
  1. 处分权不应影响买卖合同的债权效力。

    The right of disposal should not affect the effect of the obligation .

  2. 添附制度的内部关系是添附行为人和被添附人之间的权利义务关系,包括添附的物权效力和债权效力。

    The internal relationship is the basic right and duty relationship between litigants .

  3. 首先本文在第一节介绍了提单债权效力的确立过程,这是对其进行深入研究的基础;

    First , Section One provides some information about its establishing process , which is the basis of deeper study .

  4. 其次,分析了我国学术界对于承租人优先购买权具有何种效力的两种不同观点,分别是债权效力说和物权效力说。

    Next , analyzes two different viewpoints in the academic circle about the effect of the right of preemption which respectively are the creditor right effect and the real right effect .

  5. 这主要表现在税收优先权的产生时间以及税收优先权与担保债权效力位序冲突等问题上存在诸多的疑惑与争议。

    This is particularly reflected in the generated time of tax priority , and it has a lot of controversy and disputes in effect conflict between tax priority claims and secured claims .

  6. 为了弥补债权效力性质上的缺陷,保障债权的实现,法律上的措施之一为扩大责任财产的范围,即人的担保。

    In order to resolve the problem and guarantee the creditor 's rights , one of the settlements in the law is that widening the scope of property , and that is a guaranty of person .

  7. 关于集体合同的效力,笔者尝试在比较英国和德国以及我国台湾地区理论的基础上,从物权效力、债权效力和组织法效力三个方面来讨论集体合同的效四川大学硕士学位论文力问题。

    About the validity of the collective agreement , I attempt to discuss from the aspects of real right validity , obligatory right validity and organization validity , on the foundation of the comparison among the varied theories from Britain , Germany and Taiwan .

  8. 最后对债权效力在运输环节中的作用范围,指出提单债权关系与原始运输合同关系是相互独立、各自存在的关系,提单关系只作用于承运人与提单持有人。

    At last , as to the scope of this effect in sea transportation , the author points out that the relationship presented in Bill of Lading is independent from that in original carriage contract and it only affects the carrier and the holder .

  9. 约定优先购买权仅有债权效力,法定优先购买权具有物权性质的效力,但应受到第三人善意取得制度、不动产物权登记效力的限制,以保护善意第三人的利益。

    Promissory prior call has only obligatory right effect while legal prior call has the validity of real right , which also be limited by the third person acquiring system and estate real right registration validity in order to protect the equity of the third person in good will .

  10. 这部分,首先介绍了优先购买权的效力之争,主要围绕在债权效力和物权效力上,区分的标准是能否对抗第三人。

    In this part , the article firstly introduces the disputes of the effect of the right of preemption which mainly upon the effect of real right and the effect of creditor right . The standard to differentiate these is to see whether it can resist anther person or not .

  11. 其次阐析了税收优先权与公法债权的效力位序。

    The second one describes the tax effect of priority and public law claims .

  12. 第三部分:税收优先权与无担保债权的效力位序。

    Part III : Research on effect conflict between tax priority and unsecured claims .

  13. 优先受偿性不是抵押权的属性,而是抵押权担保债权的效力。

    The priority of claim is not the property of mortgage but the validity of security of mortgage .

  14. 债权行为效力未定说与我国民法其它相关制度产生矛盾,并且忽视了对动的安全的保护;

    So , it violated the law system of China , and ignored the protection of the safety of the deals correctly .

  15. 肯定无权处分合同债权性效力在维护善意第三人利益基础上兼顾了权利人的利益。

    Recognizing of the effect of obligation can protect not only the interest of the third party but also the interest of the obligee .

  16. 论文的研究目标是通过研究明确税收优先权产生时间的认定标准与方法,理清税收优先权与其他相关债权的效力位序问题。

    Through research on defining explicitly recognized standards and taxation method of tax priority to make clear of the effect conflict between tax priority claims and other related claims .

  17. 本文将破产抵销权的行使限制条件提炼为五个方面,分别是来自法律规定、出资义务、特别约定、债权强制效力和诚实信用原则的限制或禁止。

    In this thesis I generalize limited conditions of exercise of right of bankruptcy into five aspects , respectively means legal regulation , funding obligations , particular convention , mandatory effect of claims and principle of honest .

  18. 合同效力依不同的标准可有多种分类,其中设立效力与履行效力、债权性效力与物权性效力的划分并未被学界所重视。

    According to different standards , contract effects have several classifications , among which scholars do not attach much importance to the classifications of the establishing effect and the implement effect , the credit effect and the real right effect .

  19. 从比较法上的考察,大多数大陆法系国家与英美法系国家以及国际公约都肯定无权处分合同债权性效力,这是世界立法的发展趋势。

    By means of the method of comparison , the author argues that most of countries of Continental Law System and Anglo-American Legal System stipulate the contract of Unauthorized Disposition as valid contract , so do the international treaties , and it is the tendency of the world legislation .

  20. 最后探讨了税收征管中税收债权之间的效力位序。

    Finally , the author studied the effect conflict among the related claims in tax collection and management .

  21. 物权与债权的对抗效力&谈商品房预售中的某些法律问题

    Opposing Effect of Creditor 's Rights and Property Rights ── On Osme Law Problems in forward commercial Housing selling

  22. 以期后票据所进行的转让背书仅可产生民法上普通债权转让的效力。

    The transferable endorsement of overdue bill should only produce the civil law effect of common creditor 's right .

  23. 专利质权的效力不仅包括对当事人的效力,还包括其所担保的债权范围和效力所及的标的物的范围。

    The effectiveness of the right of pledge of patent also includes the scope of the secured claims and the scope of subject matter .

  24. 它突破传统民法债的相对性原则,赋予债权以对外效力,目的在于保全债权,以保障债权人的权益,维护交易安全和经济秩序稳定。

    It breaks up principle of relativity of obligation in traditional civil law to safeguard the interests of creditors and to defend safety of dealings and stability of economic order .

  25. 首先,分析债权人撤销权的法理基础,其中责任财产制度与债权的对外效力是债权人撤销权赖以存在的根基。

    Firstly , by analyzing the legal basis of the obligee 's cancellation right , we can know that the system of debtor 's liability assets and external effectiveness are the foundation of the obligee 's cancellation right .

  26. 债权让与通知的效力主要包括对债务人的效力以及对债务人以外的第三人的效力。

    Validity of the notice is distinguished as validity to the debtor and validity to the third party .

  27. 鉴于此,本文对债权让与通知的效力及影响效力的要件等问题进行了探讨。

    In light of this situation , this thesis focuses on the validity of the notice and the factors which influence the validity .

  28. 特种债权本身具有优先效力,其实现本质上属于债权法、程序法而非物权法的范畴。

    The special obligatory itself has a prior validity , and its realization is a category which belongs to law of obligation and procedural law , not to real right law .

  29. 第三部分,如需正确论述债权让与契约的效力,首先需明确其性质&债权让与契约非通说之准物权契约,实为债权合同。

    Part three : in order to rightly discuss the effect of credit assignment contract , first we should make clear of its nature & not a quasi real right contract , but a credit contract .

  30. 接着分别分析了不同税种之间以及税收主债权与从债权的效力位序。

    Secondly , research the effect conflict of different types of taxes . Thirdly , explained the effect conflict between main claims of tax and secondary claims of tax .