
  1. 时间安排也许会有些小小的变动。

    There may be some minor changes to the schedule .

  2. 袭击的成功取决于分秒不差的时间安排。

    The success of the raid depended on split-second timing .

  3. 时间安排上出了点小问题。

    There was a slight hiccup in the timetable .

  4. 说点儿实际的吧,我们能谈谈下周的时间安排吗?

    On a more mundane level , can we talk about the timetable for next week ?

  5. 联合国进行的讨论可能包括采取行动的时间安排。

    Discussions at the UN could include a time frame for action .

  6. 将向所有参展者发送时间安排。

    Schedules will be sent out to all exhibitors .

  7. 会议的时间安排得恰到好处。

    The timing of the meetings was opportune .

  8. 一群下院议员仍在与政府就选举的时间安排争吵个不停。

    A group of MPs is still wrangling with the government over the timing of elections .

  9. 但是,部长访问的时间安排不当,可能会使访问的善意不能得到有效传达。

    The timing of the minister 's visit , however , could somewhat detract from the goodwill it 's supposed to generate .

  10. 我这星期的时间安排很紧。

    I 've got a very busy timetable this week .

  11. 所以时间安排似乎比以往任何时候都紧张。

    So the timetable seems more crowded than ever .

  12. 会议的时间安排不合适。

    The timing of the meeting is not convenient .

  13. 解决方法:Alloy侧边栏面板中的数据会根据管理员设定的时间安排自动刷新。

    Resolution : The data in the Alloy sidebar panel is automatically refreshed based on a schedule set by the administrator .

  14. 目前,苹果公司尚未透露通信巨头中国移动公司(ChinaMobile,占有70%的市场份额)或中国电信公司(ChinaTelecom,占有10%的市场份额)销售iPhone手机的具体时间安排。

    No word yet from apple when the device will be available for giant China Mobile ( CHL ) ( 70 % share ) or China Telecom ( CHA ) ( 10 % ) .

  15. 对甩负荷试验的目的、时间安排、调节系统与OPC转速控制系统之间的协调关系等作了探讨。

    Also the purpose , the arrangement schedule of load-rejection test as well as the coordinate relation ship between governing system and speed control system OPC are discussed .

  16. 时间安排具有挑衅性,因为克鲁格曼一直是针对布什政府和麦凯恩(JohnMcCain)犀利而又具有影响力的批评人士,而现在离美国大选还有三个星期。

    The timing is provocative , three weeks before the US presidential election , because Mr Krugman has been a trenchant and influential critic both of the Bush administration and of John McCain .

  17. 随着网络的普及,Internet对英语教学产生了不可忽视的影响,不仅创造了良好的语言学习环境,丰富了教学内容,提高了教学效果,而且也带来教学管理、时间安排等新的问题。

    With the popularity of network , internet has exerted an influence upon English teaching which can not be neglected . It provides good environment for English study , enriches teaching content , improves teaching achievement , brings about new problems of teaching management and scheduling as well .

  18. 在KarlKrainerGoogle的北欧市场负责人的开幕致词中,介绍了本次活动的各位演讲者和时间安排。

    In the opening keynote Karl Krainer , head of marketing Northern Europe for Google , introduced the speakers of the event and presented the schedule .

  19. 该公司表示,预计将在未来6个月内完成在纳斯达克(nasdaq)的首次公开发行按照这一时间安排,该公司将成为首家公开上市的中国互联网视频网站。

    The company said it expected to complete the IPO on the NASDAQ Exchange within the next six months a schedule that would make it the first Chinese Internet video site to go public .

  20. 为支持不完善的项目时间安排,例如当服务仍然处于开发阶段时,客户需要进行其他测试,于是要提供Mock服务来代替实际服务。

    To allow for imperfect project timing , such as when a service is still under development and the consumer needs to proceed with other tests , mock services can be hosted in place of the real services .

  21. 戴尔称该手机是“概念验证(poc)原型”,表示正与中国移动共同拟定手机推出计划,但未透露进一步详情和时间安排。

    Dell described the handset as a " proof-of-concept prototype " and said that the company was working with the Chinese mobile operator on launch plans . Dell did not disclose further details or timing .

  22. 通过将男装从女装中剥离开来,并把男装周的时间安排得与欧洲的男装周更接近,美国时装设计师协会(CouncilofFashionDesignersofAmerica)改变了之前那种不平衡状态——时尚编辑们和买家们曾经不得不在伦敦、

    By separating men 's wear from women 's and moving the shows closer on the calendar to a month of similar presentations in Europe , the Council of Fashion Designers of America corrected an imbalanced scheduling sequence that forced editors and buyers to wait until weeks after the shows in London ,

  23. 克莱纳和他的MBA同学还开了一个时间安排章节,敦促申请者至少用两个月时间准备研究生管理专业入学考试(GMAT),三个月时间单独完成HBS申请。

    Kleiner and his MBA colleagues , for example , tossed in a section on timing , urging applicants to give themselves at least two months to study for the GMAT and three months to complete the HBS application alone .

  24. 常规新辅助化疗组所用药物及剂量同时辰化疗组,用药时间安排在正常上班时间(8am~5pm)。

    In group B the same doses of cisplatin and fluorouracil were given in the daily working time from 8 am to 5 pm by the routine infusion method .

  25. 软件估算模型COCOMOⅡ的研究目标在于建立起一个能够适用于当前的软件开发并且每年更新的模型,使之能够估算软件开发活动中的成本、工作量及时间安排。

    The COCOMO ⅱ research effort is concentrated on developing a model well-suited for the contemporary software development and then annually updating it for the forthcoming years , which allows one to estimate the cost , effort , and schedule when planning a new software development activity .

  26. 我打电话是想谈一下维也纳项目的时间安排。

    I 'm phoning about the timing for the Vienna project .

  27. 我们的假日时间安排必须与你的一致。

    Our holidays must be tuned to fit in with yours .

  28. 昨晚演出的时间安排相当好。

    The timing in last night 's performance was pretty good .

  29. 请把下次会议时间安排得方便些。

    Please arrange the next meeting at a less awkward time .

  30. 但是对他来说很难抽出时间安排。

    But it was hard for sb to work it out .