
  • 网络Cultural propaganda
  1. 广告机是商业广告及文化宣传的最佳选择。

    Second , advertising machine is a commercial advertising and the best choice for cultural propaganda .

  2. 第二,慈善文化宣传普及不到位影响慈善事业的发展;

    Second , the charitable cultural propaganda popularizes does not arrive the influence philanthropy 's development ;

  3. 第九,丝路文化宣传、促销。包括举办多种旅游节会;

    Ninth , the promotion of the Silk Road culture .

  4. 由此赢得战时文化宣传的强大生命力,取得宣传特别功效。

    Which won the propaganda war and cultural vitality , promote special effects achieved .

  5. 重视回族的民族宗教信仰和民族习惯,进行多种形式的大众媒体文化宣传。

    The national religion seriously hui and ethnic customs , in various forms of mass media culture propaganda .

  6. 川陕革命根据地的存在时间较为短暂,苏区政府的文化宣传社会建设的实践也有限。

    Since Sichuan-Shaanxi revolutionary base exists shortly , the social practice of cultural publicity of its government is limited .

  7. 对文化宣传工作中的左倾关门主义错误提出了批评。第五,做好新闻媒体的宣传工作;

    And criticized the idea of leftism in cultural dissemination . Fifthly , we should do well in propagate of medium .

  8. 并同时为电视台、剧院、文化宣传部、旅游局的大型演出活动担任系统工程师和音响总监。

    Meanwhile , he works as a system engineer and sound director for the TV stations , theatres and any other authorities .

  9. 社会舆论环境的更加复杂化,给党的思想文化宣传工作和党的执政活动带来了新的挑战和影响。

    The complication of social consensus environment brings new challenges and influences to the party 's idea culture promulgation work and administrative activities .

  10. 在这种隐蔽化的斗争中,大学生群体是争夺焦点,文化宣传是最重要的工具。

    In this hidden struggle of university students compete for the focus group is , and cultural promotion are the most important tool .

  11. 今天,我希望让日本和韩国也能够加入到我们的文化宣传委员会和其他类似的项目中,中国更是如此。

    We also would like Chinese mass media agencies to broadcast more information in China about Vietnam as well as about ASEAN countries .

  12. ④加强文化宣传,培养消费群体,引导消费市场发展;

    Strengthen the propaganda of wine culture , culture wine consumption groups , and guide the development of wine consumption market ; 5 .

  13. 我们与经销商一起做好酒文化宣传和对当地市场的销售控制力度。

    We not only a importer but also accompanier to our distributors to enhance the control of the local market with wine culture spreading in glorious .

  14. 随着网络的日益普及,因特网在思想文化宣传乃至整个精神文明建设中的作用已经越来越强。为了在网络时代取得加强社会主义精神文明建设的主动权,必须切实加强社会主义网络文化建设。

    With the popularization of Internet , it has played a more and more important role in promoting culture and thoughts as well as in constructing spirit civilization .

  15. 其实招生人数的背后反映了许多不同因素,包括文化宣传、政策、效率、教育产品、招生链和市场竞争因素等。

    In fact , behind the enrollment reflects the many different factors , Including cultural advocacy , policy , efficiency , educational products , enrollment chains and market competition factors .

  16. 进入20世纪80年代以后,地方政府适应了经济发展的趋势,通过文化宣传、科学管理、传统优势品种开发等途径,使普洱茶市场日益呈现出复兴的趋势。

    In 1980s , the local government revived Pu'er tea market by conducting cultural publicity , scientific management and exploiting traditional high quality tea to suit the economic development situation .

  17. 这一思想是以他的“大本大源”理论为基础,并以重视教育、组织团体、利用报刊进行文化宣传等为具体的方式。

    The above thought was based on his " origin and source " theory , the specific ways of which were emphasizing education , organizing social groups and propagandizing culture with newspapers .

  18. 近年来,国外电影的走进来和华语电影的走出去日益频繁,电影不仅担负着追求商业利益的重任也履行着文化宣传的责任。

    The foreign films " came in " and the Chinese films " going out "' become more frequent in recent years , the movie charged with the dual responsibility of cultural propaganda and commercial interests .

  19. 但实际上,近年来,很多组织纷纷将职业发展管理作为吸引员工或者组织文化宣传的工具大肆宣扬,却少有落到实处,沦为一纸空文。

    But in fact , organizations prefer to making OCM to be a wantonly spreader propaganda to attract staff or organizational culture advocacy tool , but rarely carried out , reduced to a mere scrap of paper .

  20. 这具体表现在对人民群众的文化宣传工作的薄弱,以及连队救亡室工作和文化娱乐活动的死气沉沉。

    All this is manifested in the lack of cultural and propaganda work among the masses and the lax work , as well as dull cultural and recreational activities , of the national salvation associations at the level of company .

  21. 成都作为中国最受欢迎的旅游城市之一,拥有丰富的旅游资源,每年都会吸引大批的海外游客,因此成都旅游文本翻译的好坏在吸引海外游客和对当地文化宣传有着不可忽视的作用。

    Chengdu . as one of the most popular tourism cities in China , attracts numerous inbound tourists with its abundant tourism resources . Therefore , the quality of the translations of tourism texts plays an vital role of attracting tourists .

  22. 中央在西部大开发的若干政策中,专项指出了进一步落实文化宣传,支持西部地区文化建设和精神文明建设,繁荣文艺创作的精神。

    In the several policies of the great development of western China , the CPC Central Committee specially points out the spirit of carrying further out cultural propaganda and supporting the construction of culture and spiritual civilization in the western regions flourishing literary and artistic creation .

  23. 他在瑞典成了肖像画大师,还成了印度驻瑞典的文化宣传大使。

    Dr PK Mahanandia serves as the Odiya Cultural Ambassador of India to Sweden and lives with his wife and two children in Sweden . He has become well-known in Sweden as an artist and as an Adviser , Art and Culture , under the Swedish Government too .

  24. 随着市场经济的发展和文化宣传礼品需求的不断加大,中国邮政集邮产品经过五十多年的发展已具有了一定的社会影响力及市场规模,2008年达到了66.6亿元销售额。

    With the development of market economy and increasing demand for the cultural propaganda gift , China Post philatelic products , after 50 years of development , has already acquired a certain degree of social influence and the market scale . In 2008 , sales reached 6.66 billion yuan .

  25. 西南民族文化对外宣传中的几个典型误译辨析

    Analysis Representative Mistranslations in the Publicizing Efforts of SW Ethnic Culture

  26. 西方文化产品宣传西方的名人。

    Western cultural products promote western celebrities .

  27. 此类博物馆在我国数量较多,肩负着弘扬民族历史文化和宣传爱国主义教育的任务。

    Large numbers of such museums in China were used to promote the national historical culture and propaganda patriotism education .

  28. 加强高校舞龙文化的宣传,帮助广大学生树立和强化正确的舞龙价值观,同时加强对舞龙运动特点和作用方面的宣传,多介绍情况,使学生对其更加了解。

    Give wide publicity to people about dragon dance culture . Help the masses to acquire the right values of dragon dance .

  29. 土特产品具有地方特色,在旅游特色、地方文化的宣传中起着重要的作用。

    Local and special products are of local features and play an important role in publicizing the tourist features and local culture .

  30. 之前施瓦辛格曾和成龙一起在北京合作拍电影,他对后者透露了想要担任三星堆文化全球宣传大使的意愿。

    Schwarzenegger disclosed his willingness to take on the global ambassador role to Jackie Chan when the two cooperated on a film in Beijing .