
  • 网络Bad debt losses;Charge-Offs
  1. 注册会计师对坏帐损失的审计

    Reistered Accountants ' Auditing Responsibility for Dab Debt Losses

  2. 银行等金融机构可以由此避免增加坏帐损失;

    Financial institutions such as banks can decrease the risk of bad debts .

  3. 坏帐损失的核算方法为个别认定法。

    The company 's accounting method of bad debt loss is adopted by the specific identification .

  4. 企业的坏帐损失,应当计入管理费用。

    Enterprises with foreign investment shall charge losses arising from bad debts to general and administrative expenses .

  5. 本文就坏帐损失的确定、计提及核销几个问题从理论上进行了分析,并论述了其在实际工作中的具体运用及会计上的帐务处理。

    This article analyses such problems as determining , drawing and writing-off of doubtful accounts and gives a detailed illustration about its accounting procedures and its practical importances .

  6. 分析了应收账款带来的企业效益下滑等危害,并有针对性地提出细化收账政策和完善收账措施等相应的管理办法,以提高应收账款的管理质量,尽可能减少坏帐损失。

    This text analyses harms caused by enterprises ' descending profits , and puts forward some measures of perfection of collecting accounts in order to promote the management quality of receivable account and avoid losses of bad account .

  7. 全国金融服务公司在坏帐贷款方面损失数十亿美元,其放款行为受到指控。

    Countrywide has lost billions on bad loans , and its lending activities are the target of lawsuits .

  8. 经确认无法收回的应收帐款,已提坏帐准备金的,应当冲销坏帐准备金;未提坏帐准备金的,应当作为坏帐损失,计入当期损益。

    Any account receivable , proved to be definitely uncollectible according to state regulations , shall : be recognized as bad debts and written off against provision for bad debts or charged to current profit or loss , if such provision is not set up .