
  • 网络organic farming;Organic;Organic agriculture
  1. 有机种植不但能保护我们的土地免于污染,也可以远离化学污染的食物。

    Organic farming can not only protect our land from pollution but also keep us away from those chemical-contaminated food .

  2. 即便有机种植的确消耗更少能源,产生更少污染,但也会被低产以及使用更多耕地所抵消。

    Even if organic farming does consume a little less energy and produce a little less pollution , that must be offset against lower yields and greater land use .

  3. 其它“认证咖啡”是那些有机种植咖啡和由雨林联盟(rainforestalliance)认证的咖啡豆,该计划旨在保护环境。

    Other " certified coffees " are those grown organically and Rainforest Alliance accredited beans , a scheme which protects the environment .

  4. EliotColeman是缅因州以为有机种植农民和作家,他帮助使四级耕种的概念流行起来。

    Eliot Coleman is an organic farmer and a writer in Maine who has helped the idea of four-season farming .

  5. 一个大学生给我满满几带有机种植的西红柿、南瓜和甜瓜。

    A college student handed me sacks filled with organic tomatoes , zucchini and melons .

  6. 系统内生产的食用植物都是无菌的,而且可以做到完全的有机种植。译文:什么食物能和奶酪搭配食用?

    The food crops are sterile and can be completely organic . What food can come with cheese ?

  7. 种植水果蔬菜或食用有机种植的水果蔬菜将为提升提供坚定。

    Planting fruit trees and vegetables or eating of organically grown fruits and vegetables will provide fortitude to ascend .

  8. 大多数咖啡都经由水洗式处理,从这点来讲,有机种植的咖啡很少。

    The majority of the coffee is wet-processed , and at this point , very little is organically grown .

  9. 部分基地现在已经开展了无化肥、无农药的有机种植,力求原材料自然栽培、无污染。

    And we are arranging organic planting now , it means do no use fertilizer and pesticide , to make the materials grow naturally , without pollution .

  10. 如一篇有机种植的评论所总结的:“有机农业系统内部和传统农业系统内部的差异可能和两个系统之间的差异一样大。”

    As a review of organic practices concluded : " variation within organic and conventional farming systems is likely as large as differences between the two systems . "

  11. 当阿拉比卡咖啡豆在极好的环境下有机种植一般就会产出极品咖啡。然而咖啡市场的运作并非如此。

    While Arabica coffee beans that have grown in excellent conditions under organic means will generally constitute a gourmet coffee , coffee economics have ensured that this is often not the case .

  12. 提供学校,企事业单位及社会团体农业有机化种植教育基地的服务。

    Provide schools , enterprises and social organizations of organic cultivation of agricultural education-based services .

  13. 有机蔬菜种植体系中水肥配置的农学及环境效应研究

    Studies on Agronomic and Environmental Effects by Different Water and Fertilizer Managements in Organic Vegetable Farming

  14. 研究结果说明,有机作物种植中害虫治理面临严峻挑战,需要探索切实可行的生态学治理新方法。

    The results suggest that the pest control in organic farming rice-duck field confronts serious challenge , and it is necessary to explore practical and feasible ecology-based management methods .

  15. 我们所有的产品都采用经认证的有机农场种植的纯天然织物,用对环境影响低的染料着色,最后以对社会环境负责的生产方式制作完成。

    All of our products are made from natural fibers grown on certified organic farms , colored using low-impact dyes , and produced with socially and environmentally responsible practices .

  16. 以具有千年历史的法国奥塞斯酒庄的种植技术经验和管理方法为依托,不计成本,全园采用绿色有机方式种植。

    Basing on the millennium history of technology and management methods of the Chateau Auzias , our vineyard used of the green organic cultivation ways , although it may cost much more .

  17. 有机和常规种植条件下樱桃番茄的营养物质含量与矿物元素ICP-AES分析

    Analysis of Some Nutrients and Minerals in Organic and Traditional Cherry Tomato by ICP-OES Method

  18. 按有机生产方式种植已有多久?

    How long has the organic farming been going on ?

  19. 有机与常规种植稻米品质及安全性的分析与评价

    Analysis and evaluation on quality and safety of organic and conventional rice

  20. 有机高粱不同种植方式及密度试验

    Effects of Different Planting Pattern and Density on Yield of the Organic Sorghum

  21. 特别是有机蔬菜的种植讲究的是安全、自然的生产方式,可以很好地促进和维持生态平衡。

    Meanwhile , the cultivation of organic vegetables is safe and natural production methods , promote and maintain the ecological balance .

  22. 也有越来越多的家庭更喜欢自己用有机的方法种植水果。

    At the same time , an increasingly number of families are choosing to grow veg and fruit using organic methods .

  23. 现有的稻田甲烷减排方法主要有其他肥料代替传统的有机肥、种植低甲烷排放的水稻品种,以及稻田的灌水管理。

    At present , the major methods are biogas generator residues to substitute fresh organic fertilizers , rice cultivar selection , and water management .

  24. 通过3年田间试验,比较分析了草莓有机与无机种植系统的能流、经济流及对土壤环境的影响。

    The energy flows and economic flows of organic and inorganic strawberry production systems and their influences on soil environment are discussed on the basis of field experiments .

  25. 建议通过增施有机肥、种植绿肥增加土壤有机质含量,以及采取适宜的农业措施可有效促进土壤各肥力要素的形成,提升土壤肥力水平、恢复土壤生产力。

    It is suggested that using organic fertilizer , planting green manure could increase content of soil organic matter , and that taking suitable agricultural measure could promote the formation of soil fertility together , generally upgrading the level of soil fertility and renew soil production .

  26. 今后的土地利用开发工作应集中在挖掘当前生产力不高的园地和林地,对其土壤进行合适的改良培育措施,增施有机肥、种植绿肥、提高耕作管理水平。

    Over all , the future land development work should focused on how to explore the garden and woods land with low productivity , and it was need to raise the soil fertility by fertilizing organic fertilizer , planting green manure , and improving farm management .

  27. 此公司在逐步发展过程中向产业链的上下游延伸,形成一条闭环式循环发展的产业链条种植业饲料加工养殖业生猪屠宰及深加工废水综合治理及沼气工程有机肥生产种植业。

    The company , in the course of extension of the upstream and downstream industry chain , forms a closed cycle chain of the industrial development : crop farming-feed processing-pig breeding-live pig slaughtering and deep processing-the comprehensive treatment of waste water and biogas project-organic fertilizer production-crop farming .

  28. 没有确实的证据表明有机食物比传统种植的食物更有营养。

    No conclusive evidence shows that organic food is more nutritious than conventionally grown food .

  29. 长期施用氮、磷和有机肥对不同种植体系土壤有效硫累积的影响

    Soil available sulfur accumulation in a long-term N , P and organic fertilizer experiment under the different cropping systems

  30. 改善农田养分循环的途径是建设基本农田、增施有机肥料和调整种植结构等。

    Therefore , the way of improving nutrient circulation is to build farmland with high productivity , apply more organic fertilizer and readjust the structure of plant .