
  • 网络twa;PC-TWA;Permissible concentration-Time Weighted Average;permissible concentration-time weighted average,PC-TWA
  1. 结论提出我国车间空气中奥克托今最高容许浓度建议值为4mg/m3,时间加权平均容许浓度为2mg/m3。

    Conclusions It is proposed that MAC for octogen in the air of workplaces in this country may be set as 4 mg / m 3 , and its TWA 2 mg / m 3 .

  2. [结论]建议车间空气中尿素的最高容许浓度为10mg/m3,其时间加权平均容许浓度为5mg/m3。

    [ Concentration ] The maximum allowable concentration ( MAC ) and the time weighted average allowable concentration ( TWA AC ) have been recommended 10 mg / m 3 , respectively .

  3. 结论石油沥青(烟)最高容许浓度为8mg/m3,时间加权平均容许浓度为5mg/m3。

    Conclusion The maximum allowable concentration ( MAC ) for petroleum asphalt fume is 8 mg / m ~ 3 and the time-weight average ( TWA ) is 5 mg / m ~ 3 .