
  • 网络Government Banker
  1. 试论强化政府银行监管的方法和途径

    A Discussion on Government Banking Monitoring Methods

  2. 在多数国家,地方政府银行贷款中有五分之一会违约的消息将令人震惊。

    In most countries , the revelation that local governments would default on a fifth of their bank loans would be greeted with alarm .

  3. 政府银行正快速放贷,工厂产出再度升温,国内股市也在冲高。

    Government banks have been lending at a rapid rate , factory output is rising again and the local stock market is blazing ahead .

  4. 美国20世纪30年代的经济大萧条所引发的金融风险和货币危机,促使美国在强化政府银行监管职能的同时,建立了存款保险制度。

    Because economy stagnancy induced financial risk and monetary-crisis in 20th century , USA government had strengthened supervising to bank , and establishing deposit insurance system .

  5. 原来的“最后贷款人”、管理货币发行和充当政府银行等功能已经退居其次。

    The older ones of lender of last resort , managing the note issue , being banker to government , really slide back into the background .

  6. 政府银行运用自有外汇、英美政府资金和相关银行先后介入,维持上海汇市。

    The national bank , supported by its foreign exchange as well as funds from the British and American governments and related banks , could still intervene in the exchange market of Shanghai .

  7. 政治家设立政策框架,让央行在此框架下履行货币政策的日常管理职能,而自己却欣然抽身退出。原来的最后贷款人、管理货币发行和充当政府银行等功能已经退居其次。

    Politicians have willingly disengaged from the day-to-day management of monetary policy to set a framework within which central banks can perform that task . The older ones of lender of last resort , managing the note issue , being banker to government , really slide back into the background .

  8. 宏观生成机理主要有加入WTO的背景、不健全的信用制度和政府对银行业的干预。

    The macro mechanism mainly includes the background of entry into WTO , unsound credit system and the intervention of the government .

  9. 第五章在分析X高校贷款风险的具体情况的基础上,从高校、政府以及银行三方面探索防范地方高校贷款风险的具体对策。

    Chapter in the loan risk analysis of X-ray university , on the basis of the specific situation from universities , government and the bank three aspects of local university loan risk prevention countermeasures .

  10. 政府为银行纾困,抑制了在国内市场熟悉领域之外的风险承担行为,已影响到了外国直接投资(FDI),目前预计,今年FDI将下降50%。

    The government bail-outs had constrained risk-taking outside the familiar territories of national markets and this was already affecting foreign direct investment , now forecast to fall 50 per cent this year .

  11. 再次,根据公路建设BOT项目的基本运作程序,结合的BOT项目特点总结出了成功关键因素,再从政府,银行,投资方三方出发,从关键因素中找出各自关注的焦点问题。

    Thirdly , according to the basic operation procedure of highway construction BOT project and the characteristic of BOT project , the paper summarizes the key factor , then considering three sides of the government , the bank and the investor , find out focus question from the key factor .

  12. 国际货币基金组织再一次敦促欧元组的各国政府将银行进行资金重组。

    The IMF once again urged euro-area governments to recapitalise banks .

  13. 霍尔丹指出,评级机构认为政府对银行的支持是有价值的。

    Mr Haldane notes that rating agencies value government support for banks .

  14. 政府要求银行控制信贷,但未能阻止工厂的激增。

    Calls to cool lending have not stopped factories and plants proliferating .

  15. 法国政府在银行保险业的作用

    How French government act in bank & insurance industry

  16. 但政府和银行业均对该事件非常关注。

    But both the government and banking sector are very concerned about this .

  17. 政府对银行的有效监管能够保障银行体系安全运行,实现我国政府金融体制改革的目标。

    The effective supervision of banks ensures banking system 's safety and correct operation .

  18. 当时,一些州政府允许银行自己印制货币。

    At that time , some states permitted banks to make their own money .

  19. 显而易见的替代方案是,由政府强制银行筹集更多资金。

    The obvious alternative is for Berlin to force banks to raise more capital .

  20. 三是政府在银行业的改革与发展过程中都发挥了重要的、不可或缺的作用。

    Governments have played an important , dispensable role in banking reformation and development .

  21. 这既有其自身的原因,也有政府和银行的原因。

    There are their own reasons and also because of the government and the bank .

  22. 不断加强政府、银行、学校在商业助学贷款方面的合作。

    Unceasingly enhance co-operations of the government , banks , schools in commercial student loan fields .

  23. 经过一段有系统发展之后,永亨银行于一九六○年获香港政府发给银行牌照。

    Following a period of sustained growth , the Company was granted a banking licence in1960 .

  24. 伯恩:嗯,你能不能从你们政府或银行申请硬通货货款?

    Well , can you apply for a hard currency loan from your government or a bank ?

  25. 马云说他从来没跟中国政府或银行那里拿过一分钱。

    He said that he has never taken any money from the Chinese Government or Chinese banks 。

  26. 所以在这个时期,政府对于银行的管制是不同于普通时期的。

    In this period bank management , therefore , was very different from that in normal times .

  27. 毫不奇怪,政府与银行之间的这种反馈回路只是加大了投资者对银行资产质量的担忧。

    No wonder : the sovereign-bank feedback loop only adds to investor doubts about lenders ' asset quality .

  28. 但随着去年经济陷入低迷,政府鼓励银行放开了信贷闸门。

    But with the economic downturn last year , the government told banks to open the credit floodgates .

  29. 政府鼓励银行增加信贷,但事实是银行已经在这么做了。

    The government talks about the banks lending more , but the reality is the banks are lending .

  30. 让政府作为银行和经纪公司的股东,是否会损害促进经济活力的冒险精神?

    Will having governments as shareholders of banks and brokerage firms impair the risk-taking that fuels a vibrant economy ?