
  • 网络civilized service
  1. 把握礼仪规范倡导文明服务&从图书馆馆员礼仪素养谈起

    Adhering to Etiquette Norms and Advocating Civilized Service & A Discussion about Librarians ' Etiquette Qualities

  2. 良好的馆风,是创建优质文明服务的前提,是精神文明建设在图书馆的具体体现。

    The good library 's atmosphere is a prerequisite to the high quality and civilized service and the concrete embodiment of the spiritual civilization development .

  3. 文明服务:图书馆职业的核心价值&读《图书馆文明服务手册》有感

    Civilization Service : The Core Value of the Library Occupation

  4. 加快村级图书室建设为农村两个文明服务

    Speeding up the Construction of Country library and Servicing Country 's two Civilizations

  5. 浅谈图书馆员文明服务中内在形象的塑造

    Talking about Modeling the Inherent Image of the Librarians in the Civilization Service

  6. 加强优质文明服务;

    Strengthen the high level of civilization services ;

  7. 我们应当吸取其精华、剔除其糟粕,为建设社会主义精神文明服务。

    So we should assimilate the elite and eliminate the draff and serve the construction of our spirited civilization .

  8. 在与群众生活关系密切的窗口行业创建文明服务示范窗口

    Build exemplary " windows " offering civilized services in " window " trades which are closely related to the well-Being of the masses

  9. 对南山图书馆当前的发展状况、办馆理念、文明服务、人才队伍建设等几个方面作了回顾,展示了建馆五年来所经历的创业、开拓及发展历程。

    Retrospecting its development , conception , civilized service and personnel management , the article exhibits process of Nanshan Library 's foundation , innovation and developement .

  10. 论述了“文明服务月”活动在高校图书馆工作中的重要意义和具体安排,并指出了应该注意的问题。

    This paper expounds the important significance and concrete arrangement of civilized service month activity of university library , and points out some problems needing attention .

  11. 为提高收费站文明服务的水平、近年来,高速公路开始引入有线对讲/监听技术。

    To improve the service level of toll station , the end - to - end communication / monitoring system has been used in freeway in recent years .

  12. 海关工作人员必须遵守法律、法规,秉公执法,忠于职守,文明服务

    " Customs personnel shall abide by the laws and regulations , enforce the law impartially , be devoted to their duties and render services in a civilized manner . "

  13. 丽水学院必须采取切实有效的措施来培植办学的民族性特色,进一步明确办学的路子,使民族教育更好地为当地经济建设和人民群众的富裕文明服务;

    We should insure the university 's educational principle and take effective measures to develop nationality features of the local universities so that nationality education can serve the local people better .

  14. 轨道交通线路运营单位的工作人员应当统一着装、佩戴标志,礼貌待客、文明服务,报站及时、播音清晰。

    The staff of CRC line operating unit shall wear uniforms and signs , attend to passengers politely , offer service in a civilized way , announce arrivals timely , and broadcast clearly .

  15. 加强网络建设必须从网络的道德自律、网络制度与法规、网络道德教育、网络技术提升以及提供网络文明服务等五个方面协同努力。

    Therefore , the structure of Internet should be strengthened from the perspectives of online moral self-discipline , Internet system and law , Internet moral education , Internet technology promotion and the supply of good Internet service .

  16. 商检工作人员必须忠于职守,文明服务,遵守职业道德,不得滥用职权,谋取私利。

    The functionary of commodity inspection must be devoted to their duties , serve in a cultured manner , abide by the professional ethics , and may not abuse their powers or seek for their own interests .

  17. 客观因素调查显示有95%-80%的人认为优良传统、职业道德、良好的家庭氛围及所受教育程度等与文明服务相关。

    Meanwhile , to have investigated the objective factors also shows that the 95 % ~ 80 % believe that civilized service depends on their fine tradition , professional ethics , satisfactory family environment tand education level accepted as well .

  18. 随着近年来吉林省交通事业的长足发展,吉林省交通行业精神风貌有了很大的提高,具体体现在职工队伍整体素质、行业文明服务水平都有明显的提高;交通文化建设也有明显的加强。

    With the rapid development of transport services in recent years , Jilin Province overall transport sector improve mental outlook . Embodied in the overall quality workforce , the civil service sector has been greatly improved and traffic culture has been significantly strengthened .

  19. 本文通过对现代超市模式的分析,提出了制定图书馆文明服务用语要求,合理布局馆藏,方便读者提供借还书刊,进一步做好图书馆读者服务工作。

    This paper uses the experience of modern supermarket management pattern for reference to estab-lish library civilized service term and reasonable layout holding , make it convenient for readers to borrow or return books and periodicals so as to make library reader service work go further .

  20. 十八次全会上的陈述中也明确指出:在文化建设,支持农村和欠发达地区的增加,继续鞭策大众文明服务设施向公众倾斜。

    The new rural construction was mentioned several times in the central document . It is clearly pointed out in the eighteen plenary session that we should increase support for rural and underdeveloped areas and promote public civilization service facilities to the public in the cultural construction .

  21. 探讨了图书馆职业道德的特点,阐述了加强职业道德培养的必要性及其与文明服务的关系,提出了在图书流通工作中开展文明服务的对策。

    This paper discusses thoroughly on the features of professional ethics of the library , expounds the necessity of strengthening the cultivation of the professional ethics and the relation between the ethics-cultivating and the civil services , and puts forward some countermeasures for developing the civil services in library circulation .

  22. 在我国加入WTO后,面临着新的挑战与机遇,图书馆应从观念变革、体制创新、机制优化等方面入手,不断地完善自我,坚持与时俱进,主动为油田精神文明建设服务。

    Library should start with from the aspects such as idea transform and mechanism optimization , perfect self continuously , insist with all enter , serve oilfield cultural and ideological progress initiatively .

  23. 开发和利用地方文献资源为三个文明建设服务

    Developing and Utilizing Local Documents for Serving Three Civilization Construction

  24. 文明优质服务中实施护士长责任制探讨

    Implementation of the Responsibility System of Head Nurse in Civilized and Knight Service

  25. 开发文昌文化产业可以发展经济,为社会主义物质文明建设服务。

    Developing the Wengchang culture industry will promote economic advance and the construction of socialist material civilization .

  26. 开拓创新注重提高努力为两个文明建设服务

    Pioneer and Blaze New Trails , Lay Stress on Improvements , and Exert Ourselves to Serve Two-Civilization Construction

  27. 保护和发扬传统手工艺,丰富地域文化,为社会主义精神文明建设服务。

    Protect and carry forward traditional handicraft ; Enrich local culture and contribute to the socialistic spirit civilization construction .

  28. 本文的目的也是为了服务于这一主题,为我们党进行政治文明建设服务。

    The purpose of my paper is also prepared for this theme , serving for the construction of political civilization carried out by our party .

  29. 中国老年学研究应结合中国的实际国情,实现本土化发展,更好地为社会的文明进步服务。

    Chinese gerontology study should concern the national situation and encourage the development of its localization , which accelerates the civilization of the whole society .

  30. 它不仅可以增进社会活力、改善人际关系,还可以促进社会进步和经济的发展,为社会主义精神文明建设服务。

    It will not only enhance social vitality and improve interpersonal relations , but also promote social and economic development , speed up the construction of socialist spiritual civilization .