
huǎng zi
  • cover;pretense;camouflage;signboard;shop sign;blind;mark;bar sign
幌子 [huǎng zi]
  • (1) [bar sign;shop sign;signboard]∶俗称酒帘。古代酒店以其容易引人注目,故用为招牌,以招揽顾客

  • (2) [mark]∶显露在外面的标志或痕迹

  • (3) [camouflage;pretense]∶为了欺骗而采取的伪装或权宜之计

  • 人民如此愚昧无知,民主只能是幌子

幌子[huǎng zi]
  1. 有的人是开酒店为幌子,主要是开赌庄。

    Somebody opens the hotel for the shop sign , gamble in the village mainly .

  2. 这是一个很奇怪的以经济问题为幌子,实际地对中国进行政治干预的行为。

    This is one very strange take the economic problem as a shop sign , carries on the political intervention actually to China the behavior .

  3. 他的讲话以民族主义为幌子宣扬种族主义思想。

    His speech presented racist ideas under the guise of nationalism .

  4. 他们打着实现远大理想的幌子为他们的每件恶行开脱。

    They justify every villainy in the name of high ideals .

  5. 他打着受过良好教育的幌子到处欺瞒世人。

    He was able to fool the world with his veneer of education

  6. 两派都相互指责对方利用该组织作幌子以发展各自的事业。

    Both factions accused each other of using the organization as a Trojan horse to advance their causes .

  7. 有时人们打着做生意的幌子所做的事情让她感到恶心。

    There had been times when she had felt sickened by the things people did in the name of business .

  8. 这家珠宝公司不过是进行非法钻石交易的幌子。

    The jewellery firm is just a cover for its illegal trade in diamonds .

  9. 打着友谊的幌子,他们出卖了他。

    Under cover of friendship they betrayed him .

  10. 几个人搭了个草台班子,打着慈善捐款的幌子到处招摇撞骗。

    Those people slapped together an outfit and under the pretence of collecting for charity , bluffed and cheated their way around .

  11. 他向中方警告,伊朗企业使用一系列幌子公司(frontcompanies),以绕过联合国(un)制裁。

    The Chinese were warned that Iranian businesses used a variety of front companies to get around United Nations sanctions .

  12. 上述报告淡化了以下看法:即中国企业是中国公司(ChinaInc)的幌子。报告称,大多数中国企业都是受到商业利益的驱使。

    The report plays down the idea that Chinese companies are a front for China Inc , saying most are driven by commercial interest .

  13. 曼哈顿区检察官罗伯特摩根索(robertmorgenthau)公布了一份118页的起诉书,指控中国国民李方维(音译)设立幌子公司掩饰非法交易。

    Robert Morgenthau , Manhattan district attorney , unsealed an 118-count indictment , accusing Li Fang Wei , a Chinese national , of setting up front companies to disguise the illegal sales .

  14. 随后,美国财政部对5家irisl幌子公司和27艘货轮进行制裁,同时查出71艘改头换面的irisl船只。

    Subsequently the US Treasury sanctioned five IRISL front companies and 27 vessels , and also identified 71 renamed IRISL vessels .

  15. 证交会在起诉书中称,换句话说,创建CDO是个幌子,保尔森的真实想法是,这些投资很糟糕,肯定会贬值。

    In other words , the SEC complaint alleges , the creation of the CDO was a cover for Paulson 's real belief that the investments were poor ones and were set to fall in value .

  16. 又或许“快照”服务其实只是一个幌子,目的是圈住用户,同时Snapchat可以完善它真正的移动摄像应用程序。

    Or maybe the snap service is really just a Trojan horse , securing users while the company polishes up what could become the de facto mobile camera App .

  17. 在提及此类抗议时,美国国务卿康多莉扎•赖斯(CondoleezzaRice)表示:必须应对安全威胁,每个人都完全理解这一点。但安全问题不应以任何方式成为试图对付异见的幌子。

    In a reference to such complaints , Condoleezza Rice , US secretary of state , said : Security threats have to be dealt with and that is fully understood by everybody , but security should not become in any way a cover to try to deal with dissent .

  18. 巴博萨探长告诉BBC,调查员们认为“Pro10是THG为获得可供倒卖的门票而打出的幌子”。他声称,爱尔兰奥组委早前希望THG负责出售里约奥运的门票。

    Detective Barbosa told the BBC that investigators believed " Pro 10 was created as a means for acquiring tickets to be resold by THG " as the Irish Olympic Committee had wanted THG to sell tickets for Rio 2016 , he alleged .

  19. 我这么做是打着做调查研究的幌子。

    The things you gotta do in the name of research .

  20. 他用宗教的幌子拐卖女性并致富。

    He uses religion to get women and make himself rich .

  21. 那笔进口业务只是一桩走私活动的幌子。

    The import business was a blind for a smuggling racket .

  22. 正好有个幌子让你搭档来审问我

    A perfect cover for your partner to run the interrogation .

  23. 保密的幌子应该撕去。

    The cloak of secrecy had to be torn aside .

  24. 中国古代幌子广告经历了一个长期发展的过程。

    Sign advertisement in ancient China had a long history .

  25. 我们先遣3搜民用运输船来做幌子。

    We 'll need three civilian freighter ships to use as decoys .

  26. 那个女人不就成了一个幌子么?

    Brian : so the woman could be a cover ?

  27. 宣传往往在信息的幌子下分发给我们。

    Propaganda is served out to us in the guise of information .

  28. 葛里森只是个幌子,他是我们的人。

    Golitsyn was a lightning rod . he 's one of ours .

  29. 你这是借戒毒的幌子行审问之实

    So you 're using rehab to run an interrogation .

  30. 那家书店只是种种不法活动的幌子。

    The bookshop was just a cover for all kinds of criminal activities .