
zhài wù jiū fēn
  • Debt disputes;dispute over obligation
  1. 摘要督促程序是为解决债务纠纷而设计的一种非诉程序,曾经在司法实践中发挥了重要作用。

    Supervision procedure is a non-lawsuit , which is designed for solving dispute over obligation and plays the vital role in the judicial practice .

  2. 界限:本罪与民事债务纠纷的界限;行为人在主观上是否有非法占有公私财物的目的。

    Bounds : the bounds of this blame and civil dispute over obligation ; behavior person is in subjective go up to whether have detinue the purpose of state-private property .

  3. (一)债权人与债务人没有其他债务纠纷的;

    No other debt disputes exist between the creditor and the debtor ;

  4. 该部分从债务纠纷相关格式条款的形成、内容、争议和变化四个方面进行分析。

    This analysis include f formation , content , controversy and change of the standard terms .

  5. 抗战时期四川内江蔗糖业的长项债务纠纷

    Debt Disputes in Sugar Industry in Neijiang , Sichuan , During the Period of Anti-Japanese War

  6. 审判实践中大量夫妻债务纠纷引发了学术界对此问题的讨论,本文亦参与其中。

    In the practice the massive matrimonial debt disputes caused much discussion among the jurisprudential circle .

  7. 2006年,俄罗斯在和乌克兰的一场债务纠纷中切断了对乌克兰的天然气供应,影响到了向欧洲输送的天然气。

    In 2006 , European gas deliveries suffered after Russia cut Ukraine 's supplies during a debt dispute .

  8. 不利于构建和谐社会的民间债务纠纷时有发生,这与个人破产能力的阙如有关。

    The fact that the occasional liability disputes has to do with the absence of capability of individual bankruptcy .

  9. 福建美丰银行也于1929年停业,中美两方发生了债务纠纷。

    The AMERICAN-ORIENTAL Bank of Fukien also closed down in1927 , then the debt dispute happened between China and the us .

  10. 2011年温州债务纠纷发生后,大约有30个商人逃出中国,还有一人跳楼身亡。

    After the Wenzhou debt crisis erupted in 2011 , about 30 businessmen fled the country and another one committed suicide .

  11. 案例统计发现:在持卡人债务纠纷案中,从终审结果来看,法院对利息与费用计算条款的认可度高。

    The court take a high degree of recognition on the terms about the interest and costs in the cardholder debt dispute .

  12. 个人破产法律制度作为一种个人债权债务纠纷的解决机制,能够衡平保护债权人、债务人的利益,具有公平、高效等诸多优越性。

    The individual bankruptcy legal system as a way of solving dispute between creditor and debtor can prevent the interests of creditor and debtor .

  13. 文件说,尽管还有尚未解决的债务纠纷、诉讼和其他法律问题,不过,遗产管理者为减少债务所做的工作成绩显著。

    " Although there remain unresolved creditor claims , pending litigation and additional legal issues , the executors have made substantial progress in reducing the estate 's debt ," the documents state .

  14. 商业信用借贷几乎都是按照普通债务纠纷来处理,其中市易法、不断修订和变化的茶法、盐法和酒法等专卖法是对商业信用律法的有益补充。

    Commercial credit was handled almost in accordance with the ordinary debt disputes , wherein the market exchange law , monopoly law of tea , salt and wine were useful complement to the Credit law .

  15. 具体存在的问题有边区的土地纠纷问题、债务纠纷问题、各阶层(地主、农民、干部)他们在减租过程中的心态变化问题、减租减息过程中的法律颁布与实施问题。

    There existed specific such as problems of land disputes border region , debt disputes problems , strata ( landlords and peasants , cadre ) in the process of ridding them in mind change , interest rates process of law demanding with implementation problem .

  16. 也正是由于法律责任制度的不完善,民间融资各类债务纠纷、违法犯罪案件数量也明显增多,给金融稳定和经济发展带来了较大的负面影响。

    Due to the imperfections of the legal liability system , various types of debt disputes , plenty of criminal cases caused by non-governmental financing increased significantly , which has brought a greater negative impact on the financial stability and economic development of our country .

  17. 各地人民政府要支持人民法院依法独立、公正审理金融债权债务纠纷案件,加强法律意识和法制观念的培育,营造良好的法治环境。

    All local people 's governments should lend support to people 's courts in trying cases of disputes over financial claims and debts independently and impartially according to law , strengthen the cultivation of the sense and mentality of legality , and create a favorable environment for governing by law .

  18. 然而,在司法实务中我国也存在很多关于自然债务的纠纷,由于没有法律依据,造成了司法实务中对这类纠纷处理时混乱的局面。

    In our country there are also a lot of disputes about the nature obligation in the judicial practice . Because of no legal basis , the judicial practice of this kind of dispute remains a mess .

  19. 但这个三方参与的游戏,似乎正纠结于一场有关政府债务担保的纠纷。

    Now the three-way charade appears to be boiling down to a dispute over government debt guarantees .

  20. 基什内尔还必须在两周不到的时间里解决一场围绕未偿债务的高风险纠纷,否则,阿根廷将面临13年来第二次债务违约。

    Mrs. Kirchner also has less than two weeks to resolve a high-stakes dispute over unpaid debts or risk seeing her country default for a second time in 13 years .

  21. 债务重组是解决债务纠纷的一种比较经济的解决方法。

    Debt restructuring is an economical solution to the debt dispute .

  22. 因此,债务双方就会选择较为经济的解决债务纠纷的方法,即债务重组。

    Therefore , debt both sides will choose relatively economic solution debt dispute method , namely debt restructuring .