
  • 网络Mainstream movies;mainstream film
  1. 我对很多主流电影中千篇一律的女性形象感到非常气愤。

    I get very worked up about the way women are stereotyped in a lot of mainstream films

  2. 与好莱坞博弈:中国电影产业结构重组的新格局&兼论2004年新主流电影三强的品牌效应

    The Brand Effect of the Chinese Mainstream Films

  3. Barbra是第一位在好莱坞主流电影Yentl中自编、自导、自演的女性。

    She was the first woman to write , produce , direct , and star in a mainstream Hollywood film : Yentl .

  4. 中国电影的精神地图&论主流电影与文化核心价值观的传播路径

    Path of Propagation of Sense of Worth of the Cultural Core

  5. 第三期主流电影论析(一)

    Discussion and Analysis on the Third - stage Main Stream Films (ⅰ)

  6. 谢晋&20世纪中国主流电影的杰出代表

    Xie Jin : An Outstanding Representative of Chinese Mainstream Movie in the 20th Century

  7. 主流电影的通俗易懂是它们受多数观众喜爱的原因。

    The accessibility of mainstream movies is what makes them popular with most audiences .

  8. 九十年代第六代导演群体的创作的非主流电影中带有大量的后现代艺术特征。

    The incurrent movies created by Chinese sixth-generation directors in the 1990s have many postmodern artistic peculiarities .

  9. 在中国当代主流电影中,现实主义创作已退居次席。

    So in the contemporary Chinese mainstream movies , realism has shrunk-en to be an unimportant role .

  10. 甚至有评论称,冯小刚的创作精神和雄厚实力在相当长的一段时期内将引领中国内地主流电影和电视剧的走向。

    Critics say Feng 's creativity and strong financial resources are a trend for mainstream Chinese film and TV culture .

  11. 世界两大主流电影公司签署一项协定以增强生产、发行、商业联系。

    The world 's two leading movie industries have signed a pact to strengthen production , distribution and commercial ties .

  12. 1992年西格尔主演了戴维斯执导的轰动一时的电影《身陷重围》,引起了主流电影界的瞩目,这也是他最受欢迎的作品。

    Seagal attracted mainstream appeal in1992 when he starred in the Davis directed hit under siege , his most popular movie .

  13. 艺术或许是生活的反映,但在美国主流电影界,它也常常是一种扭曲的反映。

    Art may be a mirror of life , but it is often a badly distorted one in mainstream American cinema .

  14. 而在这一令人瞩目的电影飞地周边,则是新主流电影模式和政治主旋律电影的日趋成熟。

    Around this eye-attracting enclave field are the daily matured new main-stream film mode and the films of main-line political film .

  15. 桑德拉逐渐进入主流电影,在1993年她接演了5部影片。

    As she slowly began making her way into mainstream , Sandra managed to land herself five film roles in '93 .

  16. 第三,在政治权力的强力控制下,主流电影对大众政治心理产生了许多反面作用。

    Third , under the strong control of political power , the mainstream movie of the public political psychology many negative role .

  17. 这是非常有意思的现象,你在纪录片、先锋派电影甚至主流电影中都能看到。

    It 's very funny stuff , which you can see in documentary , avant-garde and mainstream movies , including science fiction .

  18. 作为一种不同于好莱坞主流电影的艺术形式,独立电影在主题思想、审美特征上体现出其独特的艺术气质。

    As an artistic form different from Hollywood mainstream films , independent film has its own specific artistic style in terms of themes and aesthetic characteristics .

  19. 金鸡奖与主流电影的特殊关系为我们考察主流电影提供了一个绝佳视角,本文正是拟从二十五届金鸡奖评选出来的最佳故事片管窥主流电影的嬗变。

    The special relationship of the golden rooster prize and the mainstream movie provides a very good angle of view for us to study the mainstream movie .

  20. 而70年代出生的导演群体却是以回归和皈依的面貌出现的,这是对主流电影和市场价值的双重皈依。

    Those directors born in the 70s , however , behave themselves in the guise of regression and conversion to both the mainstream films and the marketing economy .

  21. 循着蒙古族电影的发展历程,对一次呈现的主流电影、商业电影、文艺电影中的女性形象流变做了历时性解读。

    Follow the Mongolian film development , a present to the mainstream movies , commercial film , literature and art film images of women do the rheological diachronic interpretation .

  22. 但是为什么大多数主流电影只在专家中叫好观众却不买单呢?当下社会在飞速发展,时代在进步。

    But why do the majority mainstream movies only applaud in the expert the audience actually not to pay ? Now society in swift development , time in progress .

  23. 王颖对原著进行了一系列增删和改写,并以这部电影赢得票房和口碑,跻身美国主流电影导演行列。

    Gordon white of the original work and a series of rewrite , and with the movie box office and win public praise , entering the mainstream American film director ranks .

  24. 而主流电影对阶级斗争和反修防修的长期宣扬,也导致了阶层裂隙和反智主义泛滥。

    Of the " class struggle " and " combat and prevent revisionism " long preached , the mainstream movie has also led to class fissures and " anti-intellectualism " flooding .

  25. 笔者发现,新时期主流电影实际成为父权制意识形态的重要载体,以女性主义视角对这类电影进行分析和批判,对于女性的解放具有重要的意味。

    The movies of New-era are the main carriers of patriarchy ideology in practice which should be analyzed and criticized in the perspective of feminism in order to promote women 's liberation .

  26. 反过来,电影又在当代审美文化的三重建构中形成了主流电影、大众电影和精英电影三种电影形态并存的格局,并且形成了他们各自的形态特征。

    On the other hand , a coexistence pattern of three movie forms-theme movies , popular movies and artistic movies-has been established , and the three movie forms have developed their respective characteristics .

  27. 从全年来看,索尼影业的总销售收入增长约11.5%,这使其成为在2014年实现年度增长的为数不多的主流电影公司之一。

    For the full year , Sony Pictures ' gross sales are up about 11.5 % , which actually makes it one of the few major studios to post a year-to-year gain in 2014 .

  28. 然而,他曾经成功在主流电影和个人偏好的电影之间交替,现在,他更少拍前者了,但是后者似乎没有以前那么能吸引观众了。

    Whereas he once successfully alternated mainstream and personal projects , he is now doing fewer of the former , while the latter don 't seem to be connecting with audiences as they once did .

  29. 电影产业全球化,不仅需要把很多优秀的作品引进来,更需要我们更多的电影人走出去,在世界主流电影机制中展现自己的文化和理念。

    Film industry globalization not only needs introduction of many excellent films , but also needs more of our filmmakers to walk out of China and show their own culture and concept in the world main film system .

  30. 优秀的主流电影是符合时代主旋律,能够激发人们追求理想的意志和催人奋进的力量,并且能够提出一个正确的意识形态导向。

    The outstanding mainstream movie conforms to the time main melody , can stimulate the people to pursue the ideal will and to urge the strength which the human advances boldly , and can propose a correct ideology guidance .