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  1. 人名的时代风尚和文化意义汉英命名比较

    The Fashion Development and Cultural Dimensions of Given Names

  2. 宋诗的理性精神是时代风尚的产物。

    The rational spirit of Song Poetry is the outcome of the prevailing mores in Song Dynasty .

  3. 自然环境与时代风尚分别对文艺产生共时性和历时性的深刻影响;

    The natural environment exerts a tremendous influence on literature and arts permanently and steadily , and time fashions temporarily and changeably .

  4. 吴门四家中的唐寅、仇英创作了大量的仕女画作,形成了明代仕女画创作的审美趣味与时代风尚。

    Of Wu Tang Yin , Anglophobia created many ladies paintings , forming a Ming Dynasty Ladies draw creative aesthetic trend with time .

  5. “私人画作”形式多样,其独特性、创造性的禀赋在某种意义上更贴近时代风尚。

    The personal painting works , with multiple forms , special features and creative inspiration , are more tightly connected with time tide .

  6. 从四个方面探讨唐宋陶瓷与唐宋时期社会生活、时代风尚之间的关系。

    Discussion is made of the relationship between the pottery , the social life and prevailing vogue in Tang and Song Dynasty in four respects .

  7. 总而言之,齐梁时期的文学与政治的关系并不紧密,导致这样的原因跟当时的政治环境、时代风尚、仕宦制度、文人特质和文学观念都有一定的关系。

    The reason is related to the political environment , the fashion of the period , the official system , litterateurs ' personality and literary concept .

  8. 摘要人物品评作为汉末魏初一种特有的时代风尚,在魏晋六朝时期经历了从政治性到哲学性和审美性的转折变化。

    As a fashion in late Han Dynasty and early Wei dynasty , commenting characters underwent the change from the involvement of politics to Philosophy and aesthetics .

  9. 当代山水创作形态是当代审美情趣、艺术精神与时代风尚共同合力下的结果,体现了时代的价值取向,在创作形态的塑造中印证了时代的价值诉求。

    Be the result of esthetic interest , artistic spirit and fashion , the forms of the landscape painting creation are molded on the values of the time .

  10. 南朝的政治、经济、文化、宗教等因素所形成的时代风尚,直接剌激了情歌艳诗的发展;

    In the first place , politics , economy , culture , and religion have gradually become fashionable , thus stimulating directly the development of the loving poems and folk songs .

  11. 唐代舞服,在观念上,不拘泥于前代服饰的繁文缛节,转向对个性、对形式美感、对时代风尚的追求。

    The Tang Dynasty dancing costume , in spite of the exuberantly traditional style , was in searching of sense of beauty , of personality as well as of the fashion of up-date .

  12. 新时期以来,由于社会生活和时代风尚的巨大变迁,过去产生的革命历史题材小说虽然具有珍贵的文学史价值,但是一些作品与当代读者之间的隔膜是客观存在的。

    Although the historical novel of revolution is invaluable in the history of literature , there do be a gap between some of them and contemporary as the social life having greatly changed .

  13. 嗜酒的时代风尚影响了陶渊明,他借饮酒追求精神的超越与解放,化解人生的种种感伤、焦虑与痛苦,他在酒中获得了无限的乐趣和慰藉。

    Influenced by the bibulous fashion of the time , Tao pursues , through drinking , the freedom of mind and the release of anxiety and misery , and enjoys the infinite fun and comfort therein .

  14. 应当重视生活环境、社会思潮、学术理念以及政治人物在历代接受中的作用,尤其是时代风尚、政治人物的偏好以及所引起的学界趋奉方面研究;

    It is also necessary to note the effects on the literary reception history , including living conditions , social thoughts , academic principles and political people , especially the effects of fashion of society and the favor of political people .

  15. 本文以孔融的思想创新和文学创新为研究重点,以汉末时代风尚为背景,意在探求其思想形成发展的深层原因。

    In this paper the thoughts innovation and literary innovation of Kong Rong as the research focus , to the end of Han times fashion as the background , to explore the idea of forming the deep reason for the development of .

  16. 可以说,这种女性理想,是作者个体理想与历史文化积淀、时代风尚追求以及作者男性角度局限等多种因素冲突与调适的特定产物。

    As it were , such female ideal was a given product because of conflict and adjustment of various elements , including the author 's individual ideal and historical culture accumulation , pursuit of fashion and the author 's limit as a male .

  17. 但这并不意味着邵雍诗歌与时代诗歌风尚完全分离。

    However , this does not mean his poems are separated from those of that time .

  18. 本文旨在通过分析《璇玑图》产生的背景以及时代之风尚来探求其内在的文化意蕴。

    This paper wants to seek it 's culture meaning through analyzing the social background and the vogue of the day .

  19. 当时的一首流行歌曲便恰如其分地表达了那个时代的风尚。

    That song was a hit last year . The mood of the times was neatly expressed in one of its popular songs .

  20. 魏晋时期音乐与文学的交互影响,不仅共同规约了时代审美风尚,同时还影响了文学理论和诗文风格的转变。

    The mutual influence of music and literature did not only decide the age 's aesthetic fashion , it also influenced the change of the literary style and theory .

  21. 士族将自己的生活趣味,审美情趣,价值取向投射到文学中,使士族的文学创作成为引领时代的风尚。

    This was a distinctive characteristic of gentry ' sThese gentries in jin dynasty put their interest of life , aesthetic taste and value orientation into the literature so that their literary creation pioneered the fashion of this era .

  22. 他的教育思想内容非常丰富,影响了一个时代的教育风尚。

    The contents of his educational thinking were ample and complicated , influencing the education style for one epoch .

  23. 明器历经各个历史时期的发展演变,记录了各个历史时期的农业、科学、建筑、社会生活等多方面的内容,体现了各个时代的审美风尚和社会文化状况。

    The funerary experienced many many years , recorded the agriculture , science , architecture , social life and so on , embody the esthetics fashion and culture condition of every phrase .

  24. 这是时代性别审美风尚及作者妾妇自拟心态的必然结果。

    This style of writing comes from the author 's psychological state , in which he regards himself as a woman , as well as the aesthetic fashion on sex at that time .

  25. 时代在改变、风尚在改变、人们的需求也在改变。

    Times are changing , fashion is changing , people'sneeds are changing .

  26. 陆机适应时代重情的风尚在其《文赋》中提出诗缘情的观点,强调诗歌抒写人的情感,揭示了诗歌本质规律和诗歌创作的基本特征。

    Lu Ji put forward the view of poetry origins in emotion in Wen Fu , and emphasized the lyric characteristic of poetry .

  27. 他用看似荒诞不经毫无意义的诗行展示他看待世界的独特视角,记述他所处时代的社会状况,表现他对维多利亚时代做作风尚的反抗。

    With nonsense verse , he demonstrated his unique world view , recorded the social situation of his time and displayed his objection to the Victorian seriousness and portentousness .

  28. 文学思潮是一个时代的文学创作潮流中所表现出来的那个社会的时代精神和社会风尚,以及那个时代起主导作用的文学创作的理论和方法。

    The trends of literary thoughts refer to the time spirit and the social fashion reflected in the literary creation in a certain period , and to the leading theories and methods in that period .