
bái lǐnɡ ɡōnɡ rén
  • white-collar worker
  1. 大家都希望做白领工人。

    Everybody hopes to be a white-collar worker .

  2. 如今白领工人的工作时间比以前更长了。

    White-collar workers now work longer hours .

  3. 组合图像模拟和精配准的星载SAR图像正射校正白领工人不像劳动工人那样有良好的组织,那样良好的联合,这是众所周知的事。

    Ortho-rectifying space-borne SAR based on fine registration and image simulation It is a well-known fact that white-collar workers are not nearly so well organized or unionized as the manual workers .

  4. 根据上周发布的一项对2952名大学文化程度白领工人进行的研究,在33岁至46岁、技能熟练的X世代女白领中,高达43%的人还没有孩子。

    A full 43 % of skilled white-collar Gen X women , ages 33 to 46 years old , haven 't yet had children based on a study of 2952 college-educated white-collar workers released last week .

  5. 看看这个:根据数字媒体公司CaptivateNetwork的最新调查显示,约20%的白领工人说公司的工作效率在暖和的月份大跌,19%的人声称连出勤率也下降了。

    Consider : about 20 % of white-collar workers say their productivity takes a dive in the warm months , and 19 % say attendance drops off , according to a recent survey by digital media company captivate network .

  6. 以换取做白领工人的殊荣。

    For the privilege of becoming white-collar workers .

  7. 白领工人参加工会的较少。

    Workers belong to a trade union .

  8. 但是,在今天的经济中,受过教育的白领工人也同样容易受到裁员的攻击。

    But in today 's economy , educated , white-collar workers also are vulnerable to downsizing .

  9. 尽管西服上有一层新的防护层,但看起来跟日本白领工人们穿的西服几乎没什麽区别。

    Despite the new layer of protection , the suit seems fairly similar to others worn by Japanese white-collar workers .

  10. 事实上,蓝领和白领工人已经成了伴随自动化机器和官僚主义管理方式的节奏翩翩起舞的经济玩偶。

    In fact , the blue-and the white-collar workers have become economic puppets who dance to the tune of automated machines and bureaucratic management .

  11. 根据第三季度的招聘信息显示,包括北京、上海、深圳以及广州在内的一线城市对白领工人的需求最大。

    According to job advertisements in the third quarter , first-tier cities have the largest demand for white collar workers , including Beijing , Shanghai , Shenzhen and Guangzhou .

  12. 因为白领工人的稀缺,很多唯利是图的中层管理人员为了只有几百块美元的年薪的增长,不断跳槽。

    The lack of white collar workers has created a mercenary class of executives who bounce from job to job seeking wage increases of even just several hundred dollars a year .

  13. 坐办公室的人之所以常常被称作“白领工人”,就是因为他们通常是穿着硬领白衬衫,系着领带去上班。

    People who work in offices are frequently referred to as " white-collar workers " for the simple reason that they usually wear a collar and tie to go to walk .

  14. 有48%的受访者认为,未来10年里,机器人将会取代大量白领和蓝领工人。这不仅会导致大量人口失业,还会导致社会失序。

    The other 48 % , though , think that robots will displace huge numbers of white and blue collar workers in the next 10 years , which would not only leave people unemployed but which could disrupt social order .

  15. 另一半受访者则对与机器人共处的未来感到不太乐观。“有48%的受访者认为,未来10年里,机器人将会取代大量白领和蓝领工人。这不仅会导致大量人口失业,还会导致社会失序。”

    However , the other half felt less optimistic about our robotic future . " The other 48 % , though , think that robots will displace huge numbers of white and blue collar workers in the next 10 years , which would not only leave people unemployed but which could disrupt social order . "

  16. 随着劳动力年龄增大,以及更多的年轻人倾向于找白领工作,蓝领工人的工资一年要增长将近10%。

    Blue-collar wages are up nearly 10 percent a year , as the work force ages and more young people prefer white-collar jobs .

  17. 10、在政府部门从事简单重复工作的白领也像农场工人、公共汽车司机和商店职员一样大脑细胞容易收缩。

    10 . White collar workers doing routine work in government offices are , however , as likely to have shrinking brains as the farm worker , bus driver and shop assistant .