
  • 网络Bad Bank
  1. RS:“仅仅看字面,你就可以知道“坏银行”这个词的意思了吗?”

    RS : " With the term bad bank , you really know what you 've got , though . "

  2. 该行将为这家名为RealEstateInvestments的坏银行提供50亿至75亿美元的股本,并为剩余部分提供融资。

    The bank will contribute $ 5bn - $ 7.5bn of equity to the bad bank , to be called Real Estate Investments , and provide financing for the remaining amount .

  3. 此前他曾负责运营花旗控股(citiholdings),即花旗用于隔离有毒资产的“坏银行”。

    Earlier he ran Citi Holdings , the so-called " bad bank " where Citi quarantined its toxic assets .

  4. RS:“现在出现了如“好银行”、“坏银行”和“僵尸银行”之类的词,这是什么意思呢?”

    RS : " And now we have words like ' good bank ' and ' bad bank ' and ' zombie bank . ' What are those ? "

  5. 欧洲央行(ECB)表示,正在为欧盟委员会起草共同标准,以应用于坏银行/好银行政策或银行有毒资产的公共保险制度。

    The European Central Bank said it was writing common standards for the European Commission to apply for bad bank , good bank policies or public insurance schemes for banks ' toxic assets .

  6. 徽商银行和其他金融上市企业的表现正受到市场的密切关注。不久之后,中国一家“坏银行”——中国信达资产管理公司(Cinda)将于11月22日发布招股说明书,计划通过IPO融资20亿美元。

    The performances of Huishang and of the other financial listings are being closely watched ahead of the planned $ 2bn IPO of Chinese " bad bank " Cinda , which is due to file its prospectus on November 22 .

  7. 进入坏银行安排会使其资产被收取巨额费用。

    The bad bank facility incurs a hefty charge on its assets .

  8. 在适当的时候,它还会涉及好银行/坏银行的解决方案。

    It would involve a good bank / bad bank solution , where appropriate .

  9. 换言之,坏银行应当被淘汰。

    The bad bank should be eliminated .

  10. 任何既拥有好银行,又拥有坏银行的政府,都可以按照自己的意愿对它们进行估价。

    Any government that owned both good bank and bad bank could value them as it wished .

  11. 韩国政府正设立一家“坏银行”来接收问题资产,并为中小企业的贷款提供担保。

    Seoul is opening a " bad bank " for toxic assets and is guaranteeing loans to SMEs .

  12. “坏银行”还可以吸收来自花旗银行表外实体的资产,这些实体的资产约为1.23万亿美元。

    The bad bank also might absorb assets from Citigroup 's off-balance-sheet entities , which hold $ 1.23 trillion .

  13. 实际上,迪拜希望从这家国有企业集团中分拆出一家好银行和一家坏银行。

    In effect the emirate wants to create a good bank and a bad bank out of the state-owned conglomerate .

  14. 知情人士表示,其它派系正竭力要求坏银行自己承担有毒资产。

    People familiar with the discussions said other factions were pressing for a bad bank to take on toxic assets .

  15. 方案之一是创建一个政府经营的“坏银行”,收购目前阻碍信贷流动的不良资产。

    One of those options would create a government run'bad bank'to purchase the toxic assets currently impeding the flow of credit .

  16. 人们经常提到的一种可能性,是建立国有的“坏银行”,接收受困银行的问题资产,并向其注入股本。

    A state-owned " bad bank " that takes on toxic assets in exchange for injecting equity is a frequently mentioned possibility .

  17. 那么,国有化的优势就是,它可以使资产和负债重组为好银行和坏银行。

    The advantage of nationalisation , then , is that it would allow restructuring of assets and liabilities into good and bad banks .

  18. 这降低了由政府进行资本重组和创建“坏银行”的必要性,并提高了政府出售近期收购的银行的能力。

    This reduces the need for government recapitalisations and " bad banks " and increases the ability of governments to sell recently acquired banks .

  19. 欧盟委员会表示,北岩一分为二的计划符合政府援助规定。该计划实际上将创建一家好银行和一家坏银行。

    The Commission said Northern Rock 's plan to split into two in effect creating a good and a bad bank was compatible with state aid rules .

  20. 此事对德国舆论产生的影响令人担忧&德国舆论开始极其错误地将欧洲央行视为某种坏银行。

    The impact on German public opinion , which is quite wrongly beginning to think of the ECB as some sort of bad bank , is worrying .

  21. 尽管讨论仍存在变数,可能不会签署任何协议,但周日有关方面在所谓“坏银行”的创立问题上取得了进展。

    While the discussions remains fluid and might not result in an agreement , talks were progressing Sunday toward creation of what would essentially be a'bad bank . '

  22. 不过,在规模较大的银行能够安全行动前,需要政府对坏银行的资产给予支持,但目前没有什么这方面的迹象。

    But government backing for the assets of the bad bank is required before the bigger banks can move safely and there has been little sign of this appearing .

  23. 但原始纾困账单的结算日越往后拖,坏银行能够偿还本金的可能性就越小。

    But the longer the settling of the original bail-out bill is delayed , the less likely it is that the bad banks will be able to repay the principal .

  24. 官员们将参考爱尔兰和德国的银行业重组案例。爱尔兰成立了一家中央坏银行,德国则将有毒资产从各家银行中剥离到单独的工具中。

    Officials will look at restructuring examples from Ireland , where a central bad bank was created , and Germany , where toxic assets were placed in separate vehicles alongside individual banks .

  25. 格罗斯表示,德国政府无意修改其银行救助方案,通过创建一家坏银行来收购目前各银行资产负债表上缺乏流动性的资产。

    The minister said the government did not intend to modify its bank rescue package by creating a bad bank that would acquire the illiquid assets now sitting on the banks ' balance sheet .

  26. 分析人士指出,从西班牙银行资产负债表中接收房地产贷款的“坏银行”,很可能必须要由西班牙政府或者欧盟自己来提供融资。

    Analysts say a " bad bank " to take over property loans from the balance sheets of Spanish banks would probably have to be financed either by the Spanish state or by the EU itself .

  27. 坏银行的职责是重新调整这些贷款的结构,重新打包,以尽可能收回原始资金,方式一般是出售或拍卖作为抵押品的资产。

    The bad banks ' job was to restructure and repackage the loans to try to recover as much of the original outlay as possible , often through sales or auctions of assets held as collateral .

  28. 最初几年,4家坏银行宣布总共收回了相当于不良贷款面值20%到30%的资产,但过去3年,它们没有再公布回收率,分析师认为,它们可能处于严重资不抵债的状态。

    In the early years , the bad banks reported aggregate recovery rates of 20-30 per cent of the face value of the bad loans but in the past three years they have not reported recovery rates and analysts say they are probably massively insolvent .

  29. 信达是四大国有坏债银行中首个公开上市的银行。2013年底,该行通过在香港的首次公开招股(IPO),筹集了25亿美元。

    Cinda became the first of the big four state-owned bad loan banks to go public when it raised $ 2.5bn in a Hong Kong initial public offering in late 2013 .

  30. 不论是好还是坏,银行资本都主要由国债构成。

    At issue would be bank capital , which , for better or worse , is largely made up of treasury bonds .