
xū jiǎ ɡuǎnɡ ɡào
  • fake;sham publicity
  1. 虚假广告在当今的社会里普遍存在,不仅对消费者的合法权益造成损害,同时也对市场管理秩序及其他合法经营者的权益造成了损害。

    The sham publicity generally exist in the current society , not merely do harm to consumers ' legitimate rights and interests , caused the harm to the market management order and other legal operators ' rights and interests too at the same time .

  2. 他们建议消费者不要被虚假广告引入歧途。

    They advised consumers not to be led astray by fake advertisement .

  3. 本公司拒绝承做虚假广告。

    We refuse to partake in the production of illusive advertisements .

  4. 加州南部的两位消费者对KFC提起了诉讼,其中一项指控是该公司做虚假广告。

    Two southern California consumers filed suit against the fast-food company , accusing it of false advertising , among other things .

  5. 一旦激活了攻击,就可能发生从截获帐户、更改用户设置、窃取和篡改cookie到虚假广告在内的任何事情。

    Once an attack is activated , everything from account hijacking , changing of user settings , cookie theft and poisoning , or false advertising is possible .

  6. 由此一来,新的虚假广告形式便出现了。

    So , a new form of false advertising will appear .

  7. 虚假广告侵权二元归责研究

    Study on the Two-tier Imputation of the Infringement of False Advertisement

  8. 诸如旅行社以虚假广告欺骗旅游消费者,导游下所旅游时间,导游欺骗旅游消费者购物的现象屡见不鲜。

    Some travel agencies make false advertisement to cheat tourism consumers .

  9. 第二章名为虚假广告罪的主体认定。

    Chapter two is named after subject of false advertising crime .

  10. 名人做虚假广告法律问题研究

    A Study on Legal Problems about Celebrities Engaging in False Advertisement

  11. 虚假广告便是其表现之一。

    False advertisement being widespread and uncurbed is one of behaviors .

  12. 其次,虚假广告能对相当数量的一般消费者构成误导。

    Second , a certain number of ordinary customers are involved .

  13. 但是目前虚假广告泛滥。

    But at present , counterfeit advertisement is in everywhere .

  14. 我国特殊商品虚假广告及其治理对策

    Discussion on the special goods ' false advertisement and its administer countermeasure

  15. 从使违法者利益损失最大化角度谈虚假广告治理

    On Advertisement Administration from the Perspective of Lost Offender 's Benefit Maximally

  16. 但近代的一部分虚假广告,也产生了某些负面的影响。

    But false advertising in modern times also had a negative effect .

  17. 论名人代言虚假广告责任体系之完善

    On the Perfection of the Liability of Celebrity Endorsement for False Advertising

  18. 广告市场充斥着大量的虚假广告,可谓无所不在,无孔不入。

    Advertising market has a large number of false advertising .

  19. 当下,在我们的现实生活中,充斥着大量的虚假广告。

    At present , our life is filled with various false advertisements .

  20. 虚假广告的产生、危害与政府管制

    The Emergence , Danger of False Advertisement and Government Control

  21. 主要讨论了在司法实践中如何认定虚假广告罪。

    It mainly discussed how to cognize the false advertising sin in practice .

  22. 重点论述了网络虚假广告的概念、表现形式和危害。

    Focuses on the concept of false advertising network , manifestations and harm .

  23. 第四部分,新兴媒体之虚假广告罪。

    The forth part : " False advertising sin " on Emerging media .

  24. 防治虚假广告的几个法律问题

    Some Legal Problems in the Prevention of False Advertising

  25. 航道侵权损害赔偿虚假广告侵权损害赔偿原则博弈分析

    Game Analysis on the Principles of Damage Compensation for Infringement of False Advertisement

  26. 论虚假广告侵权归责原则的局限性

    On the Limitations of Tort Liability of Misleading Advertising

  27. 他们是不是更容易受到虚假广告诱惑?

    Aren 't they more susceptible to false advertising ?

  28. 建立监控机制,打击虚假广告

    Set up an Inspecting Mechanism Against Sham Advertisement

  29. 论虚假广告的防治

    On the Prevention and Control of Fake Advertisement

  30. 认定虚假广告的三个要件

    The Three Elements in Recognition of Deceptive Advertisements