
  • 网络Timing;TIME;time selection;Time Picker;TimePicker
  1. 常规免疫的时间选择及其后的花粉病的发病危险

    Timing of routine immunisations and subsequent hay fever risk

  2. 中报自愿审计及其对会计信息披露及时性的影响信息环境、年报披露时间选择与下年盈余管理

    A Research on Interim Voluntary Audit and Its Effect on Timeliness of Accounting Information Disclosure ; Information Environment , Timing of Annual Reports and Earnings Management for the Coming Fiscal Year

  3. 当你想建议某项安排时,提出多个时间选择将有帮助。例如:Areyoufreetomorrowsometime?

    When you want to suggest arrangements , it is helpful to suggest different times , eg : Are you free tomorrow some time ?

  4. 乳腺癌患者月经周期中性激素、VEGF及NK细胞的变化与手术时间选择的关系探讨

    Timing of surgery for breast cancer in relation to the fluctuation of sexual hormones , VEGF and NK cells within the menstrual cycle

  5. 求解动态用户均衡出行路径与出行时间选择模型的Swapping方法

    A Swapping Approach for Solving the Dynamic User - Equilibrium Route and Departure Time Choice Model

  6. 要将其放置到一个私有VLAN上,只需在提供时间选择这个专用VLAN。

    To place it on a private VLAN , you simply select the private VLAN at provisioning time .

  7. 我们还将使用Fabric核心本体模型中定义的HoursofOperation断言,DynamicAssembler使用该断言来根据当天的时间选择不同的端点。

    We 'll also use the Hours of Operation assertion , defined in the Fabric core ontology model , which is used by the Dynamic Assembler to select different endpoints depending on the time of the day .

  8. 接种时间选择在麻疹低发季节,且尽可能在15d内完成;

    Immunization period be arranged at low transmission season and completed within 15 days ;

  9. 目的分析总结应用AF系统治疗胸腰椎不稳定骨折的效果与治疗时间选择的差异。

    Objective To analyze and summarize the Results of treating vertebrae the unstable fractures of vertebrae thoracicae and vertebrae lumbales by AF System and the difference in timing for treatment .

  10. XSLT和XPath版本:Xproc工作的时间选择说明它在XPath和XSLT版本之间的采用周期中找到了自己的定位。

    XSLT and XPath versions : The timing of the XProc effort means that it finds itself in the middle of an adoption cycle between versions of XPath and XSLT .

  11. 根据材料的抗压强度和凝固时间选择50%wtCSH的BCP/CSH复合物组进入下一步实验。

    Based on the compressive strength data and the solidification time , the BCP / CSH compound with 50 wt % CSH is chosen for the next experiment .

  12. 提出了一种基于LOGIT方法的交通分配模型,该模型是动态出发时间选择和随机用户平衡的联合模型(DDSUE)。

    This paper presented a Logit-based dynamic traffic assignment model ( DTA ) . This model combined departure time with dynamic stochastic user equilibrium assignment problem ( DDSUE ) .

  13. 用时间选择能谱仪-磁猝灭测量方法并经适当数据处理,研究了聚四氟乙烯高聚物中正电子湮没寿命谱中等成份(~lns)的湮没过程性质。

    The nature of the medium lifetime component of positron annihilation in Teflon ( PTFE ) polymer has been investigated by using a recently developed time-selecting γ ray energy spectrometer with and without magnetic field .

  14. 方法设计spacer为poly(dT)10~20的长度为15~30mer的探针,与122~1067bp的荧光标记靶序列杂交,杂交温度选择42℃~65℃,杂交时间选择1~3h。

    Methods The probes of 15 30 mer length with poly ( dT ) 10 ~ 20 as spacer were designed , and then hybridized with the fluorescence labeled target sequence of 122 ~ 1067 bp at temperature of 42 ℃~ 65 ℃ for 1 ~ 3 h.

  15. 关于增强MRI的时间选择问题,各研究结果不尽相同,一般认为注射对比剂后2~5min各种肿瘤都会明显强化,随时间延长肿瘤强化程度轻度增加,强化持续20min左右。

    In general , it is accepted that scanning should not begin until 2 ~ 5 minutes after injection of contrast media . The degree of enhancement of brain tumors may increase slightly in delayed post-contrast imaging , and the enhancement may last about 20 minutes .

  16. 线性时间选择算法时间复杂度深入研究

    Indepth Study to the Time Complexity of Linear Time Selection Algorithm

  17. 这位先生还要一段时间选择。

    This Mister still needs more time to pick his selection .

  18. 急性机械性肠梗阻手术时间选择的探讨

    Study of Optimal Time of Operation on Acute Mechanical Intestinal Obstruction

  19. 新生儿足跟采血最佳时间选择

    Optimal time chosen of blood sampling collection from heel for newborns

  20. 胸腰椎骨折手术方式及时间选择

    The Kind of Surgery and Time Choice of Thoracolumbar Fracture

  21. 这样的时间选择或许与乔布斯去世是有关的。

    The timing may be linked to the death of Mr Jobs .

  22. 时间选择电话沟通的重要性。

    The time chosen for the call communicates its importance .

  23. 新生儿听力筛查的时间选择

    Time Selection on Screening of Audition in Newborn Babies

  24. 多电极对间距及放电脉冲时间选择研究

    Study of the selection on intervals of multi-pair electrodes and pulsed discharge time

  25. 基于拥挤收费的动态出发时间选择

    Choice of dynamic departure time based on congestion pricing

  26. 处理电引信瞎火弹的安全时间选择

    Choice of the Safety Time for Destroying the Dud of an Electric Fuze

  27. 居民出行时间选择及拥挤收费政策

    Resident travel time choice and congestion pricing policy

  28. 房地产税又是利剑在上,只是时间选择上的问题。

    Property tax implementation is just a timing issue , it will be implemented .

  29. 苗木冬眠期限与造林时间选择对造林成活率的影响

    Effect of Hibernation Term of Seedling and Planting Time Selection on Afforestation Survival Rate

  30. 外资银行进入北京和上海市场的时间选择:生存分析

    Time Choice for Entry of Foreign Banks in Beijing and Shanghai : A Survival Analysis