
zhǔn jūn shì bù duì
  • paramilitary force
准军事部队[zhǔn jūn shì bù duì]
  1. 死者来自准军事部队,身兼保卫边界的任务,他们说。

    The dead men were from a paramilitary force tasked with safeguarding the border , they said .

  2. 今天陆军和准军事部队继续进行搜索。

    Searches by the army and paramilitary forces have continued today

  3. 巴基斯坦士兵今早8点5分在我们W哨所无缘无故开火。印度边防安保部队准军事部队发言人说。

    " Pakistani soldiers opened unprovoked firing on our Umra Wali post at8.05 ( local time ) this morning ," said the spokesman for the paramilitary Indian Border Security Force .

  4. 数百名准军事部队军人回到他们在达卡的兵营。

    Hundreds of paramilitary soldiers have returned to their barracks in Dhaka .

  5. 如今,右翼“自卫”准军事部队控制了人口聚居区。

    Today right wing " self defense " paramilitaries dominate the population centers .

  6. 目击者说,武装分子在布内尔区打死至少一名准军事部队军人。

    Witnesses say gunmen in Buner district , killed at least one of the paramilitary troops .

  7. 在达格尔军事总部外面,几乎看不到准军事部队和警察的存在。

    Outside the military headquarters in Dagger , there is little presence of paramilitary troops or police .

  8. 他说,有关方面还在努力使用美军训练人员教授准军事部队如何在部落地区开展行动。

    He said there are ongoing efforts to use American military trainers to teach paramilitary forces operating in the tribal regions .

  9. 当地官员说,多达8个排的兵力,也就是大约400名准军事部队军人已经到达这个山区。

    Local officials say as many as eight platoons , or about 400 paramilitary troops have arrived in the mountainous region .

  10. 印度政府向东北部曼尼普尔区派遣联邦准军事部队以解除当地部落组织所造成的封锁。

    The Indian government is sending federal paramilitary troops to the north-eastern state of Manipur to lift a blockade by tribal groups .

  11. 但是,巴基斯坦政府还是派遣了准军事部队去消灭西北边境省首府白沙瓦附近的激进组织据点。

    But the government dispatched paramilitary forces to root out militant strongholds near Peshawar , the capital of Pakistan 's North West Frontier Province .

  12. 阿巴斯少将说,70名警察和准军事部队人员星期二被在布内尔的塔利班武装分子从警察站劫持,不过其中18人获得解救。

    General Abbas said 70 police and paramilitary troops were kidnapped from police stations Tuesday by Taliban fighters in Buner , but 18 of them have been recovered .

  13. 朝鲜拥有超过100名现役士兵,如果算上预备役军人和准军事部队,那朝鲜的士兵人数超过600万人,是世界上规模最大的常备军之一。

    More than a million active duty soldiers , more than 6 million if you count reserves and paramilitary , one of the largest standing armies in the world .

  14. 巴基斯坦政府已动用军用直升机到现场支援,同时调集特种部队士兵、准军事部队和大量警力包围了警察培训中心,准备进攻。

    Reports said Pakistan 's commando , paramilitary forces and police are arriving at the spot for assistance , a contingent of police has already entered into police training school .

  15. 首先,它将军事力量和准军事部队派遣到边疆,执行巩固领土安全和发展经济的双重任务(修路和国营农场)。

    First , it sent military and paramilitary troops there with the double task of securing the territory on the fringes and developing its economy by building roads and state farms .

  16. 据报道,在颇具争议的斯瓦特山谷和平协议磋商的过程中,当地领导人曾请求省政府增派警力和准军事部队,但这个要求遭遇忽视。

    Local leaders had reportedly asked the provincial government earlier for extra police and paramilitary troops when the controversial peace agreement in Swat was being negotiated but the request was ignored .

  17. 如果说战争开始时颇具戏剧性,如飞机撞入高楼、塔利班逃离阿富汗,那么现在战争主要在地下进行――参与作战的是恐怖主义分子、间谍、准军事部队成员以及联邦调查局人员。

    If the war began dramatically , with planes crashing into buildings and the Taliban fleeing Afghanistan , it is now mostly underground & waged by terrorists , spooks , paramilitaries and G-men .

  18. 布什总统指出,哥伦比亚总统乌里韦已经着手解决美国国会议员们所关注的问题,他动员了数万名准军事部队,并且任命了一个独立的检查官来专门处理工会人士遭到攻击的案子。

    President Bush says Colombian President Alvaro Uribe has addressed the issues of U.S. lawmakers by demobilizing tens-of-thousands of paramilitary fighters and appointing an independent prosecutor to pursue cases involving attacks against trade unionists .

  19. 教宗车队在1980年耶稣会牧师埃斯皮纳尔的尸体被发现的地方做短暂停留。埃斯皮纳尔当年被玻利维亚准军事部队逮捕,并遭酷刑。

    During the trip , Francis stopped his motorcade at the spot where the body of Jesuit priest Luis Espinal was found in 1980 after he was arrested and tortured by Bolivian paramilitary squads .

  20. 准军事警察部队正在参与营救行动。

    Paramilitary police units are taking part in rescue efforts .