
zhǔn jù fǎ
  • Applicable law;proper law;lex causae
准据法[zhǔn jù fǎ]
  1. 确定准据法,是冲突规范的基本功能和根本目标。

    Determining lex causae is the basic function and fundamental goal of conflict rules .

  2. 权威人士说两法确定准据法的理论评析

    Authority Talks " The Two Laws " Comment on the Theory of Determining Lex Causae

  3. 涉外劳动纠纷中竞业禁止协议准据法之研究&以微软与Google纠纷案为视角

    Study on the Proper Law on Prohibition on Business Strife Agreement Concerning Foreign Labor Disputes & From the Angle of the Disputes between Microsoft and Google

  4. “最密切联系原则”是确认准据法的重要冲突法规则,最早运用该学说确定涉外合同之债和涉外侵权行为之债准据法的,均为美国纽约州最高法院首席法官富德(Fuld)。

    " The rule of the closest relations " is an important conflict law to affirming criterion law .

  5. 文章通过阐述国际投资争端中心(ICSID)仲裁申请、仲裁庭的组成与仲裁员的委任、管辖权、准据法、仲裁裁决及其执行效力等基本内容,来对ICSID仲裁制度进行潜在价值分析。

    This paper analyses the potential value of ICSID arbitral system by elaborating the basic contents of ICSID , including its arbitral application , constituting of arbitral court and appointment of arbiter , jurisdiction , applicable law , the arbitrament and its effect of execution .

  6. 论国际商事仲裁协议的准据法

    On the evidential method in arbitration agreement for international commercial affairs

  7. 如何确定其上的船舶抵押权的效力的准据法?

    How to define the applicable law on the ships mortgage ?

  8. 美国侵权行为准据法的新发展&兼论我国的有关立法

    The New Development of US'Tort Applicable Law & Concurrently on Our Relating Laws

  9. 论国际技术转让合同准据法的确定

    On Determination of the Applicable Law of the International Contract of Technology Transfer

  10. 意思自治原则确定涉外合同准据法比较研究

    Comparative Research on Choosing Laws Applicable to foreign Contracts by Autonomy of Will

  11. 小议有效性理论在合同准据法确定中的作用

    On the Function of Validity Principle in Deciding the Contract 's Applicable Law

  12. 海事赔偿责任限制的准据法

    Applicable Law of Limitation of Liability for Maritime Claims

  13. 因此,法院务必查明该契约的准据法。

    The court must therefore ascertain the " properlaw " of the contract .

  14. 论涉外合同准据法的确定

    On Determination Of Applicable Law In International Contract

  15. 其中虽然提单仲裁条款的有效性准据法与一般仲裁协议准据法有相似之处,但有自己的具体适用规则,故不能视为与之重叠。

    Section two is relevant to applicable law of the validity of arbitration clause .

  16. 自然人行为能力的准据法

    Applicable law for disposing capacity of natural persons

  17. 国际私法中的连结点,在法律关系或法律问题和准据法之间起着媒介和导引作用。

    Connecting point has a great important role in the choice of law process .

  18. 国际航空运输契约的准据法

    Applicable law for contracts of international air transport

  19. 法律行为方式的准据法

    Applicable law for the form of juristic acts

  20. 可以在合同中加入准据法、审判地、律师费等条款。

    Consider including choice of law , venue selection , and attorneys fee clauses .

  21. 略论国际借款合同的准据法

    On Applicable Law of International Loan Contracts

  22. 船员雇佣合同准据法

    Applicable Law of Contract of Crew Employment

  23. 涉外离婚的准据法选择问题研究

    Choice On Applicable Law of International Divorce

  24. 试论不当得利的准据法适用原则

    On application principles of unjust enrichment

  25. 如果中国法被确定为准据法,那么具体应当适用那些法律规范呢?

    If Chinese law should be applied , which laws ought to be used on earth ?

  26. 关于涉外合同的法律适用,各国的理论和实践存在各种不同的观点。在我国,应采用分割法来确定合同各个不同方面的准据法;

    Theories and views on the applicability of Foreign Contract Law vary from country to country .

  27. 先决问题的准据法,应结合具体案件具体分析。

    The applicable law of preliminary question should depend on the nature of the individual case .

  28. 代位权制度的法律冲突与准据法&兼及我国涉外代位权准据法的构建

    Study on the Conflict of Laws and the Applicable Law on the Creditors ' Right of Subrogation

  29. 不当得利是民法中的一项基本法律制度。试论不当得利的准据法适用原则

    Unjust enrichment is a basic legal system in civil law . On application principles of unjust enrichment

  30. 按照意思自治原则选择合同准据法的若干问题

    Some Issues Concerning Choice of Applicable Law in Light of the Principle of Autonomy of the Parties