
  • 网络bond duration
  1. 三井住友金融集团(SumitomoMitsuiFinancialGroup)已经将其持有的债券期限从三年以上缩短到两年以下。

    Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group has cut the term of its holdings from more than three years to less than two years .

  2. 企业债券期限结构研究&基于交易成本和代理成本视角

    A Study on Corporate Bond Maturity : Perspective from Transaction Costs and Agency Costs

  3. 本文的研究主要在于在分析影响上市可转换债券期限的因素。

    This paper is the analysis of the impact of convertible bonds listed on the factors that period .

  4. 为缓解未来再融资问题,美国财政部正寻求延长债券期限。

    The US Treasury is seeking to extend the life of its debt in order to lessen any future refinancing problems .

  5. 一般来说,债券期限越长,其价格对利率的起跌便会越敏感。

    Usually , the longer the maturity of a bond , the more sensitive to interest rate moves its price will be .

  6. 不过,价值4000亿美元左右的债券期限较短,因此如果利差消失,将对中国方面产生重大冲击。

    Still , the $ 400bn or so worth of bonds have short maturities , so there would be a big hit if the spread disappeared .

  7. 确定债券的期限、利率、承销方式、发行对象;

    Settle the term , rate and undertaking of bonds ;

  8. (一)公司债券的期限为一年以上;

    The term of the company 's bonds must be about one year ;

  9. 外界无从得知中国正在买入的日本长期债券的期限究竟有多长。

    It is impossible to tell precisely which maturities of longer-dated bonds the Chinese are buying .

  10. 然而,通过改变流通债券的期限结构财政部能过去的相同的效果。

    However , the Treasury can produce identical effects by changing the maturity structure of its outstanding debts .

  11. 实际上,投资者已经一次性地收到了全部利息收入,而非把利息收入分摊于债券整个期限内逐步收取。

    The investor has effectively received all the interest in lump , rather than spread out over the years .

  12. 比如,国际清算银行数据中令人振奋的一点是,新兴市场公司所发行债券的期限在延长。

    One cheering detail about the BIS data , for example , is that emerging market companies are issuing bonds of longer maturity .

  13. 其次,基于市政债券的期限结构理论,构建了适合的市政债券之定价模型。

    Secondly , I studied the term structure theories of municipal bonds , and then constructed and verified a municipal bond pricing model .

  14. 与此同时,中国国内关于债券利率期限结构的研究不断深化,研究热点逐渐从收益率曲线的静态拟合转变到动态研究中。

    At the same time , in China , the focus of the research of term structure gradually changed from the static fittings to dynamic studies .

  15. 企业债券因为期限短,利率高于银行存款利率一到二个百分点,因此也十分受欢迎。

    Enterprise bonds are also popular because they have a short maturity and offer an interesting rate of 1-2 % more than the average bank deposit rate .

  16. 《通知》称,企业债券具有期限长、利率低的优势,是保障性住房项目市场融资的较好工具。

    According to the circular , corporate bond with advantages such as long duration and low interest rate is a good financing tool of affordable and low-rent housings .

  17. 这些政策的主要目的是缩短债券的期限,包括公众持有的债券,以及综合公共部门(政府和银行)发行的债券。

    The essential aim of such policies is to shorten the debt held by the public or issued by the consolidated public sector comprising both the government and central bank .

  18. 另一名银行家表示,债券发行期限内支付的平均利率将为4.25%,他称之为会令银行满意的利率水平。

    Another said the average interest paid during the life of the bond would be 4.25 per cent , which he described as a rate that the banks would be happy with .

  19. 应用B-样条法对整个样本期国债交易数据的跟踪计算结果表明,该模型算法稳定可靠,能够精确有效地追踪国债利率期限结构的系统性变动,最适合作为当前债券利率期限结构的构造模型。

    Track calculation over total sample period indicates that algorithm of B-splines model is steady and reliable , and it can reveal the systematic change of Government bond interest rate term structure accurately and effectively .

  20. 会议上提出了一项实现投资者构成多样化的提案,包括由财政部发行新证券,包括可赎回债券、期限长达100年的超长期债券,以及利息跟随通胀涨跌的浮动利率债券。

    One proposal advocated at the meeting for diversifying the base of investors would entail the Treasury issuing new securities , including callable debt , ultra-long bonds with maturities of up to 100 years and floating rate debt , on which payments to investors would rise and fall with inflation .

  21. 基于Hull-White模型的债券市场利率期限结构研究

    Research into Interest Term Structure of Chinese Bond Market Based on Hull-White Model

  22. 债券市场利率期限结构分析及其风险管理研究

    Term Structure and Interest Rate Risk Management in Chinese Bond Markets

  23. 约有85%的离岸人民币债券产品的期限都在3年以下。

    Some 85 per cent of all offshore renminbi debt products have a tenor below three years .

  24. 美国未清偿债券的平均期限为58个月,维持在1980年以来的平均水平,但明显短于英国等其它国家。

    In the US , the average maturity of its outstanding debt is 58 months and in line with the average since 1980 . But it is much lower than countries such as the UK .

  25. 穆迪表示,过去5年,银行新发行债券的平均期限已经从7.2年下降到4.2年,创下30年来新债最短平均期限的纪录。

    The average maturity of new debt issued by banks has fallen from 7.2 to 4.2 years in the past five years the shortest average maturity for new debt in 30 years , according to the rating agency .

  26. 在期限结构的定价应用部分,推导出固定利率的国债券和企业债券的利率期限结构定价及误差估计方法,并加以实证。

    For the application part , we give the fixed rate bonds are deduced and the enterprise bond of the term structure of interest rates pricing and the error estimation method , use the SSE actual data to implement on the bond pricing .

  27. 在将于12月举行的下次会议上,美联储必须决定是否继续按照当前力度执行资产购买计划,因为届时将较短期限债券转化为较长期限证券的“扭转操作”(operationtwist)项目即将到期。

    At its next meeting in December , the Fed must decide whether to continue its asset purchases at the present rate because the " operation twist " programme of switching into longer-term securities is due to expire .

  28. 债券价格、到期期限以及到期收益率的数学分析方法

    Analysis on security price , time , income rate

  29. 本文利用中国银行间债券回购数据对期限结构理论进行了实证检验,从而否定了合理预期理论。

    This paper utilizes the bond repurchase interest rate date to test these theories .

  30. 结构性投资工具发行低价短期债券,以便为期限较长和收益较高的证券投资融资。

    SIVs issue cheap , short-term debt to fund investments in longer-term and higher-yielding securities .