
  • 网络Time node
  1. 本文以明代末年也即修城浪潮结束之后为时间节点,对明代山西治所城市的外部形态问题进行了考察。

    This thesis take the late Ming dynasty as time node , study the external form of Shanxi local government cities in the Ming dynasty .

  2. 同步触发功能可以确保各个分路采样相位的同步,为流场瞬态参数分布与对应精确时间节点的分析,提供了一个方便、有效的方法与途径。

    Synchronous trigger function ensures that every branch sampling phase synchronization , and provides a convenient and effective method and way for analysis of transient parameters of the flow field distribution and the corresponding precise time node .

  3. 利用搭建的大面积成像系统,对不同时间节点尾静脉注射B16细胞的C57BL/6小鼠离体肺组织,进行了无标记的自发荧光和二次谐波成像。

    Auto fluorescence and SHG images of the lung tissue of C57BL / 6 mice at different time points after tail vein injection of B16 cells have been achieved by home-built large area imaging system .

  4. 第一个项目是位于屏幕顶部的XV5Suppress节点,另一个是位于屏幕底部的MDX时间节点。

    The first item is the XV5Suppress node located at the top of the screen and the MDX timing nodes located at the bottom of the screen .

  5. 不过,这篇报告选错了时间节点。

    But the report is looking at the wrong dates .

  6. 中国火器落后于西方的时间节点及原因初探

    Probing into When and Why China Fall Behind Western Countries in Firearm

  7. 但是我们处在对于非洲来说一个非常有趣的时间节点上。

    But we 're at an interesting point in Africa .

  8. 如何在任一特定的时间节点决定到底是购买金条还是购买金矿股呢?

    How do you decide which to purchase at any particular point in time ?

  9. 正是时间节点问题引起了一阵唏嘘。

    It was the timing that raised eyebrows .

  10. 贾樟柯的《山河故人》恰好根据时间节点被分为三个部分。

    Jia Zhangke 's Mountains May Depart is neatly divided into three time periods .

  11. 中日两国近代美术变革的步伐在这个时间节点已被拉开。

    Japanese modern art the pace of change in this time node has been pulled open .

  12. 计算实例表明了时间节点参数化方法和子空间截断牛顿法在最优控制问题求解中的有效性。

    Several numerical examples show the effectiveness of TNP and subspace truncated-Newton algorithm for solving the OCP .

  13. 该方法将时间节点参数化,所得到的参数化的控制量可以近似地表示分段连续的函数。

    Time nodes are parameterized by using this method , and the parameterized control can approximate a piecewise continuous function .

  14. 岁时节令作为日常生活的特殊时间节点,往往备受小说家的青睐。

    The festivals , as a special time nodes in daily life are usually won the favor of the novelist .

  15. 也可以简要记录下时间节点,甚至这时都可以对时间也进行夸张。

    You can also jot down timing notes , and maybe you can even start exaggerating your timing at this stage .

  16. 我们走到了这样一个决策的时间节点:投入更多资金进行研发和销售拓展,还是尝试出售公司。

    We were at a decision point : plow even more money into R & D and sales expansion or explore a sale .

  17. 然而要注意,没什么能够替代面对面和他人交流,某个时间节点你还是得出去和对方碰面。

    But , be warned that there is no substitute for meeting someone face-to-face and you 'll have to get out there at some point .

  18. 以基于有效时间节点的地图服务对象组织方式构建动态地图服务池,并通过其更新调动策略实现动态服务的实时滚动更新。

    We build dynamic service pool based on map service-object organization with effective time nodes , and realize dynamic service-update process by its updating strategy .

  19. 美联储元月22日降息的幅度和时间节点都是异乎寻常的,而与此相对应的其他央行的反应之冷淡也同样是异乎寻常。

    Almost as striking as the scale and timing of the fed 's rate cut on january22nd was the coolness with which other central banks reacted .

  20. 朱咏雷表示,上海世博会的各项筹办工作进展顺利,园区建设、运营准备等工作按既定的时间节点稳步推进。

    The Expo preparation was smooth and preparation works , such as constructions on Expo site and Expo operation preparation , were on schedule , Zhu said .

  21. 针刺效应的产生具有一定的时间节点;出针后针刺效应仍然存在,但后期随着时间延长针刺效应逐渐消退。

    The acupuncture effect generates at a certain period of time ; the acupuncture effect persists after the insertion , but later fades with time goes by .

  22. 但就在某个时间节点,人们认为应该组织一群善于作战的战士来保护他们自己或者侵略其他群体。

    But at some point , people thought to organize a group of talented fighters from their midst in order to protect themselves and / or for aggression .

  23. 借助日程表功能对关键时间节点的捕捉,极大的提高了由于传感器技术缺陷而降低的情境感知准确度。

    It modifies the accuracy of context awareness significantly by the capture of key time nodes via calendar , which could be lowered due to the defects of sensor technology .

  24. 任何对索罗斯有所研究的人都知道,他会设法预见由于投资者忽略了持有投资产品的真正价值而导致该投资产品价格变得过高或过低的时间节点。

    Any student of Soros knows that he tries to anticipate when an investment has gotten too high or too low because investors lose touch with the real value of their holding .

  25. 该逻辑框架包含了与授权相关的按时间节点预定义的行为、由主客体属性和系统所表达的状态序列及状态谓词。

    The specification of the logic model consists of pre-defined authorization actions , a sequence of states expressed by attributes of subjects , objects , and the system , and state predicates .

  26. 以九十年代作为时间节点,关注此时间节点前后的土陶业状况,可以看见随着生活方式的变迁,原有行业制度的丧失对一个手工行业带来的影响。

    1990s can be used as a node in time when earthenware production before or after that is influenced by changes in ways of living and the loss of former business regulation .

  27. 各级政府要认真制定改革方案,明确改革的时间节点和任务分工,强化责任,遇到重大问题及时向中央报告。

    Government at all levels must develop plans with all seriousness , specify the timeline and task breakdown , hold themselves strictly accountable and report immediately to the central authorities whenever major issues arise .

  28. 在后续工作部署中,主要从市场营销、人力资源、管理模式变化的角度,基于未来项目进展的几个主要时间节点,对实施和部署过程中的要点进行了规划。

    In the subsequent work deployment , the article discussed the key points of the future development based on several key time points from the view of the marketing , manpower and management mode .

  29. 本文透过历时性研究深圳的城中村违建,选取在时间节点上最具代表性几个城中村违建案例进行实地调查和研究,提出解释深圳市城中村违建的逻辑。

    The thesis is focus on the diachronic research of the illegal construction on the urban village in Shenzhen through field investigation . In the thesis , several representative villages in the time node were chose to investigate as cases to examine .

  30. 例如,私人住宅装修项目,可能成本控制就十分重要;新型战斗机的研制,质量就放在第一位;对时间节点要求比较高的项目,时间目标则显得更为重要。

    For example , private residence decorate projects , may cost control is very important ; The development of new fighter plane of quality in the first place ; For the more demanding time node project , time goal will is more important .