and management theory .

  25. 本文以洛阳市人才交流中心为例说明人事代理信息系统的设计与实现。

    This paper takes the talent exchange center in Luoyang as an example and explains the design and implementation of personnel surrogate information system .

  26. 人事代理工作面临着难得的发展机遇,也面临着更高的发展要求,机遇与竞争同在。

    Talent agency work is facing a rare development opportunity , as well as higher requirements for its development . Opportunities go along with competitions .

  27. 在高校引进人员中实行人事代理制度是高校人事管理的创新,对于激活用人机制、提高人员素质、促进学校发展具有重要意义。

    Personnel agency is innovation of the personnel management . This personnel system shows the immense effect on improvement of stuff and development of university .

  28. 铁饭碗思想、人事代理人员与非人事代理人员各方面待遇的差异等因素阻碍着人事代理制度的推广。

    Rigid think and the difference of treatment about a person with personnel agency whether or not are the main obstacles in extending personnel agency system .

  29. 论新形势下高校编外用工形式的创新&人事代理与劳务派遣在高校的运用

    On the Innovation of Labor Supernumerary Forms in Colleges and Universities under the New Situation & Personnel agency and labor dispatch at colleges and universities use

  30. 在对高校人事代理制度相关概念进行基本介绍的基础上,诠释了人事代理制度研究运用的相关理论。

    By using a basic introduction to the basic concept of Personnel Agent System , we have talked about the use of relevant theories of Personnel Agency System .