
  • 网络Be said to be represented
  1. 每个设计和零件类别为被代表偏好设置为了配置和映射CAX属性符号在PLM中的字段。

    Each Design and Part class is represented in the preferences in order to configure the mapping of symbolic CAX properties to fields in PLM .

  2. 在极性中,每一个真相都必需被代表,包括真相与非真相。

    Within polarity , every truth must be represented , which includes truth along with non-truth .

  3. 蓝色,常常被代表忧郁,可是天空是蓝色的,大海也是蓝色的。

    Blue often represents melancholy , but it is the color of sky and sea .

  4. 他的肉被代表成小麦做成的饼吃掉,小麦&代表真理的作物。

    His flesh was eaten in the form of communion cakes of wheat , the plant of Truth .

  5. 例如,高科技行业、信息技术和制造业都已经在委员会中被代表,

    The high-tech industries , for example , IT and manufacturing , were already represented on the committee ,

  6. 为什么您认为连锁超市罗伯森需要在政府委员会上被代表呢?

    Man : And why do you think the supermarket chain , Robertson 's , needed to be represented on the government committee ?

  7. 一种警报,被代表了会话的警报服务器处理。它们用于服务个人信息系统应用的需要。

    Type of alarm that is handled on behalf of a session with the alarm server . They serve the requirements of PIM applications .

  8. 这些经理人员不是企业的股东,只是由于他们的经营管理能力而被代表所有者的董事会所雇佣。

    These manager people do not be the shareholder of enterprise , have been represented the board of directors of owner merely because of their management ability to employ .

  9. 代表人和被代表人之间的利益关系也可以有一定的激励措施平衡,如胜诉后,参与诉讼的人和代表人可以提取一定比例作为奖励。

    Between the representative and the represented interests can also have some incentives , such as the litigation is successful , representative of a certain percentage can be extracted as a reward .

  10. 克拉丽莎本属于上层社会,却不被代表上层社会的布鲁顿夫人等所接受,也找不到其他能依靠的社会阶层和个人,因此丧失了归属感。

    Clarissa is a member of upper society , but she is unacceptable to Lady Bruton who represents the upper class of the time ; furthermore , she gets no comfort and consolation from others or other classes , therefore she loses the sense of belonging .

  11. 她被指派代表我们发言。

    She was nominated to speak on our behalf .

  12. Web服务占据了当前网络70%以上的通信流量,并呈明显上升的趋势,在下一代互联网中Web服务普遍被认为代表了网格的发展方向。

    Web service , widely considered as the future trend of grid in the next generation of Internet , takes up more than 70 % of communication traffic and goes into its boom period .

  13. 然而,10月答案揭晓时,被选中代表中国大陆角逐学院奖的影片,却是费利普·弥勒(PhilippeMuyl)执导的小成本电影《夜莺》。

    Instead , it emerged in October that " The Nightingale , " a small-budget film directed by Philippe Muyl , had been chosen to represent the country at the Academy Awards .

  14. 签订本eula的人声明并保证,他被授权代表其雇主作为被许可人签订一项具有约束力的协议。

    The person entering into this EULA represents and warrants that he is authorized to enter into a binding agreement on behalf of his employer as the licensee .

  15. 法律上被允许代表别人行为的人委托书代表别人做事的书面授权证明

    Person who is legally allowed to act on behalf of someone else

  16. 他被答应代表经理在信件上签名。

    He was allowed to sign letters on behalf of the manager .

  17. 代表们被授权代表他们的成员投票。

    The delegate be mandate to vote on behalf of their membership .

  18. 他已被提名代表他日的国家参加谈判。

    He has been nominated to represent his country at the negotiations .

  19. 在以后的中世纪里,这种颜色被用来代表纯洁。

    In later medieval times , the color was thought to represent purity .

  20. 的确,美国妇女的地位在公共生活未被充分代表。

    American women are certainly under-represented in public life .

  21. 甚至连记者也被冠以代表身份的敬称。

    Even journalists are referred to by status-laden honorifics .

  22. 意味着同样的符号能够被用来代表很多不同的事物。

    That means the same symbol can be use to represent many different things .

  23. 秘书被授权代表经理签字。

    The secretary sign per pro the manager .

  24. 被大学代表队拒绝的人

    A reject from the varsity team

  25. 从这些早期的内容中分析发现,和现实世界中黑人的实际数量相比,电视中的黑人并没有被充分代表。

    These early content analyses found Blacks to be underrepresented compared to their numbers in the real world .

  26. 每个最体的上后方的面都被作为代表矢状曲线的一个点。

    The posterosuperior aspect of each vertebral body was chosen as a representative point for the spinal sagittal curve .

  27. 这组作者说,而且一些农业系统诸如传统的畜牧系统常常未被充分代表。

    And some farming systems , such as traditional pastoralist systems , are frequently under-represented , say the authors .

  28. 这些玩偶被认为代表一个脊椎变冷的疆界,不真实地死,但是实际上是活物。

    These dolls are meant to represent a spine-chilling border , not truly dead , but certainly not alive .

  29. 被大学代表队拒绝的人他断然拒绝为被告辩护。

    A reject from the varsity team He flatly declined to accept a brief on behalf of the accused .

  30. 上月,教会提出了一个观点,即可以采取积极行动,任命未被充分代表的女性为主教。

    Last month , the church floated the idea that affirmative action could be used to ordain underrepresented female bishops .