
  • 网络land value-added income
  1. 城镇土地增值收益计算模式研究

    Research on Calculation Pattern of Town Land Rise in Value

  2. 城市基础设施建设与土地增值收益分配问题探讨

    Discussion on the City Infrastructure and Allocation of Added Values from Land

  3. 上海轨道交通站点周边土地增值收益的量化分析与对策研究

    Quantitative Analysis of Incremental Profit from Land Surrounding Shanghai Rail Transport Stations and Study of Countermeasures

  4. 基于制度租的视角,探讨了城市化进程中土地增值收益的来源问题。

    Based on the system rent , the article discusses the source of land added-value on the urbanization .

  5. 改革征地制度,提高农民在土地增值收益中的分配比例。

    We should reform the land expropriation system and increase the share of gain in land value to farmers .

  6. 目前农地转用的矛盾焦点集中在土地增值收益的分配上,被征地农民权益所得与土地增值之间的剪刀差不断增大,其收益严重受损。

    The conversion of agricultural land is currently focused on the contradiction of the distribution of land value-added benefits .

  7. 城市化进程中的土地增值收益研究&基于制度租的视角

    The Research of the Land Added-value Benefit in the Process of Urbanization & Based on the Perspective of the System Rent

  8. 以产权经济学的理论为基础,对征地中土地增值收益的来源和分配原则进行分析,并提出了相应的解决办法。

    On the basis of property rights economics , this paper analyzes the problem of origin and distribution principle of land increment profit in the process of land requisition and puts forward corresponding solutions .

  9. 厘清农地与建设用地的价格关系,才能形成合理的集体建设用地流转价格,并建立合理的土地增值收益分配关系。

    The aim of clarifying the relationship between the price of the agricultural land and construction land is to form a reasonable of collective construction land , establish a rational distribution relationship on land appreciation .

  10. 通过对克拉玛依土地增值收益形成过程的分析认为,在划拨土地使用权出让价格中,企业与地方6:4分成的比例是符合政策和实际的。

    The figure on the analysis of Karamay city land value increment shows that the 4 : 6 distribute proportion on the gratis land access remise price between the forms and local government are according to the policy and practice .

  11. 本文在厘清土地增值收益来源的基础上,剖析我国土地征收中增值收益分配的现状和问题,对土地增值收益公平分配提出构想性的建议。

    On the basis of getting clear the source of incremental benefit of land , we analyse the actuality and problems of incremental benefit during land expropriation , and offer some imaginable proposals about fairly allotting incremental benefit of land .

  12. 然而,小产权房的存在,既解决了城市中低收入者住房难的问题,又实现了农民的土地增值收益、增加了农民收入。

    However , the existence of HLPR has , not only solve the housing problem of the medium and low-income households of urban residents , but also help the farmers to get the land value-added benefits and increase their ' income .

  13. 城市土地增值及其收益分配研究

    The Study of Urban Land Value Increment and Revenue Distribution

  14. 为了让农民获取土地增值的收益和分享工业化带来的成果,必须建立起农民自己的土地资本化。

    In order to allow farmers to obtain the benefit of land value increment and share the results of industrialization , the capitalization of their land should be established .

  15. 被征农用土地的增值及其收益分配研究

    Study on the Increment Value and Income Distribution of the Levied Farmland

  16. 第五,地方政府剥夺了土地增值的大部分收益,城镇居民享受的房地产增值收益较少。

    Fifth , the local government has deprived of the land value increment of earnings , urban residents enjoy real estate appreciation income less .

  17. 其次是对土地征收中增值收益的形成机理进行了分析,分为合理性增值和不合理性增值两大类,对两大类又分别进行了分析。

    Followed I analyze the formation mechanism of the value of land revenue in the land acquisition , which is divided into reasonable and unreasonable value-added two categories , that are analyzed again .

  18. 土地征收中的增值收益如何实现公平分享是一个困扰我国理论界和实务界的现实性难题,也是一个关涉社会公平正义及和谐稳定的政治问题。

    How to equally share incremental benefit during land expropriation that is a realistic problem which puzzled Chinese legal sources for academic and for professional , and that is a political problem which concerns social fair , justice , harmonious and stabilization .

  19. 最终提出一次性补偿与持续性补偿相结合、根据对土地增值的贡献决定对土地增值收益的分享份额以及区分公益性土地征收与营利性土地征收的不同补偿标准等增值收益公平分配的构想。

    Finally , we offer the idea of several methods of allotting incremental benefit of land , such as combining one-off compensation and sustained compensation , participating in allocation according to contribution and making a distinction between public interest and productiveness and so on different compensation standards .

  20. 但我国现行土地征收制度排除了农民获取土地增值收益的权利,侵害了农民集体和农民的土地权利与经济利益。

    However land expropriation system excludes the farmer rights which they can get the land increment proceeds , this badly invade the land rights and economic behalf of farmers .

  21. 缴纳的土地出让金即为改变用途后的土地增值收益。

    To some extent , the land transfer payments are equivalent to the land value-added benefits .

  22. 土地征用补偿范围窄、标准低,土地增值收益分配不合理,农民获得的土地补偿收益较低;

    The range of the compensation for land expropriation is incomprehensive , and the standard is low ; the distribution of land increment returns is irrational , and the compensating returns obtained by peasants is lower ;

  23. 本文运用实证研究方法探讨了土地增量储备过程中的土地增值机理与土地增值收益测算,以便于确定增值收益分配。

    The purpose of this paper is to explore the land value increment Mechanism of land banking and measurement of land profit .

  24. 为了规范土地、房地产市场交易秩序,合理调节土地增值收益,维护国家权益,制定本条例。

    These Regulations are formulated in order to regulate the order of land and real estate market transactions , to reasonably adjust the benefit from land appreciation and to safeguard the rights and interests of the State .

  25. 区域性土地制度改革新思路:土地的梯次配置和土地增值收益梯次分配

    A New Idea of the Regional Land System Reform : Allocation of Land and Distribution of Value-added in Circulation

  26. 城市土地增值反映的是城市土地价值的上涨或者增加,而城市土地增值收益是由于城市土地价格的上涨或增加而带给相关部门或个人的货币收入,前者是因,后者是果。

    Urban land value-added reflects the value of urban land rise or increase , while the valued-added benefits is due to the price rising or increasing of urban land bring currency income for relevant department or personal , the former is reason , the latter is the result .

  27. 土地资源方面,利用地价函数法建立了武汉市轨道交通一号线二期沿线土地开发的增值收益模型;

    On the aspect of soil resource , it is established the model of economic benefit of soil exploitation of Wuhan rail transit ;

  28. 在我国现行的土地征收制度下,各级政府通过强势行使土地规划权和农用地转建设用地审批权,基本上将土地征收中的增值收益全部收归囊中。

    Under the existing system of land expropriation in our country , all governments basically get all incremental benefit during land expropriation through forcing to make use of the power of planning land and the power of examine and approve agricultural land turns to land for construction .