
  1. 这些人是被聘来审计公司账目的,这项工作需要对公认会计准则(GAAP)——而非好看的高颧骨——拥有不同寻常的热情。

    These people had been hired to audit company accounts , a task which requires an unusual enthusiasm for GAAP - not high cheekbones .

  2. 所有旅行开支都可以记在公司账上。

    All travel expenses are chargeable to the company .

  3. 但最让我钦佩的是两位首席执行官在做出关门的决定时,公司账上还有很多钱。

    But what I found most impressive was that both of these CEOs managed to come to this decision while they still had ample amounts of money in the bank .

  4. 我阅读了新闻报道和企业新闻稿,能够找到唯一可咒骂的事情,是赫德与这位女士数次共同进餐,餐费被记在了公司账上。

    I have read the news stories and press releases and the only damning thing I could find was that Mr Hurd and the woman had some dinners together that were put on expenses .

  5. 请把这顿饭记到公司的账上。

    Please charge the meal up to the company .

  6. 注意:如果公司日记账中的某个历史价值是通过DataEntry/CompanyJournals菜单输入的,则该值仍然可以更改。

    Note : If a historical value in a company journal is entered via the Data Entry / Company Journals menu , this historical value can still be changed .

  7. 我把工作上支出的一切费用都记到公司的账上。

    I bill my company for all expenses incurred on the job .

  8. 注意:一种可能的情况是,在输入公司日记账时直接输入历史汇率。

    Note : It is possible to enter historical rates directly when entering company journals .

  9. 如您想更改通讯资料,请妥以下表格并传真或邮寄交回葛素史克有限公司客账部收。

    If you wish to change your contact information , please complete the form below and return to GlaxoSmithKline limited , credit control by fax or mail .

  10. “我今天必须把公司平账弄好了,佩斯顿吉先生说这事很紧急。”会计师说,他的双腿已经开始朝回去的方向移动。“找奶牛的事也是给佩斯顿吉先生办的,而且这事必须在中午前完成。”初级经理说。

    Mr Pestonjee said it was urgent , ' said the accountant , his legs already moving in the opposite direction . 'This cow business is also for Pestonjee and it 's due by noon , ' said the junior manager . 'Yes , yes .

  11. 集团亦采取措施,确保能迅速收回未收之账项,并且定期评估客户的表现,检讨公司的放账政策。

    It also takes steps to ensure prompt collection of outstanding debts and regularly reviews the credit policies in accordance to the performance of the customers .

  12. 上市首日,澳门永利与总部位于美国内华达州的母公司Paradise的市账率之差约为10个百分点,如今已扩大到27个百分点。

    Its price / book spread with its Paradise , Nevada-based parent , about 10 percentage points on debut , is now pushing 27 .

  13. 浩达信托协助公司建立网上计账、记录发票、返还增值税、管理薪金及其它税务项目返还等事宜。

    HTF assist a company to set up an internet based bookkeeping , to record invoices , to do VAT returns , salary administration and other tax returns .

  14. 对于流动性较差的公司而言,应付账款增加与市场价值提高显著正相关。

    Therefore , the intrinsic value of this kind of stocks has been overestimated . ( 3 ) As for firms with good liquidity , the increase in accounts payable ( AP ) is positively associated with market value .

  15. 如果集体外出,午餐会或者是公司聚会时,老板或者是公司应付账。

    If there 's a group outing , a lunch meeting , or an office party , the boss or the company pays the bill .

  16. 该公司周四表示,2014年的应用程序销售额同比上涨50%,应用程序开发者的收入达到了150亿美元左右,公司从中分账45亿美元。

    The company said on Thursday that in 2014 , billings from app sales rose 50 percent from the previous year , which results in roughly $ 15 billion in revenue for app developers and a $ 4.5 billion cut for Apple .