
yǒu xiào zhàn lǐnɡ
  • effective occupation
  1. 目前有效占领市场的男性时尚杂志,要么具有国际版权合作的背景,要么获得大型传媒集团的支持。

    The market leaders of men 's fashion magazines either have international copyright background or subordinate to large media-group .

  2. 在此基础上提出了在竞争机制下,公司应狠抓产品质量,以优取胜,有效占领市场的建议。

    Suggestions are presented that under the free competitive system producers must make great efforts on the products quality so as to win through quality superiority and capture the market effectively .

  3. 本文的基本出发点是宏观环境的分析,从这一点看,HY公司有很大的市场机会,一旦资金人员到位,是能够快速有效地占领市场的。

    Basic starting point of this paper is the analysis of the macroeconomic environment , this point of view , HY companies have great market opportunities , personnel in place once the capital is able to occupy the market quickly and efficiently .

  4. 利用Bass创新扩散模型描述Internet的扩散过程,有利于分析Internet的市场前景,确保其有效扩散并占领市场。

    To research the Internet market foreground and insure the product diffusion available we can describe Internet product diffusion process with Bass innovation diffusion models .