
  • 网络Political work cadres;apparatchiks
  1. 政工干部思维方式要实现科学化、现代化

    Provide Cadres of Political and Ideological Work with Science and Modernization

  2. 谈谈政工干部队伍的自身建设

    On the Self - Building of Political Work Cadres ' Army

  3. 建立良性循环的竞争机制,调动政工干部的积极性。

    Establish the competition mechanism to mobilize the enthusiasm of political workers .

  4. 浅谈新形势下政工干部的自身建设

    Self - cultivation of Political Cadres in the New Situation

  5. 试论新形势下高校政工干部队伍的素质培养

    Quality Cultivation of Political Work Cadres in University in the New Situation

  6. 略论高校政工干部素质的基本要求

    On the basic demand for the quality of political workers at colleges

  7. 政工干部学员应具备的能力素质及其培养途径

    The Ability and Quality of the Political Cadre and the Training Way

  8. 论新时期高校学生政工干部的必备素质

    On the Essential Diathesis of College Students Political Work Cadres in New Period

  9. 浅谈企业政工干部必备的基本素质

    On a Brief Talk of Political Cadres ' Essential Basic Qualities in Enterprises

  10. 新时期政工干部加强党纪约束的思考

    Thoughts on Strengthening the Discipline-Restraint of Ideological Work Cadre In the New Period

  11. 高校学生政工干部队伍建设的认识与思考

    Cognizing and Pondering the Build-up of Student Cadres Staff of Political Work in Colleges

  12. 良好的心理素质是政工干部做好思想政治工作的前提。

    Psychological quality is one of the basic qualities that political work cadres should possess .

  13. 浅谈高校政工干部的素质与形象

    Tentative Discussion on the Quality of Political Work Cadres and Their Images in Higher-learning Institution

  14. 浅谈企业政工干部的人格塑造

    On personality molding of political workers

  15. 试论企业基层政工干部队伍建设县级旅游区划研究

    On troop construction of political work cadres of enterprise primary level Tourism Regionalization in county Level

  16. 如何实现政工干部的专业化?

    And how to realize it ?

  17. 然而,当前高校政工干部队伍建设的现状与这种专业化的要求在认识上和现实中都存在差距。

    However , there is long distance between the current situation , and the request of specialization .

  18. 浅谈网络对高校政工干部的素质要求

    A Brief Talk on the Requirement of the Qulity of Political Cadres in Colleges by the Internet

  19. 基于科学发展观的电力企业政工干部培训机制研究

    Study on Training Mechanism of Political Cadres in Electric Power Enterprises Based on Scientific Concept of Development

  20. 尽管各类政工干部在教育中能发挥十分重要的作用,但教师则是大学生思想政治教育的主要力量。

    The classrooms and teachers are very important for strengthening the ideological and political education of college students .

  21. 高校专兼职学生政工干部队伍建设实效性研究

    The study on the effectiveness of building a team of full-time and part-time cadres for students ' ideological and political work

  22. 加强高职院校政工干部队伍建设是时代发展的要求。

    It is demanded by the progress of the times to strengthen the team construction of administrative cadres in higher vocational colleges .

  23. 作者就新形势下高校政工干部素质出现的新问题进行探索,指出了提高高校政工干部素质的紧迫性和重要性,并提出了一些相应的对策。

    The author points out the problems concerned about the quality of administrative personnel in present universities , and suggests some measures .

  24. 新时期高校政工干部自身的素质如何,这对推进学生素质教育将起到十分重要的作用。

    Political cadres ' own quality plays an important role in pushing forward the students ' quality - oriented education in colleges and universities .

  25. 政工干部是高校专门从事学生思想政治工作的特殊群体。

    The person of Ideological and Political Work is a special colony specially engaged in student 's ideological and political work of the university .

  26. 故此,关注人的因素,运用新的理念、新的方法来解决这些新情况、新问题,是当前各级政工干部所面临的重大课题。

    Political cadres are facing the important subjects of paying attentions to human , utilizing new ideas and methods to solve these new problems .

  27. 主要包括四大要素:政工干部、授课教师、大学生自身以及机关后勤服务人员。

    It includes four major elements : political cadres , teachers , college students , as well as their own bodies logistical service personnel .

  28. 第三部分主要对实现政工干部专业化的目标、原则及基本思路进行了分析。

    Part three analyses the goal of realizing the specilization of the person of Ideological and Political Work , the principle and basic train of thought .

  29. 农业高校及其学生工作部门和政工干部要进一步发挥网络的教育和服务功能。

    Agricultural colleges , offices with student 's work and political cadres should give further play to the function of education and service of the network .

  30. 随着改革的深入,林业政工干部在生存环境、工作方法和存在价值等方面面临新的挑战。

    With the deepening of reform , the forestry cadres of political work in the living environment , working method and existence value , is facing new challenges .