
  • 网络reserve system;Reserve Fund System;dynamic provisioning
  1. 现行银行贷款呆帐准备金制度存在的问题及对策

    The problems of the present dead loan reserve fund system in banks and their countermeasures

  2. 港币的发行制度和准备金制度,由法律规定。

    The system regarding the issue of Hong Kong currency and the reserve fund system shall be prescribed by law .

  3. 准备金制度的传导机制的作用是很低的。

    The effect of the transiting mechanic required reserve system vehicle is low .

  4. 同时,论文还实证演示了VaR模型的应用分析方法,为农行信贷风险的测量和呆帐准备金制度的改革提供了参考。

    Thirdly , it empirically demonstrates the VaR Method , which provides reference for quantifying the credit risks and reform of bed debt reserves system .

  5. 国际贷款损失准备金制度的最新发展及其对我国的启示

    Latest Development of International Loan Loss Provision and its Implication for China

  6. 零准备金制度下商业银行储备管理行为

    Behavior of Bank Reserve Management Under Zero Reserve Requirement System

  7. 浅议我国的法定存款准备金制度

    An Analysis of Diversified Legal Deposited Reserve System of China

  8. 存款准备金制度改革应适时深化

    Reformation of Deposit Reserve System Should Be Deepened Timely

  9. 呆帐准备金制度&银行防范风险的要途

    Bad Debt Reserve System & A Key Means for Banks to Reduce Risks

  10. 对中国存款准备金制度争议的几点思考

    Reflections on the Discussion about the System of China 's Reserve against Deposit

  11. 西班牙是较早实行动态准备金制度的国家之一。

    Spain is one of the countries that introduced dynamic provisioning relatively early .

  12. 在第二节中,本文从现象回归本质,指出我国差别准备金制度产生的根本原因。

    In the second section , this paper points out the essential reason .

  13. 基金风险准备金制度形同虚设

    Fund risk reserve policy exits in the name only

  14. 我国存款准备金制度实施效果及改革建议

    Implementing Effects of Deposit Preparing Money System and Reforming Advice in Our Country

  15. 存款准备金制度国际比较及发展趋势研究

    The Study on Development Trend and International Comparison on the System of Deposit Reserves

  16. 论述了零准备金制度的含义及利率变动机制。

    The notion of zero reserve requirement and the mechanism of interest changing are discussed .

  17. 在这种情势下,存款准备金制度仍然是有力的政策工具。

    Under such circumstances , the deposit reserve policy is still a powerful policy tool .

  18. 墨西哥货币政策操作对我国准备金制度改革的启示

    Reformation of Reserve Requirement System in China in Virtue of Monetary Policy Implementation in Mexico

  19. 存款准备金制度是在中央银行体制下建立起来的。

    The System Of Deposit Reserves is established under the system of the central bank .

  20. 建立资产减值准备金制度。

    Establishing assets devaluation fund system .

  21. 建立准备金制度;

    Establishment of the reserve system ;

  22. 呆帐准备金制度是银行核心的经营管理制度之一。

    The bad debt reserve system is one core of the management system in finance enterprises .

  23. 论我国呆帐准备金制度的未来选择

    A discussion about the future choice of the system of reserve for bad debts in China

  24. 存款准备金制度与金融调控

    Reserve Requirement Institution and Financial Regulation

  25. 第二部分主要介绍了存款准备金制度的涵义、发展及演变历程。

    The second section mainly introduce the meaning of deposit reserve policy , development and evolution .

  26. 我国存款准备金制度演变的货币政策视角分析

    The Analysis of the Evolution of Reserve Requirements System from the View of Monetary Policy in China

  27. 金融市场发展程度与存款准备金制度之间的关系,是经济学界很少关注的问题。

    The relation of financial market development and Deposit Reserves System is few concerned by economic circles .

  28. 那些不喜欢银行业“部分准备金制度”的人们应该会欢迎这种结果:它将提高银行的“部分准备金”。

    Those who dislike fractional reserve banking should welcome that result : it would raise the fraction .

  29. 介绍了货币发行的涵义、种类、发行渠道与程序以及货币发行的准备金制度。

    We introduce the contents , categories , channels and procedures of currency issuance , and its reserve institutions .

  30. 之后,在第三节中,本人引用了一位央行有关负责人的观点,以政府的角度对未来差别存款准备金制度的发展方向进行简要说明。

    And in the last section , it gives a brief explanation about the development direction of the system .