
  • 网络organic vegetable
  1. 为探讨白三叶茎叶作有机蔬菜生产基肥的可能性及肥效特点,论文通过盆栽试验研究了白三叶作基肥与不同施肥配方相比对青菜(Brassicachinensis)和生菜(Lactucasativa)生长及品质的影响。

    In order to discuss the feasibility of white clover as green manure in the production of organic vegetable , the experiments were conducted to investigate the effects of white clover as green manure on growth and quality of Brassica chinensis and lettuce ( Lactuca sativa ) .

  2. 无公害蔬菜、绿色蔬菜及有机蔬菜的生产

    Product of non-pollutant vegetable 、 green vegetable and organic vegetable

  3. 一些商店迫于顾客的压力,开始供应有机蔬菜。

    Some shops are bowing to consumer pressure and stocking organically grown vegetables

  4. Bernstein利用一种化学肥料种植作物已多年,她发现,可以用养鱼的废水种植有机蔬菜和水果。

    Ms. Bernstein grew plants in water with a chemical fertilizer for years . Then she discovered she could use wastewater from fish to grow organic vegetables and fruit .

  5. 通过盆栽试验研究了白三叶Trifoliumrepens作基肥对青菜Brassicachinensis生长及品质的影响,探讨了白三叶茎叶作为有机蔬菜生产基肥的可能性及其肥效特点。

    Effects of white clover ( Trifolium repens ) as green manure on growth and quality of Brassica chinensis were studied by pot experiment in order to discuss the feasibility of white clover as green manure to produce organic vegetables .

  6. 大型生物有机蔬菜的饮食由谷物和蔬菜。

    A macrobiotic diet consists of organically grown grains and vegetables .

  7. 批发商说有机蔬菜的销售量迅猛增长。

    Wholesalers report a sharp increase in sales of organis vegetables .

  8. 这些是有机蔬菜吗?

    Thank you . Are the vegetables on the veggie plateorganic ?

  9. 你走进市场去买新鲜的有机蔬菜。

    You walk into a market to buy fresh organic vegetables .

  10. 有机蔬菜都有蓝色的标签。

    The organic vegetables are marked with the blue label .

  11. 有机蔬菜尝起来比化学肥料栽种的要好吃。

    Organic vegetables taste more delicious than those treated with chemical fertilizers .

  12. 沙律,低脂的奶品类,有机蔬菜和生果。

    E.g.Salad , low-fat dairy products , vegetables and fruit .

  13. 提供有机蔬菜,芳香植物花卉的采摘服务。

    To provide organic vegetables , aromatic flowers picking service .

  14. 有机蔬菜生产中的病虫草害防治策略

    Strategies of Pest , Disease and Weed Prevention in Organic Vegetable Production

  15. 目前,国外有机蔬菜是国外有机食品产业中发展很快的产业。

    At present , organic vegetable develops fast in organic food industry abroad .

  16. 发展有机蔬菜是我国蔬菜生产的必由之路

    Organic Vegetable Is the Basis of Sustainable Agricultural Developments

  17. 除非是有机蔬菜,这些蔬菜上长满虫子,还残留有农药。

    Unless they 're organic , they 're full of pesticides and chemicals .

  18. 我国目前有机蔬菜生产中,施肥制度及技术还不够成熟和完善。

    Currently , the technique of using manure to produce organic vegetable was not perfect .

  19. 冀西北出口创汇型有机蔬菜基地建设探讨

    Study on the Construction of Organic Vegetable Production Base for Export in Northwest Hebei Province

  20. 他只买有机蔬菜。

    He will only buy organic vegetables .

  21. 有机蔬菜种植体系中水肥配置的农学及环境效应研究

    Studies on Agronomic and Environmental Effects by Different Water and Fertilizer Managements in Organic Vegetable Farming

  22. 北京市有机蔬菜发展研究

    Development of Beijing Organic Vegetable Industry

  23. 消费者对食品安全的选择意愿&以南京市有机蔬菜消费行为为例

    Consumers ' choice on food safety : a case study of organic vegetable purchasing behavior in Nanjing

  24. 就有机蔬菜的涵义、生产过程和发展前景进行阐述。

    Nutritious and high quality food , organic vegetable is being concerned by more and more producers and consumers .

  25. 然后通过对建瓯有机蔬菜的发展现状的资料的收集与统计。

    And then through the statistical data collection and development on of Jian ' ou organic vegetables status quo .

  26. 有机蔬菜是不含对人类及环境有害的化学物的蔬菜。

    Organic vegetables are vegetables that are grown without chemicals that can be harmful to human beings and the environment .

  27. 准确分析有机蔬菜产业化经营的基本问题是问题研究的背景。

    Accurate analysis of the industrialization of organic vegetables , the basic problem is the background to the study question .

  28. 特别是有机蔬菜的种植讲究的是安全、自然的生产方式,可以很好地促进和维持生态平衡。

    Meanwhile , the cultivation of organic vegetables is safe and natural production methods , promote and maintain the ecological balance .

  29. 除此之外,刘翔还吃海产品和有机蔬菜,但他不吃猪肉。厨师介绍说,猪肉的脂肪含量太高。

    Liu also eats seafood and organic vegetables , he said , but he doesn 't eat pork , as the fat content is too high .

  30. 通过对上海市某有机蔬菜地耕作层土壤和灌溉水进行的实地取样,分析了土壤和灌溉水中重金属含量并进行评价。

    The top soil and irrigating water in the organic vegetable farm in Shanghai were sampled , in which the heavy metals were analyzed and evaluated .