
  1. 今年八月,在Myspace被广告技术公司SpecificMedia收购后,我卸任CEO一职。

    In August , after specific media acquired MySpace , I stepped down as CEO .

  2. 每一天我的信箱都被广告信塞满了!

    Every day my mailbox is filled with spam .

  3. 被广告搞迷糊的顾客,不是根本不买该品牌的电池,就是买错牌子!

    The confused customer either does not buy or sometimes buys wrong product !

  4. 电子卷烟被广告称为无害的创新产品。

    Electronic cigarettes are advertised as a harmless innovation .

  5. 城市中心的大部分建筑物上都被广告牌覆盖。

    Advertising sign cover most of the buildings in the centre of the to town .

  6. 性别隐喻就是这样一种被广告人用来隐藏其易引发争议的意识形态的工具。

    Gender metaphor is such a tool used by advertisers to promote their controversial ideology .

  7. 很多事例显示消费被广告语言所误导。

    Many cases show that the consumers are misled by the use of the advertising language .

  8. 我总是被广告淹没了。

    I always get swamped with ads.

  9. 几乎所有的电视节目都是商业性的,而且不时被广告打断,十分烦人。

    Nearly all TV is commercial and it is very annoying to be interrupted by advertisement at intervals .

  10. 电影不是被广告制成的,所以我们的电影频道也不会这样植入广告。

    Movies weren 't made with ads in them . So , we 'll never show them that way .

  11. 它们被广告称为烟草的健康替代品,是戒烟的最佳方法。

    They are advertised as a healthy alternative to tobacco and the best way to get rid of smoking .

  12. 虽然,视频网站拥有一些流量,但是它的用户群覆盖难以被广告主利用。

    Although , video website has a few flow , but its user group enclothe hard by advertisement advocate use .

  13. 如果消费者没有实际需要,他们不会仅仅被广告吸引。

    Under no circumstances will customers be merely attracted by the advertisements as long as they do no have real needs .

  14. 具有讽刺意义的是,诸如化妆品和减肥饮料这类被广告大肆渲染的产品其实对人体的魅力是有害的。

    Ironically , the heavily advertised products , such as cosmetics and weight-reduction drinks , are even detrimental to physical attractiveness .

  15. 网络媒体作为新媒体的重要部分正被广告主认可,受金融危机所赐,增长速度喜人。

    Internet media as significant part of new media is being accepted due to the Subprime Crisis with a rapid growth rate .

  16. 经常被广告给打断,一些现场观众抱怨该节目并不值180元到1680元不等的票价。

    Frequently interrupted by advertisements , some live audience members complained that the show wasn 't worth its ticket prices of 180 to 1680 yuan .

  17. 该部门在年度报告里称,绝大部分投诉者觉得他们被广告误导或冒犯。

    The vast majority of complaints to the ASA came from members of the public who felt " misled or offended ", its annual report said .

  18. 正是这部几乎被广告所淹没的《流星雨》,让我们见识到了如今的广告商是多么疯狂:为了吸引观众眼球,他们宁愿牺牲作品的艺术性。

    The ad-soaked TV drama Meteor Shower gives us an idea of how desperate advertisers have become in trying to grab our attention , sacrificing artistic quality .

  19. 作为语言学的重要话题,预设与含义现象由于其自身的特点,经常被广告人用来增强广告的说服效果。

    As the major topics of linguistics , presupposition and implicature have their own characteristics and thus are frequently exploited by advertisers to reinforce the persuasiveness of advertising .

  20. 在随处可见的吸引人而又有效的广告中,隐喻性表达被广告创作者作为一种策略用来把广告需传达的信息概念有效地传递给目标受众。

    In the common catching and effective advertisements , metaphorical expressions are applied by the ad creators as a strategy to achieve the effective conveyance of the advertised messages or concepts to the target audience .

  21. 如果您已经得到机会请求省略您的姓名,这些由lingocom所收集的信息就可以被用于广告或其它商业目的。

    The information collected by lingocom may be used for targeted advertising or other commercial purposes provided you had been given the opportunity to request that your name be omitted .

  22. 他们建议消费者不要被虚假广告引入歧途。

    They advised consumers not to be led astray by fake advertisement .

  23. (我认为)孩子们不应该被用于广告拍摄。

    Children should not be used in TV commercials .

  24. 她不是购物狂,只是太容易被行销广告欺骗。

    She does not shop too much , she is overly susceptible to marketing ploys .

  25. 被称作广告方面最重要的人

    Called the most important person in advertising

  26. 华盛顿&最后我还是被各种广告给“蒙”了,买了一台计算机,刚进门我就开包取出。

    Washington & I finally got sucked in2 by all the ads and bought a computer .

  27. 很多广告客户被电视广告模式或半页的报纸图片广告限制了思维。

    Many advertisers are stuck in the TV advertising mode , or the half-page newspaper display ad mode .

  28. 他们的创作正在被原生广告所取代,那是一条条醒目的标题,看起来更像是新闻、而非广告。

    Their creations are being replaced by native ads – snappy headlines that look more like journalism than advertising .

  29. 消费者经常被虚假广告欺骗,而且人们在这些广告上浪费了大量的时间。

    Consumers are often cheated by the false advertisement on which consumers always waste a great deal of time .

  30. 当一名房地产中介挺好的,我的脸被印在广告牌和笔上。

    Yeah , it 's great being a real estate agent , my face is on billboards and pens .