
liú luò
  • strand;wander about destitute;drift about;lead a wandering life in poverty
流落 [liú luò]
  • [drift about;wander about destitute] 穷困失意,在外漂泊

  • 流落他乡

流落[liú luò]
  1. 他们最后可能又会流落街头。

    They 'll probably end back on the streets .

  2. 我们听说了人们被赶出去流落街头的故事。

    We hear stories of people being turfed out and ending up on the streets

  3. 他居无定所,我们发现他流落街头。

    He 's of no fixed abode and we found him on the streets .

  4. 他流落在一个陌生的城市里,身无分文,一筹莫展。

    He was stranded in a strange city without money .

  5. 那里刚刚结束一场战争,许多孩子流落街头。

    A war had just ended there and left many children living on the streets .

  6. Q:如果您流落到一个没有技术的孤岛上,哪种技术能够使您得以生存?

    Q : If you were stuck on a technology deprived island , what single technology could you not live without ?

  7. 30年后的他流落在洛杉矶SkidRow大街上无家可归

    and 30 years later he was living homeless on the streets of Skid Row in downtown Los Angeles .

  8. 帮助流落街头的家庭的资金快用完了。

    Funding to help families on the street is running out .

  9. 战争时期,他全家失散,流落四方。

    During the war his family was scattered to the winds .

  10. 两星期前我流落在一个荒岛上。

    I was stranded on a deserted island two weeks ago .

  11. 这是一个流落在外的女孩。

    This is a teenage girl out on the street .

  12. 她怎能告诉他们,说他们都得流落到别处去呢?

    How could she tell them they must all go & somewhere ?

  13. 我们对于制止流落街头现象无动于衷,这真丢脸。

    It 's scandalous that we do so little to prevent homelessness .

  14. 这孩子可能已有过流落街头的亲身体会。

    The child may already have had a taste of street life .

  15. 很快,查克,你就要流落街头了

    Soon , Chuck , you 're gonna be out on the street

  16. 因为你,你的妹妹会流落街头。

    Your sister on the street because of you .

  17. 全都会流落街头

    All of them , out on the street .

  18. 让我们假装是因船只失事而流落在一个荒岛上。

    Let 's make out that we are wrecked on a desert island .

  19. 妈妈,没有您我们将流落何方呢?

    Where would we be without you , mom ?

  20. 要是没有我,那样的人只能流落街头

    Without me , people like that would end up on the street .

  21. 这让我想起当年流落街头时

    This reminds me of the time when I lived on the street .

  22. 不然就会流落街头乞讨挨饿

    or starve on the streets , like beggars .

  23. 我们可不希望她流落街头。

    We didn 't really want her out on the street or anything .

  24. 一个君临的小伙子怎么流落到自由兵团里来了?

    How does a King 's Landing lad end up with a free company ?

  25. 我不可能让她流落街头。

    It 's not like I 'm gonna throw her out on the street .

  26. 假如你流落在一个不友好王国的一个村庄中。

    Suppose that you have been stranded in a village in an unfriendly kingdom .

  27. 你曾流落街头吗?

    You ever been on the street ?

  28. 玉杯酙满琥珀光,香露流落樱桃唇。

    He 'll again ? Full amber light , living in Hong Lu cherry lips .

  29. 当你流落街头时。

    When u 're on the street .

  30. 多少个晚上,妈妈出来找我,见我愰愰惚惚流落街头,就把我领回家。

    Many evenings my mother would find me wandering in a daze and take me home .