
  1. 除发布会外,MatchesFashion还在伦敦、洛杉矶以及达拉斯举办了六场造势活动,鼓励参与者分享首次网购该系列手袋的心得体会。

    Alongside the release , it hosted six events across London , LA and Dallas and encouraged attendees to share their " initial " online .

  2. 该文介绍RTK技术的工作原理、具体操作和心得体会。

    The paper introduces the working principle , concrete operation and understanding of RTK technology .

  3. 简要介绍了如何更好地使用EXCEL的心得体会,包括若干日常输入小知识及快速输入技巧。

    This paper briefly introduces some understandings of how to make better use of EXCEL , including several common input knowledge and quick-input skills .

  4. 于是唧唧打消了回C站的念头,他站起来走到奶酪N站最大的一面墙前,把他一路上得到的心得体会的要点写下来,他拿起一块很大的奶酪,这是他见过的奶酪中最大的一块。

    He went over and wrote down a summary of what he had learned on the largest wall of Cheese Station N. He drew a large piece of cheese around all the insights he had become aware of ;

  5. 介绍了ADSS(全介质自承式)光缆计算机辅助设计(CAD)软件的开发和软件编写的心得体会,并对软件设计中的一些关键问题进行了讨论。

    The development of CAD software for ADSS fiber optic cables and the experience during compilation of this software are presented . Besides some key points in designing the software are discussed .

  6. 通过Internet,任何人可以在任何时间进入网络日记,利用Blog记录个人的心得体会、经验想法,将Blog作为知识积累的容器。

    Through the Internet , anyone can write the online diary at any time , and record personal feelings and experiences , the idea of the experience by blog . Blog can be thought as a container of knowledge accumulation .

  7. 数字化管理增强企业竞争力&瑞士AZM牛奶公司应用CSB系统心得体会

    Digital Management , Strengthen Enterprise 's Competitiveness

  8. 概述了造气炉生产半水煤气的工艺过程,着重介绍了小化肥厂造气炉集散控制系统(DCS)的硬件配置及软件设计,总结了氢氮比调节控制算法的心得体会。

    Technical process of producing semi water gas by gas furnace , hardware configuration and software design of its distributed control system ( DCS ) in small fertilizer factories are introduced . Experience of control algorithm for adjusting ratio of hydrogen to nitrogen is reviewed .

  9. 从示例项目实施ODC的实践经验中,一些心得体会也得到了总结,包括不同开发模型项目(瀑布模型和迭代模型)中ODC实施的特点,及实施过程中的若干注意点。

    Besides , summary to the experiential learning from ODC implementation in sample projects of different development models ( waterfall and iterative model ) is recorded , including traits and focus points .

  10. 最后,通过对SL科学院全面预算管理体系构建研究,总结针对科研单位进行全面预算管理体系构建的心得体会,重申在科研单位实施全面预算管理的科学性和实用性。

    Finally , based on the SL Academy of Sciences comprehensive budget management system construction research , summing up for scientific research units to carry out overall budget management system construction experience , reiterated in scientific research units , the implementation of a comprehensive budget management scientific and practical .

  11. 总结各门艺术的特点、技法、规律及当下启示,亦重视艺术的相通之处与旨归,贯穿其对中国传统艺术精神的心得体会。

    Through it , the spirit is Chinese traditional arts experiences .

  12. 我们都谈了心得体会。

    We talked about what we had learnt and understood .

  13. 腹针疗法在临床上的临证及心得体会

    The Report about Some Clinical Experience of Abdominal Acupuncture Treatment

  14. 第六章是对本次毕业设计整个过程的心得体会,得失总结。

    The Six Chapter is the whole process of this graduation project experience .

  15. 挡土墙设计的几点心得体会

    Some points of experience and what I have learned on retaining wall design

  16. 第四部分,总结此次翻译实践过程中的心得体会。

    Fourth , a summary of the translation experience .

  17. 该文就笔者在教学实践中的心得体会对案例教学作些探讨。

    The paper investigates it on the basis of realization in the teaching practices .

  18. 下面本人就根据自己的一些心得体会,同大家一起分享。

    I just below according to their own some comments , share with everyone .

  19. 最后归纳总结了笔者在此次翻译实践中的心得体会、问题和不足。

    Finally , the author summarizes the experiences and problems in this translation practice .

  20. 以下是他们的心得体会。

    Here 's what they had to say .

  21. 心得体会:很容易找到这些音乐的分析资料,尤其是《诗篇交响乐》。

    Comments : easy to get , lots of analysis available , especially Symphony of Psalms .

  22. 最后给出了系统的使用说明和系统设计的心得体会。

    Finally , provide the systematic operation instructions and gains in depth of comprehension designed systematically .

  23. 在激励论坛上,大学生团队分享了他们做项目的经验和心得体会。

    At the concluding forum , the participating student teams shared their project experience and lessons learned .

  24. 一些出版商已经邀请翁虹撰写一本如何在怀孕期间保持体形的心得体会。

    Some publishers have invited Weng to write a book about her tips of keeping fit during pregnancy .

  25. 根据笔者多年教学经验,以高层建筑给排水毕业设计阶段教学为实例,交流几种教学方法在工科毕业设计阶段教学中的应用与心得体会。

    The authors communicate some experience of teaching methods coming from the period of diploma project of engineering students .

  26. 在这篇论文中,本人带着探究的心态,粗浅的论述了一下关于水墨都市绘画语言的心得体会。

    In this paper , with the attitude of exploring , I superficially discuss the language of Ink City Painting .

  27. 在接下来的日子里,每天我们都相互沟通、留言,彼此分享快乐,交流心得体会。

    We communicated with each other , sent messages , and shared valuable experience every day in the following days .

  28. 作者在学习的过程中积累了不少有关中国养老保险制度变革的研究资料和心得体会,并收集了近十年来有关养老保险收支及基金积累规模的数据。

    During the course of learning , author gleaned quite a little datum in relation to Chinese social insurance system .

  29. 此外,结合在该项目中的工作经历,作者对项目中得到的经验和心得体会作了总结,并提出了一些有待进一步完善的工作。

    Additionally , the thesis concludes the writers experience from the project , and gives some advice of future work .

  30. 本文从护理方面论述抢救急性有机磷中毒的心得体会,以提高临床抢救的成功率。

    Conclusion : Modified gastric lavage may enhance effectively the success rate of emergency treatment of acute severe organophosphorus pesticide poisoning .