
chōnɡ tū fǎ
  • conflict of laws;rules of conflicts
  1. 本文主要从冲突法的角度对click-wrapcontract案件的法律适用问题进行了讨论,并对其中所涉及的一些问题提出了一些解决的思路和方案。

    Centering on the conflict of laws , this dissertation discusses the application of law about click-wrap contract , and puts forward some thoughts and proposals to resolve relative problems .

  2. 传统冲突法理论的公平价值论

    On Justice Value of the Traditional Theory of Conflict of Laws

  3. “最密切联系原则”是确认准据法的重要冲突法规则,最早运用该学说确定涉外合同之债和涉外侵权行为之债准据法的,均为美国纽约州最高法院首席法官富德(Fuld)。

    " The rule of the closest relations " is an important conflict law to affirming criterion law .

  4. 武装冲突法(LOAC)禁止把非战斗人员作为目标,那么如果指挥官知道里面有谁,就会有取消命令,停止行动的义务。

    The Laws of Armed Conflict ( LOAC ) prohibit targeting non-combatants , so the commander would have been obliged to cancel the order and cease action if he knew who was inside .

  5. 冲突法之悖论:价值取向与技术系统的张力

    Paradox of Conflict Law : Value Orientation and Technology System Tensility

  6. 国际反垄断之冲突法进路(上篇)国际知识产权领域反垄断立法研究

    Study on Antimonopoly Legislation in the Field of International Intellectual Property

  7. 区际冲突法中的公共秩序保留

    The Preservation of Public Order Act in Interregional Conflicts Law

  8. 美国冲突法重述晚近之发展

    The Latest Development of the Restatement of Conflicts of Law in America

  9. 冲突法中实体与程序的区分

    The Dichotomy between Substance and Procedure in Conflict of Laws

  10. 侵权法上的因果关系英国侵权冲突法的理念转换和规则重构

    Rationale Transition & Rule Reconstruction on English Conflict of Laws in Tort

  11. 试论现代国际法中的武装冲突法

    On the Armed Conflict Law in the International Law in Contemporary Era

  12. 在这个部分中笔者也分析了有关两地的冲突法层面上的冲突。台湾地区既制定了国际私法,又有区际冲突法。

    Taiwan has both private international law and interregional conflict of laws .

  13. 波斯纳的比较管理优势说&兼论冲突法与自由贸易

    Posner 's Comparative Regulatory Advantage Theory & Conflicts Law and Free Trade

  14. 美国冲突法中的最密切联系原则新探

    The Doctrine of the Most Significant Relationship in American Conflict of Laws

  15. 美国第三次冲突法重述之萌动

    The Sprouting of the Third Restatement of Conflict of Laws in America

  16. 老挝冲突法的一般问题研究

    The General Issues of Conflict of Laws in Laos

  17. 创立了英国冲突法案件的新类型;

    Establish new type of English conflict law case ;

  18. 最密切联系在冲突法中的法律地位

    The Closest Ties Legal Status in the Conflict Law

  19. 比较法与冲突法关系之重新厘定

    Redefining the Relationship between Comparative Law and Conflicts Law

  20. 维和行动中武装冲突法的适用

    The Application of Armed Conflict Law towards Peacekeeping Operations

  21. 它们是随着冲突法的产生而逐渐形成的。

    They took shape on basis of conflict law .

  22. 第四章,与第三章相呼应,介绍了冲突法层面对弱者权益的保护。

    The forth chapter introduces the protection of weak party in conflict law .

  23. 冲突法领域内反垄断规则及其对我国立法的启示

    On the Anti - monopoly Norms in the Field of the Conflict of Laws

  24. 对票据冲突法规则的探讨

    Discussion on Conflict Rules of Commercial Instrument law

  25. 论我国侵权冲突法的价值取向侵权法上的因果关系

    On the Value Direction Adopted in the Law for Settling Tort Conflict in China

  26. 民法典中冲突法与实体法关系三题

    On the Relation Between the Conflict of Laws and Substantive Law in Civil Code

  27. 澳门冲突法与内地冲突法之比较

    Comparison between Macao 's and Internal Dissension Laws

  28. 婚姻冲突法问题研究

    A Study on Matrimonial Matters in Conflicts Law

  29. 第一部分阐述共同属人法原则在侵权冲突法中的缘起与发展。

    Part ⅰ discusses the origin and development of the principle in Tort Conflicts Law .

  30. 律师务必对所选定的法院的实体法和冲突法了若指掌。

    Counsel must be well-informed about the substantive and conflicts law of the forum selected .