
  • 网络toxic asset
  1. 美国财长Geithner终于公布了期盼已久的处置有毒资产的方案。

    Tim Geithner unveiled long-awaited proposals to deal with toxic assets .

  2. 政府将试图重新激活证券化放贷,具体方式是通过一个新的公私投资基金吸收有毒资产,并扩大美联储(fed)现有的消费者放贷安排。

    The government will try to reignite securitised lending through a new public-private investment fund for toxic assets and by expanding existing fed facilities for consumer lending .

  3. 在政治层面,美国总统布什(georgew.bush)是终极“有毒资产”。

    President George W. Bush is , politically , the ultimate toxic asset .

  4. 此前他曾负责运营花旗控股(citiholdings),即花旗用于隔离有毒资产的“坏银行”。

    Earlier he ran Citi Holdings , the so-called " bad bank " where Citi quarantined its toxic assets .

  5. 近期,美国财政部长蒂姆盖特纳(timgeithner)宣布了一个公私合作投资计划,旨在购买银行持有的高达1万亿美元的有毒资产。

    Earlier this week US Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner announced a public-private investment program aimed at buying up to $ 1000bn of toxic assets held by banks .

  6. 欧洲央行(ECB)表示,正在为欧盟委员会起草共同标准,以应用于坏银行/好银行政策或银行有毒资产的公共保险制度。

    The European Central Bank said it was writing common standards for the European Commission to apply for bad bank , good bank policies or public insurance schemes for banks ' toxic assets .

  7. 尤其是,它们需要配合旨在降低融资成本(比如联邦政府担保的借款和美联储(fed)贷款)和便于移除过多有毒资产的措施。

    In particular , they need to work together with the implementation of initiatives aimed at lowering funding costs ( such as federally-guaranteed borrowings and federal reserve facilities ) , and facilitating the removal of the overhang of toxic assets .

  8. 但根据欧洲央行(ecb)估算,用于支持金融领域的纳税人风险规模包括资本重组、担保和有毒资产等所有选择在国内生产总值(gdp)中所占比例高达27%。

    But calculations by the European Central Bank show the volume of taxpayer risks earmarked to support the financial sphere , including all options recapitalisation , guarantees , toxic assets etc was as high as 27 per cent of gross domestic product .

  9. 劳埃德银行本已准备好从危机中获益,但去年匆忙收购竞争对手hbos导致其持有了有毒资产,最终不得不被政府接管。

    Lloyds was poised to benefit from the crisis but a hurried merger with rival HBOS last year left it holding toxic assets , forcing it into government control .

  10. 银行能够在无须出售有毒资产的情况下通过LLP(有限责任合伙)形式筹集资金,这反映了投资者对我们银行体系的信心有所恢复,联邦存款保险公司主席希拉拜尔(SheilaBair)上周表示。

    Banks have been able to raise capital without having to sell bad assets through the LLP [ limited liability partnership ] , which reflects renewed investor confidence in our banking system , Sheila Bair , chairman of the FDIC , said last week .

  11. 第一个游戏在整个金融系统撒播有毒资产。

    The first game scattered toxic assets across the financial system .

  12. 不是任何针对有毒资产或财政开支的建议。

    Not anything on toxic assets or fiscal spending .

  13. 同时也鼓励银行解决掉他们的“有毒资产”。

    Banks will be encouraged to shed or write down their toxic assets .

  14. 没有人在解决银行的有毒资产和资本重组问题。

    Nobody is solving the toxic asset and recapitalisation problems of the banks .

  15. 现在,他们又看到政府在购买“有毒资产”。

    Now they read that the government is buying .

  16. 银行仍然充斥着有毒资产。

    Banks remain riddled with toxic assets .

  17. 直接或间接持有有毒资产令法国银行也不得不蒙受损失,有的还很严重。

    Direct or indirect exposures to toxic assets implied that they too had to record write-downs ;

  18. 他们持有的有毒资产相对较少,因此被迫减记的数额也较少。

    They owned relatively fewer toxic assets , and were hence forced to take fewer write-downs .

  19. 投资者为此开始回避那些持有有毒资产的集团,例如雷曼兄弟。

    That has left investors shunning groups that hold toxic assets , such as Lehman Brothers .

  20. 高盛和摩根大通均未置评,但银行家称它们正在考虑购买有毒资产。

    Goldman and JPMorgan did not comment , but bankers said they were considering buying toxic assets .

  21. 鉴于关键类型的有毒资产仍在贬值,答案是:不会太快。

    With key categories of toxic assets still losing value , the answer is : not soon .

  22. 投资人不加判断地对各种信用评级照单全收,买入大量有毒资产随后造成了巨大的损失。

    Uncritical acceptance of credit ratings by purchasers of these toxic assets has led to huge losses .

  23. 有毒资产的价格尚需翻倍才能满足银行存活的条件。

    The prices for toxic assets may need to more than double for the banks to survive .

  24. 我的意思是,我可不是经济学家,但也许应该立即停止称呼那些为有毒资产。

    I mean , I 'm no economist , but maybe you should stop calling them toxic assets .

  25. 他支持国际协调的财政刺激,用不合格的银行措施来消灭“有毒资产”。

    He supports an internationally co-ordinated fiscal stimulus and the use of bad banks to mop up toxic assets .

  26. 这些坏账也称为有毒资产,它们已削弱了美国银行,妨碍了正常的贷款。

    These bad loans , also called toxic assets , have weakened American banks and interfered with normal lending .

  27. 他将会再次尝试推出将有毒资产从银行资产负债表上移走的计划。

    He will make a second attempt to unveil the plan to take toxic assets off bank balance sheets .

  28. 美国财政部已经发布一项计划,决定从陷入困境的银行购买1万亿美元“有毒资产”。

    The US Treasury released its plan for purchasing $ 1 trillion of toxic assets from the troubled banks .

  29. 该行认为,影响投资者人气的因素之一,是有毒资产构成的风险依然存在。

    One factor that the bank believes has been overhanging investor sentiment is the continuing risk posed by toxic assets .

  30. 在这种激励下,私人部门可以参与“有毒资产”的竞标,从而使银行能够生存。

    It might motivate private investors to bid up the prices for toxic assets that will allow banks to survive .