
  • 网络creditor formalism
  1. 我国的物权变动模式以债权形式主义为主,此外还含有其他模式。

    In our country , the pattern of property right change express mainly about creditor formalism , and it also includes some other patterns .

  2. 在债权形式主义背景下无权处分与合同的效力归属

    Unauthorized disposition and attribution of contract effect under the creditors ' formalism

  3. 债权形式主义下物权行为有限存在之三维分析及立法建构

    Triple Analysis and Legislative Construction of Limited Existence of Juristic Acts of Real Rights Under the Creditors ' Formalism

  4. 我国正在起草民法典,关于物权变动模式应该采纳物权形式主义模式,还是债权形式主义模式,是目前争论的焦点之一。

    Whether our country should adopt Real Right Externalism Mode or Creditor 's Rights Externalism Mode is the bone of contention in the circles of law in China .

  5. 在对各国现有几种物权变动模式进行优劣比较的基础上,指出债权形式主义模式是物权变动较为理想的一种模式,值得借鉴;

    Based on the comparative analysis of the present legislative patterns of the transference of real right , the paper presents the ideal pattern-the Creditor 's rights pattern .

  6. 在债权形式主义立法下,真实权利人所享有的更正登记请求权可作为排除妨害请求权的一种特殊类型。

    Under the legislation of debt formalism , the right to request the correction of registration can be regarded as a special type of the right to request excluding jeopardizing .

  7. 以登记合同成立模式为起点,我国上世纪80年代以来的物权变动模式立法逐步形成了债权形式主义和对抗主义两种模式并存的格局。

    Starting from the mode of contract established by register , the legislation of real right alternating mode has formed from 1980s into two kinds & debiting contract mode and competing one .

  8. 笔者在文中的第一章、第二章,通过比较法,在物权形式主义、债权意思主义和债权形式主义这三种物权变动模式下,分析出无权处分合同的概念及效力。

    The author has analyzed the concept and effect of unauthorized disposal contract under real rights formalism , creditor ideal rights formalism and creditor rights formalism on chapter one and tow .

  9. 物权变动模式与效力区分原则有着密切联系,研究效力区分原则必然涉及物权变动模式。物权变动模式大致可分为债权意思主义、物权形式主义和债权形式主义。

    The two are related closely . So the study of the principle of distinguishing effectiveness will inevitably involve the mode of the alteration of real right which can be roughly divided into intentional principle of obligation , formalism of real right and formalism of obligation .