
  1. 但叶兴庆在周日的中欧国际工商学院(ChinaEuropeInternationalBusinessSchool)论坛上向《华尔街日报》(WallStreetJournal)表示,这主要是一些退休的军方官员在并非自己专业领域的一个问题上发表的看法。

    But this is mostly coming from some retired officers writing on an issue outside their areas of expertise , Mr. Ye told the Wall Street Journal at a China Europe International Business School conference on Sunday .

  2. 叶兴庆说,这一丑闻影响了美国玉米的订货量。

    The scandal blunted bookings of U.S. corn , Mr. Ye said .

  3. 叶兴庆说,尽管国内生产仍是中国最重要的政策,进口已经成为一个日益重要的成分。

    Though domestic production is still its most important policy , imports have become an increasingly crucial component , Mr. Ye said .

  4. 从叶兴庆的话中可以看出中国对转基因食品的各种不同观点,这些观点使转基因食品成为中国最具争议的公共政策问题之一。

    Mr. Ye 's remarks offer an insight to the different stripes of opinion that make GMOs one of China 's most contentious public policy issues .

  5. 叶兴庆说,但尽管供应国的多元化可能是一个可取的目标,但北京目前尚未特意追求这样一种政策。

    But , even though the diversification of its suppliers may be a desirable goal , Beijing isn 't deliberately pursuing such a policy just yet , Mr. Ye said .