
  • 网络Fashion Model;Mannequin;Runway model
  1. 那个时装模特摆了一个优美的姿势。

    The fashion model adopted an elegant pose .

  2. 近几年国内市场快速发展,公司及时调整了产品结构,创建了丝绸时装模特展示队。

    The domestic market developed fast in recent years , the company adjusted the structure of sampling of producing in time , have established the fashion model of silk and show the team .

  3. 她15岁就开始在巴黎做时装模特儿。

    She began modelling in Paris aged 15 .

  4. 我不是到这里来当时装模特儿的。

    I wasn 't here to model clothes

  5. 她离开学校到服装公司当时装模特儿。

    She left school to go to work as a dress model in the garment company .

  6. 时装模特儿的身材都较高。

    The dress models are tall of stature .

  7. 假如你和Nina一样是一个时装模特,你会喜欢这份工作吗?

    Suppose that you are a fashion model like Nina , do you like the job ?

  8. 嘿,我非常非常抱歉。stuck:不能动的,被卡住的photo:照片shoot:时装模特的拍照时间我被困在这里陪Blair拍照片。

    Serena : Hey , i 'm really , really , sorry , But I 'm kind of stuck at , this photo shoot with Blair .

  9. 迈阿密热火队(MiamiHeat)后卫德维恩•韦德(DwyaneWade)更是大胆出位,他像时装模特们一样戴起了无镜片(甚至塑料镜片)眼镜。

    Like Mr. Westbrook , Miami Heat guard Dwyane Wade has gone so far as to wear glasses without glass in them ( or even plastic ) as fashion models are sometimes known to do .

  10. 同时他又和来听他讲座的时装模特帕特里西亚·斯科特(PatreciaScott)之间开始了一段恋情,这自然更加于事无补。斯科特比他小15岁,两人后来结婚了。

    It did not help that he had begun a relationship that year with a fashion model , 15 years his junior , Patrecia Scott , who had attended his lectures ( and whom he later married ) .

  11. 新中国时装模特业的启蒙与演进

    The enlightenment and evolution of the new China fashion models industry

  12. 作为一个时装模特儿,表演时她总第一个出场。

    As a model , she always heads up their parade .

  13. 她是杂志封面的时装模特。

    She 's a fashion model on the cover of magazines .

  14. 她曾经在一家百货商店当时装模特儿。

    She once worked as a model in a department store .

  15. 斯莫斯、邦辰和罗恰都是时装模特。

    Smalls , Bundchen and Rocha are work as fashion models .

  16. 启蒙阶段时装模特的组织形式为团队式。

    The organizational form of fashion models was teamwork during enlightenment stage .

  17. 除了电影和电视剧集的演出外,还是一名时装模特儿。

    He is a film actor , TV actor and fashion model .

  18. 许多年轻女孩梦想成为时装模特儿。

    Many young girls dream of being a fashion mode .

  19. 除此之外,格吕贝纳还是一名时装模特,并出演过一些商业广告。

    He is also a model and has appeared in several advertisements .

  20. 她个子矮得不能当时装模特。

    She is too short to be a fashion model .

  21. 摄影师、时装模特和歌唱演员们为了名利你争我夺。

    Photographers , models and singers all jostled for money and fame .

  22. shoot:时装模特的拍照时间但我等不及去摄影地见你了。

    But i can 't wait to see you at the shoot .

  23. 时装模特通常有颀长、曼妙的身材。

    Fashion models often have tall , pliant bodies .

  24. 中国时装模特职业素质培养分析

    Analysis on vocational quality training of Chinese fashion models

  25. 她们(指“时装模特”)逐渐地镇定下来,有了自信。

    B.Gradually , they calmed down and regained self-confidence .

  26. 幻想着换一份职业吗?成为一名时装模特如何?

    Fancy a change of career ? How about becoming a fashion model ?

  27. 我姐姐搬到纽约后成了一名时装模特。

    My sister started working as fashion model after moving to New York .

  28. 他的新女友是一位长腿的时装模特儿。

    His new girlfriend is a leggy fashion model .

  29. 卡尔有一个软肋,他对时装模特情有独钟

    Kal has a. .. weakness for fashion models .

  30. 女孩熟知著名时装模特的名字。

    The girl is familiar with the names of the famous fashion models .