
  • 网络The Age;El Tiempo;Metro Express;Die Zeit
  1. 苏菲的妈妈告诉《时代报》的记者,当她老公告知女儿他们没办法给她送一只龙当圣诞礼物时,苏菲想到了要向科学家们要一只。

    Sophie 's mother told The Age that when her husband advised their daughter they wouldn 't be able to get her a dragon for Christmas , Sophie came up with the idea to ask a scientist for one .

  2. 羊驼菜品也曾在2013年墨尔本美食佳酿节上亮相。据《时代报》当时的报道,约有20家澳大利亚餐厅供应羊驼肉。这个数字自那以后大幅增长。

    Alpaca has also starred in dishes at the Melbourne Food and Wine Festival , with the The Age reporting in 2013 about 20 Australian restaurants served the meat , a number which has grown considerably since .

  3. “这也是人们在外出时可能会随身携带C2的一个原因”,泰瑟国际公司的史蒂夫•特陶跟《时代报》说。

    " It 's one more reason why you might be carrying the Taser C2 when you 're out and about ," Taser International 's Steve Tuttle told The Age .

  4. Broyard是纽约时代报的书评家和编辑,他曾经抨击一位卓越的外科医生,因为他不喜欢那人在手术室里戴帽子的样子。

    Broyard , a book critic and editor at The New York Times , had fired a prominent surgeon because he hadn 't liked the way the man wore a cap in the operating room .

  5. 据时代报报道,迪奥在由于体检失败而未能转会去查尔顿后返回了安菲尔德。

    The Times says Diao is back at Anfield after his move to Charlton Athletic fell through because of a failed medical .

  6. 但据《时代报》的一项调查显示,这更多的是归因于政治传统,远非恐吓所致。

    But a survey by El tiempo , a newspaper , found that this owed more to local political tradition than intimidation .

  7. 在指定的报摊可以取阅免费的《时代报》,车站内的自动售货机也出售早餐、冷热饮料和小吃。

    The free newspaper Metro Express is available at dedicated newsstands , and vending machines at the stations dispense breakfast , selling hot and cold drinks and snacks .

  8. 热刺和利物浦都在追逐这名中场,但是他对《星期天时代报》说,“我听说过一些传闻,但是我觉得我没有必要靠转会促进职业生涯的进步。”

    Tottenham and Liverpool have been chasing the midfielder , but he told the Sunday Times : " I heard the rumours , but I don 't feel the need to move to enhance my career . "

  9. 比如,新奥尔良《时代花絮报》(Times-Picayune)的幕后老板是先进出版公司(AdvancePublications)。

    The New Orleans Times-Picayune , for example , is owned by advance publications .

  10. 网络时代都市报发展战略

    The Strategic Research in the Development of Metropolis Newspaper in the Internet Age

  11. 消费时代都市报财经报道的策略选择

    The Choices of Tactics for City-Newspaper 's Finance and Economics Reports in Consuming Age

  12. 信息时代彩报印刷对新闻纸性能的需求

    Multicolor offset printing of newspaper in a multimedia world and its impacts on newsprint requirements

  13. 服务全方位&新媒体时代科技报生存之道

    Service in All Aspect & How Survive of Science and Technology Newspaper in New Media Time

  14. 在巴菲特全家搬至华盛顿特区后,他开始为《华盛顿邮报》和该报的对手《时代先驱报》送报纸。

    When his family moved to washington , d.c. , Buffett became a Paperboy for the Washington Post and its rival the times-herald .

  15. 《新奥尔良时代花絮报》说,那些自认为珍贵的时刻破坏了雄心勃勃的努力,削弱了这个讲述力量和牺牲的非凡故事的影响力。

    The Times-Picayune in New Orleans complains that the ambitious effort is spoiled by self-consciously precious moments that blunt the impact of a remarkable story of strength and sacrifice .

  16. 《新奥尔良时代花絮报》说,那些“自认为珍贵的时刻”破坏了雄心勃勃的努力,削弱了这个讲述力量和牺牲的非凡故事的影响力。

    The Times-Picayune in New Orleans complains that the ambitious effort is spoiled by " self-consciously precious moments " that blunt the impact of a remarkable story of strength and sacrifice .

  17. 萨尼亚警署的警官斯科特·克拉克在接受《时代先驱报》采访时表示,这些参与者并没有做好滞留在某处的准备,他还补充说,许多参与者甚至都没有配备救生衣。

    Sarnia Police Service Staff Sgt Scott Clarke told the Times Herald newspaper that participants " were unprepared to be stranded anywhere , " adding that many were not equipped with life jackets .

  18. 3G时代湖南手机报发展对策研究&湖南手机报市场调查报告

    On Development Countermeasures of Hunan Mobile Phone Newspaper in the Third Generation Age : Survey Report of Hunan Mobile Phone Newspaper Market