
  • 网络Floating personnel;migrants
  1. 超过六百万的流动人员更是把总人数增加至两千万。

    More than six million temporary migrants raise the total population to20 million .

  2. 各场所最近1个月有性行为的流动人员中曾使用过安全套者所占的比例分别为娱乐场所87%、市场32%、饭店宾馆59%、工厂和建筑工地25%。

    Among migrants reporting experience of sexual intercourse in the last month , 87 % had ever used condoms in entertainment establishments , 32 % in markets , 59 % in restaurants and hotels , and 25 % in factories and construction sites .

  3. 山西省HIV感染者中流动人员现状调查分析

    Survey on Moving Status among HIV Positives in Shanxi

  4. 商业流动人员AIDS知识同伴教育及安全套推广使用效果评估

    The evaluation of peer-education on AIDS and promoting condom use among the commercial floating people

  5. “封闭式管理”出自2008年奥运会时的Laosanyu村庄,当时政府渴望控制他们的流动人员。

    " Sealed management " was born in the village of Laosanyu during the Beijing Olympics in2008 , when the government was eager to control its migrant population .

  6. 上海市外来流动人员血吸虫病调查

    Investigation on Schistosoma japonicum infection of mobile population in Shanghai City

  7. 方便了读者全面了解流动人员人事档案。

    Allow readers to fully understand the flow of personnel archives .

  8. 浅述完善企业流动人员人事档案管理工作的措施

    On Improving the Business of Mobile Personnel file Management Measures

  9. 外来流动人员对浦东地区疟疾发病率的影响分析

    Effect of mobile population on incidence rate of malaria in Pudong District

  10. 流动人员职业健康监护模式分析与探索

    Study and expectation on model of occupational health surveillance for migrant workers

  11. 第六部分是对流动人员人事档案管理的改革措施。

    The sixth part is the flow of personnel archives management reform measures .

  12. 流动人员档案管理之管见

    My Viewpoint of the Archival Management of Floating Personnel

  13. 2003年深圳市宝安区外来流动人员乙型肝炎感染状况调查

    Infection Investigation on Hepatitis B Virus among Floating Population in Baoan District in 2003

  14. 科学管理,有计划地节制外来流动人员;

    Then , restricting the floating population in a planned way to control scientifically .

  15. 大学毕业流动人员在志向自我概念上显著高于非流动人员;

    Life-ambition of the floating graduates ' is significant higher than the steady graduates ' ;

  16. 流动人员计数系统的设计与应用&教室人数计数器的设计

    Design and Applications of Counting System for Floating Population & The Design of Counting System for Classroom

  17. 目的掌握上海市外来流动人员中血吸虫病潜在传染源的现况。

    Objective To understand the current status of potential Schistosoma japonicum infection of mobile population in Shanghai .

  18. 流动人员的档案问题是改革开放以来出现的一种新问题。

    The management of the flow people ` s archive is new problem in reform and open time .

  19. 此外有线监控监测系统也无法实现对移动设备和流动人员的监控,因此在发生意外时无法实现井下设备及人员的准确定位。

    In addition , cable sentinel surveillance system can not be achieved on the mobile devices and mobile personnel monitoring .

  20. 结论外来流动人员预防接种意识淡薄,造成外来儿童麻疹免疫率低下,甚至出现免疫空白,这是引起麻疹局部爆发流行的主要原因。

    Conclusion Lack of immune consciousness , low immunization rate in the mobile population were the main causes of outbreak of measles .

  21. 研究结果表明:(1)大学毕业流动人员的焦虑显著高于大学毕业非流动人员的焦虑;

    The results show that : ( 1 ) Anxiety level of the floating graduates ' is significant higher than the steady graduates ' ;

  22. 实证研究部分试图了解大学毕业流动人员的焦虑状况及焦虑与自我概念和社会环境的关系。

    The part of demonstrative studies wants to study the floating graduates ' anxious status and the relations among anxiety and self-concept and social environments .

  23. 流动人员人事档案在目前及今后相当长的时期,对政府部门、用人机构和个人有着不可替代的作用。

    The personal file management of mobile population is important and unsubstantiated for the individuals , organization and government regardless at present or in the future .

  24. 方法采用免疫酶染技术及三联抗原片,对外来流动人员进行血吸虫免疫测定、疟疾血片免疫测定及疟原虫血检和丝虫免疫测定。

    Methods Immunoenzymatic staining and triple antigen glass slide were adopted for immunoassay of schistosomiasis , malaria and filariasis , as well as blood test of plasmodia .

  25. 结论随着车辆和流动人员的逐年增加,交通伤、意外伤及斗殴等引起的腹部创伤也逐年增多。

    Conclusions With the increase of vehicles and current personnel , the trauma of abdominal organs caused by traffic accident , accidental wound and conflict increases accordingly .

  26. 研究缺乏相关必要的客观数据资料,如疟疾的发病率比较,疟疾在流动人员中的复发率比较等。

    The research lacks relevant necessary objective data , such as the incidence rate comparison , the recurrence rate comparison of malaria among transient population and so on .

  27. 结果共调查1193名广州市农村流动人员,其平均每月现金收入为723.7元,其中有医疗保障者的比例仅为32.0%。

    Results ( 1 193 ) subjects of floating population were interviewed . Average income in a month was 723.7 RMB and only 32.0 % of them held medical insurance .

  28. 男女之比为8:1.对这些流动人员能进行流行病学和医学管理的只有17例,占14.56%。

    The ratio of male to female among them was 8 to 1 . Only could 17 ( 14.56 % ) migrant HIV positives be administrated by epidemiology and medicine .

  29. 普及消息传递将人与流动人员使用的设备联系起来,其中的流动人员并不指办公室人员,并且使用的是移动设备而非台式机或笔记本。

    Pervasive messaging can integrate people with devices in a mobile workforce where representatives are not office-based and are working with mobile devices rather than with desktop or laptop computers .

  30. 这些课程为流动人员或很少呆在办公室的人提供培训,同时还使他们的公司能充分利用在黑莓技术上的投资这些投资往往相当重大。

    The courses provide training for staff who are mobile or rarely in the office , while enabling their companies to leverage their - often significant - investment in BlackBerry technology .