
  • 网络Post purchase behavior;post-purchase behavior
  1. 消费情绪与购后行为的关系研究综述

    A Review of the Relationship between Consumption Emotion and Post-purchase Behavior

  2. 顾客购后行为研究&概念、内容与方法

    The Study on the Customer Post-purchase Behavior : Concept Contents and Methods

  3. 产品消费中ALE、BALE与购后行为关系的实证研究

    How ALE and BALE impact upon Post-Purchase Behaviors : An Empirical Study into Product Consumptions

  4. 彩民消费情绪对彩民购后行为的影响研究

    The Research of the Lottery-buyer Emotion to the Post-purchase Behavior

  5. 基于顾客购后行为的顾客满意度评价研究

    Research on Customer Satisfaction Evaluation Based on Customer Post-purchase Behavior

  6. 服务环境下顾客兼容性及其对顾客购后行为的影响

    The Customer Compatibility in Service Environment and Its Impact on the Post-Purchase Behavior of Customer

  7. 在研究过程中,引入顾客信任和情感承诺等中介变量,构建了有无服务承诺对顾客购后行为意向影响的关系模型。

    In the research process , we introduced the mediator variables including customer trust and affective commitment .

  8. 品牌关系型态、品牌关系质量与顾客购后行为之间关系的实证研究把巫山作为品牌把品牌做成名牌

    The Empirical Study on the Relationship of Brand Relationship Form , Brand Relationship Quality and Customer Post-purchase Behavior

  9. 本文的核心研究内容是以购后行为评价顾客满意度。

    Customer satisfaction evaluation based on the post - purchase behavior is the core aspect of this paper .

  10. 国内对于零售业服务质量与消费者购后行为关系的研究文献较少。

    It 's deficient of the study about the retailing service quality and post-purchasing behavior of customer in our country .

  11. 对旅游者消费行为的研究,主要是集中在对其影响因素、消费特征、购买行为、购后行为等方面进行。

    The research on consumption behaviors focuses , on their affecting factors , consumer characteristics , purchase behaviors and after-behaviors of purchase .

  12. 关系质量包括顾客满意、顾客信任和顾客承诺三个维度;顾客购后行为倾向是包括交易型和关系型二维结构的构念。

    Relationship quality includes three dimensions : customer satisfaction , customer trust and customer commitment . BPBI is a two-dimensional structure with transaction and relational constructs .

  13. 顾客积极购后行为是企业获取利润的主要渠道,消极购后行为会为企业带来巨大的损失。

    Active customer post-purchase behavior is the main channel for enterprises to gain their profit , while negative post-purchase behavior will bring huge losses for the enterprises .

  14. 市场竞争的日益剧烈使得服务提供企业愈加认识到关注消费者购后行为的重要性。

    As the competition of service industry market is increasingly fierce , more and more enterprises begin to realize the importance of focusing on customer post-purchase behavior .

  15. 为此,本文将品牌关系这一新变量引入,比较它和产品相关属性是如何影响手机消费者购后行为的。

    In the paper , brand relationship will be a new variable , compared to product relation attributes , then study on how they affect consumers ' post-purchase behavior .

  16. 与此同时,品牌关系作为品牌理论研究的最新阶段,为越来越多的学者所重视,少数学者认为,品牌关系对购后行为倾向有影响。

    Brand relationship is the latest theories , more and more scholars pay attention to it , and a few scholars believe that brand relationship has effect on the consumers ' post-purchase behavior .

  17. 总的来看,已有研究对游客感知价值的维度并没有取得一致性的结论,游客感知价值各维度对购后行为意向各维度的影响也没有得到深入的研究。

    Consistent conclusion of dimension of tourist perceived value is yet too made by researchers , and the influence of dimensions of tourism perceived value on dimensions of post-purchase behavior intention is yet to be researched deep .

  18. 国内外研究表明,顾客通过一系列的服务接触行为涉入到服务传递过程中,这会影响其对服务经历的满意度和信任度,进而影响其购后行为倾向。

    Domestic and foreign research shows that customers are involved in the service delivery process through a series of behaviors , it will affect their satisfaction and trust towards service experience , and it will further affect their post-purchase behavior .

  19. 顾客购后行为是顾客消费产品后的自然表现,许多营销学者对此的研究都表明了它对顾客满意的映射作用。

    It is generally accepted that the post-purchase behavior is customers ' objective representations for their emotion and feelings about the product and / or services they purchased , and all the relative researches indicate the forecasting function of the post-purchase behavior .

  20. 第五,关系质量可以作为顾客购后行为倾向单独的前置变量,同时,具有交易和关系双维结构的利益成为企业-顾客关系质量的主要影响因素。

    Fifth , relationship quality can be a separate pre-variable to affect BPBI , and at the same time ," benefit " with two-dimensional structure of the transaction and relationship has become the main factor affecting the quality of the enterprise-customer relationship .

  21. 而顾客购后的行为意向,包括重购意向和口碑传播等变量,几乎没有研究涉及。

    However , the customers ' behavioral intention after purchase including the variables like repurchase intention and " Word-of-Mouth " were rarely involved in research .