
zhǔ quán xínɡ wéi
  • sovereign act;act of sovereignty
  1. 文中认为引渡既然为主权行为、国家行为,那么其程序主体应当明确为请求国和被请求国,客体则必须是将受刑事追诉或受判决定罪的人。

    It is stated in this thesis that extradition is a national and sovereign act . The requesting state and requested state should be proceeding subjects . And the criminal who received prosecution and conviction is the proceeding object .

  2. 只有国家才能在自己的领土上行使主权行为。

    A state alone can perform acts of sovereignty on its territory .

  3. 规范出入境权不仅是国家的主权行为,也是国家根据自身政治、经济、安全情况作出的管理行为。

    It is a country 's sovereignty action , as well as its governing action made according to its own political , safety and economy conditions to regulate the right to leave and return ( RLR ) .

  4. 七大工业国(GroupofSeven)周三呼吁俄罗斯停止一切吞并克里米亚的努力,并谴责俄罗斯无故侵犯乌克兰主权的行为。但没有迹象显示俄罗斯将真正受到有实质意义的制裁。

    The Group of Seven nations called on Russia Wednesday to ' cease all efforts to annex Crimea ' and condemned its ' unprovoked violation of Ukraine 's sovereignty . ' But there was no sign of real , meaningful sanctions .

  5. 传统的国家安全观主要关注的是主权国家行为体。

    Sovereign state actor is the object of study in traditional national security .

  6. 非主权国家行为体在环境外交中的参与度和重要性越来越不可忽视,同时也不能报以过高的期望。

    The participation degree and importance of non-state actors becomes more and more unneglectable .

  7. 中国敦促日本立即停止任何侵犯中国领土完整和国家主权的行为。

    China is urging Japan to cease immediately all actions that infringe China 's territorial integrity and sovereignty .

  8. 在国内,齐奥塞斯库因为谴责苏联等国侵犯了捷克斯洛伐克主权的行为,而成为了民族英雄。

    At home , for condemning Soviet Union and other countries violated the sovereignty of Czechoslovakia , the Romanian leader Ceausescu became a national hero .

  9. 他敦促日方以诚实的态度面对其军国主义的对外侵略历史,停止损害中国领土主权的行为。

    He urged the Japanese side to honestly face up to and reflect on its history of militarist aggression and stop infringing upon China 's territorial sovereignty .

  10. 对于非法改变乡镇企业所有权的,非法占有或者无偿使用乡镇企业财产的,非法撤换乡镇企业负责人的和侵犯乡镇企业经营自主权的行为,由县级以上乡镇企业行政治理部门责令改正。

    To droit of illegal change town enterprise , detinue or free uses town enterprise property , dismiss illegally of town enterprise controller with the act that violates a town enterprise to manage own advantageous position , instruct by Department of administration of town enterprise of prefectural class above correct .

  11. 这是对俄国及其主权宣战的行为。

    As an act of Wwar against the Russian Republic and Russian sovereignty .

  12. 另一种选项是只有一家机构,科威特投资局(KuwaitInvestmentAuthority)便是如此。该机构已成为主权基金中最佳行为的楷模。

    The alternative is to have a single agency , as is the case with the Kuwait Investment Authority , currently a role model for best practice among sovereign funds .

  13. 任何调低日本主权债务评级的行为,都会加大债务危机爆发的可能性。

    Any downgrade of Japanese sovereign debt would certainly increase the likelihood of a debt crisis .

  14. 管理主权投资活动的行为准则消除了利益相关方如投资国、接受国、以及私营公司的疑虑。

    This code of conduct governing sovereign investment practices has reassured stakeholders & investor nations , recipient nations , and the private sector .

  15. 后者给企业留有了很大的自主权,企业的行为更值得人们去关注,因此自愿性会计政策变更也成为国内外学者研究的核心内容之一。

    The second one leaves a lot autonomy to the enterprise , the behavior of enterprises are even more deserving to be concerned , therefore voluntary changes in accounting policies have become one of the scholars ' research core .

  16. 这一趋势会愈演愈烈,因此,最好的办法便是就以上内容达成协议,作为“主权财富基金最佳行为准则”的核心原则,而不是围绕一整套的类似原则等待一场长期谈判。

    This trend will gain momentum very quickly , so it would be best to seek agreements on the above items as core principles of " SWF best practices " rather than wait for a long negotiation over a complete set of such principles .

  17. 作者首先对主权债务及主权债务违约行为理论、违约诱因和形式进行梳理。

    The author firstly introduces the sovereign debt and theories , reasons and description for breaching .

  18. 第二章阐述了欧洲主权债务危机的相关理论基础,即主权国家违约行为理论和主权债务违约诱因理论,以及金融危机和货币危机的相关理论。

    The second chapter elaborated the European sovereign debt crisis theory , namely the sovereign default behavior theory and sovereign debt default incentive theory , as well as the financial crisis and monetary crisis theory .